Usuga es hermana del . Aunque los registros delictivos de Otoniel en poder de la Fiscala de Estados Unidos son escasos, la aceptacin de cargos brinda un nuevo comienzo en las investigaciones adelantadas contra el cabecilla. "[64][63] The joint federal statement, which was released on January 4, 2021, also revealed that the number of Clan del Golfo members arrested during the phase of Operation Agamemnon that started on December 30, 2020, had by then grown to 198. These include zones with natural seaports along the Caribbean coast, or areas where coca base must be bought, like Caucasia or Taraz in Antioquia (InSight has also heard reports of an Urabeo cell in Medelln). Sanciones hasta de 900.000 pesos por no usar el tapabocas en TransMilenio, Trasplantes de rganos en Colombia aument en 2022, Reforma salud: 25 congresistas piden que sea tramitada por ley estatutaria, Germn Vargas Lleras radic contrarreforma a la salud propuesta por Cambio Radical. Nini Johana Usuga, who was extradited to the United States to face charges . There are also indications that the group has been successful enough in terms of recruitment to move into other key territories like Barrancabermeja, Santander, one of Colombia's oil towns long prized by the Rastrojos. a Nini Johana suga, hermana de 'Otoniel'), Neymar public lo que se escribi con sus compaeros de Brasil tras eliminacin, Capturan cuatro colombianos con dos toneladas de cocana en un barco en Honduras, Pap del hijo de Clara Rojas estara vivo, segn 'Martn Sombra', Estafas: los 4 mensajes que ms usan los ladrones, si le llegan, no los abra). [43] It was also suggested that his role in the cartel was exaggerated a little and that while he was heavily involved in the cartel, and serving as the cartel's No. Colombia's Prosecutor General's Office, the Medellin 's Judicial Services Center and the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) have begun investigating the case of Nini Johana Usuga David, alias "la Negra," after it was believed that she and three other detainees belonging to what is now the most powerful drug-trafficking [58] On October 16, 2020, Colombian National Police announced that a senior Clan del Golfo financier who served leader of cartel's Edwin Romn Velzquez Valle substructure was among four Edwin Romn Velzquez Valle members who were arrested in the Antioquia municipalities of Buritic, Saznta Fe and Livorina. Nini Johana suga David, alias 'La Negra', ha llegado a un acuerdo con la Justicia de Estados Unidos y ha aceptado los diferentes cargos por narcotrfico, comprometindose a colaborar en . The Gulf Clan will buy coca base from the FARC, but the two groups will not collaborate much further than that. Clan del golfo. Rendn's men soon began clashing with the Paisas, then a rural, armed wing of the Oficina. Av. Dairo Antonio Usuga David a.k.a Otoniel in the net. 'La Negra' es hermada de Dairo Antonio suga David, 'Otoniel', quien fue el jefe mximo del 'Clan', la estructura ms grande del pas dedicada al narcotrfico. By 2008, Rendn Herrera was one of the richest and most-wanted traffickers in Colombia. [1][2] By August 2019, 16 members of the suga family had also been arrested in less than a six-year period. [45], On May 4, 2020, leader of the cartel's violent Jorge Ivn Arboleda Garcs fraction Aureliano Prez Caballero, alias Dvinson, was arraigned in court following his arrest the previous day. According to the police, she was stashing money in her brother's . Their base is near and around the Urab gulf, including the Tierralta and Valencia municipalities in Cordoba and the eleven municipalities in the Urab sub-region in Antioquia. Segn el documento entregado por la justicia norteamericana, la integrante del clan confes, acept sus cargos y se comprometi a colaborar en otras investigaciones. Colombia Extradites Accused Drug Cartel Leader's Sister to U.S, Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the United States, at the Military Transport Air Command (CATAM) in Bogota, Colombia July 1, 2022. Cuando quieras, cambia los temas que elegiste. They include Carlos Mario Usuga David, brother of Otoniel and the then-finance chief of the Clan del Golfo; and three of the gang leaders cousins: Luis Angel Usuga Murillo, Alexander Montoya Usuga and Harlison Usuga Usuga. Una seccin exclusiva donde podras seguir tus temas. La manera ms rapida para ponerte al da. The program by Vice attempted to expose the strong connection and extremely lucrative partnership the Clan reportedly shares with the Albanian mafia in their massive cocaine pipeline to the markets in Europe, particularly in London. [17], On September 19, 2020, The Economist described the Clan del Golfo as now a group "composed of demobilized right-wing paramilitaries. Cabe mencionar que por Otoniel, el Gobierno nacional ofrece una recompensa de hasta 3.000 millones de pesos, mientras que el gobierno de Estados Unidos ofrece 5 millones de dlares. Firmamos la Resolucin que autoriza la extradicin de Nini Johana suga David, hermana de alias Otoniel, para que responda ante la justicia de EE. Conoce esta herramienta digital, Karol G dio el motivo por el que se retira de los escenarios, no hay marcha atrs, Muri La Tigresa Irma Serrano, famosa actriz y cantante mexicana. 9. Nini Johana Usuga, alias "La Negra", es esposada por agentes de Interpol al ser extraditada a Estados Unidos desde Bogot, Colombia, el viernes 1 de julio de 2022. [43] On April 25, 2020, cartel leader Gustavo Adolfo lvarez Tllez, who was one of Colombia's most wanted drug lords and also had a bounty of up to 580 million pesos for his capture, was arrested at his lavish estate in Ceret while holding a party under quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic. [16] Under Loquillo's leadership, the Clan del Golfo concentrates its criminal actions on the Caribbean Trunk, especially in Santa Marta and the surrounding municipalities of the Magdalena department, using new platforms large cocaine shipments through boats that dock near the municipalities of Magdalena in Puebloviejo and Cinaga. In October 2017, it published a pamphlet entitled "Pistol Plan against the Patriotic Union" in which it threatened members of this political party or NGOs with death. [30] The three remaining leaders remained free (alias Otoniel, Carlos Moreno, alias Nicols and Aristides Meza, alias El Indio). 177 Followers, 218 Following, 2 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nini Usuga (@niniusuga) El proceso de extradicin empez pasadas las 8:00 de la maana. [29], The Gulf Clan rely on at least 1,200 members in their top level of command. UU. Rendn then found refuge in the Urab region, where his brother Freddy, alias El Aleman, headed his own paramilitary group, the Bloque Elmer Cardenas. She also is alleged to have served as a liaison who coordinated the shipment of drugs from Colombia to other countries. Abogado de EEUU es sentenciado a cadena perpetua por asesinar a su esposa e hijo, No olviden a los pases ms pobres!, exigi alta representante de ONU, Canad permiti a una compaa producir y vender cocana, Falleci a los 89 aos Wayne Shorter, una de las leyendas del jazz, Protestas e indignacin en Grecia, mientras crece la cifra de muertos por choque de trenes, Colombia firm acuerdo para proteger reservas naturales del Pacfico Tropical, Hipoptamos de Pablo Escobar sern trasladados a Mxico, Estas son las medidas que se decretaron tras la alerta ambiental que vive Bogot, Calidad del aire en Bogot se ve afectada por incendios forestales en la Orinoqua, La iniciativa en Antioquia que une a los recicladores y a la literatura. [42], In March 2020, Marihuano was revealed to be living in the Darin Jungle in cabins he built himself. Colombian police accuse Nini Johana Usaga, 39, of being responsible for laundering drug money for the Clan del Golfo and handling international relations with cartels in other countries like Mexico, helping to coordinate shipments of narcotics. Dairo Antonio suga David Colombia don capture Otoniel, di most wanted drug trafficker and leader of di kontri largest criminal gang. En este libro testimonial, uno de sus hijos repasa su historia, La historia de Jorge Mario Bergoglio, de origen argentino, ha sido de gran inters para la televisin y el cine, y te dejamos algunos ttulos para conocer mejor su trayectoria, Tras una pesquisa de casi dos dcadas, el historiador del cine Fernando Martn Pea pudo comprobar su hiptesis de que el filme dirigido por Fritz Lang en 1927 estaba en Buenos Aires, Rubn Romano surgi en el Globo, pero dej su huella en su paso por el Cicln, club del cual es hincha. [60] Four Colombians and one Honduran on the submarine which contained the cocaine hydrochloride were arrested as well. Bogot D.C., Colombia. . [27][28], According to a November 2021 InsightCrime report, the Clan reportedly has a strong presence in the Colombian departments of Antioquia, Crdoba and Sucre, a moderate presence in the departments of Cauca, Valle del Cauca, Choc, Nario, Bolvar, Atlntico, Magdalena, Norte de Santander and a low or minimal presence in the departments of Cesar, Santander, Boyac, La Guajira, Risaralda, Casanare, Meta and Vichada. Three Clan del Golfo members with him were injured and arrested during the shootout with the police as well. 22 people were arrested, including Otoniel's sister Nini Johana Usuga. When Freddy Rendn chose to demobilize in 2006, his brother Don Mario seized the opportunity to expand his drug trafficking operations in the Urab gulf. Lnea gratuita nacional: 018000 123 414 [40], Between January and August 2019, Colombian police reported 339 captures and nine members killed in Public Force operations, in addition, the seizure of 12.6 tons of cocaine hydrochloride which, according to the authorities, leads to close the fence over the heir to a structure that spread throughout the country. Le puede interesar: Cae presunto responsable de Plan Pistola y homicidio del polica Yueyler Blandn en Antioquia. Luego de tomar notoriedad, en el trabajo de las autoridades por detener a los cabecillas del Clan, se han capturado al menos una quincena de parientes de Otoniel, mientras que otros tres han sido abatidos, entre ellos Juan de Dios suga David, alias Giovany, dado de baja en 2012 durante un operativo de las fuerzas militares. Bogota, Jul 1 (EFE).- Colombian authorities on Friday extradited the sister of the alleged leader of the Clan del Golfo crime gang to the United States, where she is wanted for laundering proceeds from drug trafficking, the National Police said in a statement. Otoniel, who according to Colombian authorities trafficked 180 to 200 tonnes of cocaine a year, was detained last October in Antioquia province. Una seccin exclusiva donde podrs seguir tus temas. [46][47][48] On May 27, 2020, the leader of the cartel's Carlos Vazquez fraction, identified as "Fabian," and seven of his associates were arrested. "There is a lot of testimony, as well as material evidence and physical evidence, that connects her to the drug trafficking of the Clan del Golfo," Vargas said. In March 2021, Usuga's sister, Nini Johana Usuga David, also known as "La Negra," was also arrested. The current front-runner for the 2024 GOP nomination cycled through familiar grievances and portrayed himself as the only person who could save the country from a doom-and-gloom future. Nini Johana suga, alias "La Negra", hermana del capo del narco colombiano Dairo Antonio suga ("Otoniel)", recluido en Estados Unidos, fue extraditada este viernes al pas norteamericano . 9. La mujer, que fue extraditada en julio. Nini Johana Usuga and Juan de Dios suga David, both of whom have a criminal record, are thought to be his siblings. UU. Nini Johana suga es hermana de 'Otoniel'. Guarda mi nombre, correo electrnico y web en este navegador para la prxima vez que comente. Segn las investigaciones, se ha desarrollado como una estructura familiar que, luego de la detencin de Daniel Rendn Herrera, alias Don Mario, qued bajo el mando de Otoniel. UU. [61], Between December 30, 2020, and January 2, 2021, 181 Clan del Golfo members were successfully targeted in Operation Agamemnon, with the Colombia Presidency and Colombian National releasing a joint statement revealing that "The mission was structured in 38 operations with 117 search procedures and raids, which resulted in 177 arrests and four neutralizations. (Foto: Agencias) . The United States is offering a $5 million reward for information that leads to the capture of Otoniel, who is accused of trafficking hundreds of tonnes of cocaine to the North American country, while Colombia is offering just over $800,000. Al 'Aceptar' consideramos que apruebas los cambios. Sigue tus temas favoritos en un lugar exclusivo para ti. Browse an unrivalled portfolio of real-time and historical market data and insights from worldwide sources and experts. Noticias 24/7 de Sucre, el Caribe, Colombia y el mundo. Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the United States, at the Military Transport Air Command (CATAM) in Bogota, Colombia July 1, 2022. (Le sugerimos leer:Extraditan a EE. A collection of moments during and after Barack Obama's presidency. The Gulf Clan may yet prove themselves capable of expanding their operations beyond the Caribbean coast and northern Colombia if they are not derailed by their war with the Rastrojos. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. ( FOTOS COLPRENSA) ? MADRID, 17 Feb. (EUROPA PRESS) - Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', ha sido puesta bajo libertad condicional en Estados Unidos y ser deportada a Colombia, despus de que en diciembre de 2022. [51][52], On June 8, 2020, three Gulf Clan members who were planning to kill civilians in Choc were arrested. MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS) Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', ha sido puesta bajo libertad condicional en Estados Unidos y ser deportada a Colombia, despus de que en diciembre de 2022 aceptara los cargos por narcotrfico y lavado de dinero que se le imputaban. "[18] On October 8, 2020, it was revealed that El Soldado was killed in the course of military operations in the Antioquia region of Lower Cacua. Arezzo was one of the major Etruscan Lucumonies and later became a . [57] On October 15, 2020, one of two Clan del Golfo members who killed a man at a car wash located in the Yal department in Antioquia was killed by the members of the Colombian National Army, while the other was captured. [citation needed], The Gulf Clan are also known to contract local street gangs who help with the retail and mid-level distribution of cocaine, extortion and select assassination. Colombian National Police officers escort Nini Johana Usuga, alias 'La Negra', sister of 'Otoniel', top leader of the organized armed group Clan del Golfo, before being extradited to the. Rendn fled the Eastern Plains in June after a falling out with Arroyave. Otoniel initially was a member of the Popular Liberation Army (ELP), a guerrilla group with a Maoist orientation, but later joined the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), formerly Colombias largest far-right paramilitary organization. Nini Johana suga David, hermana de Dairo Antonio suga, alias 'Otoniel', exjefe de la banda criminal 'Clan del Golfo', fue extraditada a los Estados Unidos este viernes al ser solicitada por ese pas por lavado de dinero del narcotrfico.. La mujer, conocida con el alias de 'La Negra', es sealada de hacer parte de una organizacin armada y de ser la encargada de . Bienes de 'Memo Fantasma' pasan al Fondo de Reparacin de Vctimas, Poltica de Tratamiento de Datos de CASA EDITORIAL EL TIEMPO S.A. 45 # 26 - 33 - Telfonos (+57)(601) 2200700. Da Mundial de la Obesidad: qu riesgos para la salud tiene esta enfermedad? Otoniel, 50 , was captured during operation Osiris in a rural area of Colombia 's Uraba region, located in Antioquia province. These cells then attempt to recruit local informants, especially collaborators who can inform them of the actions of the security forces. BOGOT - Colombian authorities confirmed on Wednesday that one of the main leaders of the Clan del Golfo cartel was found dead, after the capture and extradition to the United States of its head boss Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Othniel". A esta hora se adelantan los trmites en el. [8] Their main source of income is cocaine trafficking as they appear to be the largest distributors of cocaine in all of Colombia. De acuerdo con la informacin conocida desde La Florida, 'la Negra' acept en especifco el cargo deconspiracin para distribuir cocana, considerado un delito federal. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. Segun las autoridades era la encargada de las finanzas del 'Clan del Golfo' a partir del lavado. BOGOT - Colombian authorities confirmed on Wednesday that one of the main leaders of the Clan del Golfo cartel was found dead, after the capture and extradition to the United States of its head boss Dairo Antonio suga David, alias "Othniel". [23][24], On January 1, 2012, Juan de Dios Usuga-David, alias "Giovany," was killed in a police raid on a ranch in the Choc department. Colombia 's armed forces have captured Dairo Antonio Usuga, known as Otoniel, in the biggest blow to drug trafficking in the Andean country since the death of Pablo Escobar, President Ivan Duque said on Saturday. By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. In 2001, the Castaos sold one of their armed groups, later known as Bloque Centauros, to another warlord, Miguel Arroyave, allegedly for US$7 million. [30], The top command deploys teams of trained, armed men to rural areas vital for drug-trafficking operations. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. [1][2] It was also reported that rather than Chiquito Malo, fellow Cuarentano-employed trafficker Daro suga Torres, alias "Pueblo," was named by Colombian police as Cuarentano's most likely successor. La Negra, es requerida en extradicin por la Corte del Distrito Sur de la Florida, Estados Unidos, por narcotrfico. Authorities say Otoniel, 50, is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of members of Colombia's security forces. Her brother, accused head of the Clan del Golfo, was extradited to face drug trafficking charges in the United States in early May. By "sponsoring" other low-level gangs, this group has been able to maintain small, select cells of highly disciplined men in the field, responsible for ever-larger swathes of territory. Junto a alias la Negra son extraditadas seis personas ms, entre ellas dos exintegrantes de las extintas Farc. Information gathered by police suggests the 39-year-old woman was in charge of managing illicit finances connected to drug trafficking via money laundering, and that - due to her family ties - she is one of her brother Dario's closest confidants within Clan del Golfo, Vargas said. Tras fugarse de prisin, en Medelln, luego de falsificar unos documentos, fue puesta de nuevo a disposicin de la justicia en 2014, cuando fue condenada por concierto para delinquir, porte ilegal de armas de fuego, fuga de presos, falsedad en documento pblico y fraude procesal. "[54] Perea was suspected of being involved in selective killings in the municipalities of Baha Solano, Nuqu, Jurad, as well as other townships and villages of the area. 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Nini Johana suga, alias 'La Negra', la hermana del narcotraficante alias 'Otoniel', fue extraditada este viernes a Estados Unidos, anunci el Gobierno colombiano. de julio de este ao a Estados Unidos por solicitud de la Corte para el Distrito Sur del de la Florida, que le adelantaba un. Hemos cambiado nuestra Poltica de privacidad y la Poltica de datos de navegacin. The five-week long clamp down on the Urabeos group, which has since 2009 been commanded by the Usuga brothers clan, has resulted in a severe blow to the structure of the criminal organization, . Sin embargo, en 2014 se haba fugado de la crcel donde estaba recluida tras falsificar unos documentos. Police blamed Rendn's organization for at least 3,000 homicides between 2007 and 2009. Since Rendn's capture, the remnants of his organization had fallen under the control of the Usuga-David brothers, Juan de Dios and Dario Antonio, two former mid-ranking paramilitaries believed to have worked with Rendn since the 1990s. Con sus 50 aos ha sido mas conocido por los alias de Otoniel, Mauricio y Mao. "Fue extraditada a EEUU Nini Johana suga David, alias 'la Negra', hermana de alias 'Otoniel' y encargada de las finanzas del Clan del Golfo a partir del lavado de activos y los enlaces con carteles internacionales para el envo de cocana a distintos pases", indic la Polica Nacional por medio de un tuit, en el que adems se podan ver
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