(3) Not less than one-third of the individuals with disabilities served also will be low-income individuals. SULB 343 - Hammond. (b) For each grant competition, the Secretary designates, in the Federal Register notice inviting applications and other published application materials for the competition, the different populations for which an eligible entity may submit a separate application. The following regulations apply to the Student Support Services Program: (a) The Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) in 34 CFR parts 75 (except for 75.215 through 75.221), 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, 97, 98, and 99. The official, published CFR, is updated annually and available below under What activities and services does a project provide? (d) Process for establishing a funding band. The Talent Search program aims to improve the college enrollment rates for middle and high school students from disadvantaged backgrounds.Target schools are the focus of Talent Search program services that grantees deliver.. TRIO also includes a training program for directors and staff of TRIO projects. What is the Student Support Services Program? The funding success rate for this grant cycle is 97%. TRIO | Lake Washington Institute of Technology The Student Support Services Program (SSS) . Email: Lavelle.Wright@ed.gov. Homeless children and youth means persons defined in section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. You can learn more about the process (10) The average of the peer reviewers' scores from the second peer review are used in the second ranking of applications. TRIO Student Support Services Program - NSSC We know that college can sometimes seem like a complicated maze, and we want to support you during your time at ENMU. (ii) For the peer review score, an administrative error is applying the wrong peer reviewer scores to an application. (1) (3 points) The qualifications required of the project director, including formal education and training in fields related to the objectives of the project, and experience in designing, managing, or implementing Student Support Services or similar projects; (2) (3 points) The qualifications required of other personnel to be used in the project, including formal education, training, and work experience in fields related to the objectives of the project; and. Search & Navigation Eligibility is based on several factors: U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status first-generation college status low-income status disability status academic need At SCC, the TRIO grant has received continuation funds in the amount of $220,000 to continue to deliver a Student Support Services (SSS) program on campus to 140 eligible students. 1070a-11 and 1070a-14, unless otherwise noted. contact the publishing agency. TRiO Student Support Services to Host Community Coffee - UAHT TRIO Student Support Services - Emporia State University (2) While sharing some of the same needs as another population that the eligible entity has applied for a grant to serve, has distinct needs for specialized services. Private Computer Lab Access and Study Rooms, Familial and supportive environment and network. The maximum score for each criterion is indicated in parentheses with the criterion. The grant provides the College with $1.3 million over five years to serve up to 140 students each year, from entering students through their senior year. (A) A peer reviewer's appropriate use of his or her professional judgment in evaluating and scoring an application; (B) Any situation in which the applicant did not include information needed to evaluate its response to a specific selection criterion in the appropriate section of the application as stipulated in the Federal Register notice inviting applications or the other published application materials for the competition; or. Since the expansion of the colleges mission, the proportion ofSSS eligible students enrolled at SCC has been nearly 60% each fiscal year. formatting. TRiO Student Support Services (SSS) is a Department of Education grant-funded program committed to increasing the retention, graduation, and transfer rates of its participants. Guide To Federal Education Assistance Programs - Affordable Colleges Online To foster an institutional climate supportive of the success . is available with paragraph structure matching the official CFR Trio Programs: What Is It And How Can It Benefit You? The Secretary may adjust this percentage if the applicant demonstrates to the Secretary's satisfaction that a higher percentage is necessary and reasonable. TRIO Student Support Services | TCC: Tulsa Community College The topics covered in the trainings include but are not limited to legislative and regulatory requirements; assisting students in receiving adequate financial aid; the design and operation of model programs; the use of appropriate educational technology; and strategies for recruiting and serving hard to reach populations. More information about Student Support Services. (g) Evaluation plan (8 points). (c) Research not directly related to the evaluation or improvement of the project. - Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education, - Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education, https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-34/subtitle-B/chapter-VI/part-646. The program also serves those who meet certain income criteria and students with documented disabilities. 2020-2021 Training opportunities coming soon! will bring you directly to the content. (2) 34 CFR 75.253, for the second and subsequent years of a project period. Participate in workshops on graduate school, student leadership & advocacy. TRIO Student Support Services | University of Mary in Bismarck, ND (4) (10 points) The plan to provide services that address the goals and objectives of the project. . Subpart B - How Does One Apply for an Award? (c) The Secretary does not award PE points for the criterion specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section (Number of participants) if the applicant did not serve at least the approved number of participants. You can Who is eligible to participate in a Student Support Services project? TRIO Student Support Services Program | SUNY Geneseo TRIO Student Support Services - Fayetteville State University TRIO Programs - ed TRIO TRIO Footprint Project Sites Map View the geographical reach of TRIO projects throughout the nation in academic year 2020-21 for all eight TRIO programs. Student Support Services (SSS), is the largest and most expansive program promoting college success for first-generation, low-income students, and students with disabilities as it provides academic tutoring, personal coaching, and other supports necessary for such students to persist and ultimately graduate from college. This grant will support the success, retention, and graduation of first-generation students, students from low-income families and/or students with identified disabilities. Once your application and all required documents are properly submitted, your application TRiO Student Support Services - North Carolina A&T State University The TRIO Student Support Services (SSS) grant program provides services to first generation, low income, Veterans, and students with disabilities to help overcome social, academic and cultural barriers to higher education. [61 FR 38537, July 24, 1996, as amended at 75 FR 65792, Oct. 26, 2010]. TRIO awarded Student Support Services grant - etsu.edu (i) Information on both the full range of Federal student financial aid programs and benefits (including Federal Pell Grant awards and loan forgiveness) and resources for locating public and private scholarships; and. (b) Tuition, fees, stipends, and other forms of direct financial support, except for Grant aid under 646.30(i) for staff or participants. Elizabeth Retamozo, NEC Principal & Executive Director, celebrated the success of her clients and her team during this grant cycle. (7) If the Secretary determines that the Department or the Department's agent made an administrative error that relates to the PE points awarded, as described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, the Secretary adjusts the applicant's PE score to reflect the correct number of PE points. Printable view (a) Number of Participants. (2) (2 points) In good academic standing at grantee institution. (5) An applicant whose application was not funded after the first review as described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section and whose application received a score within the funding band as described in paragraph (d) of this section has at least 15 calendar days after receiving notification that its application was not funded in which to submit a written request for a second review in accordance with the instructions and due date provided in the Secretary's written notification. (6) Assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. (4) Education or counseling services designed to improve the financial and economic literacy of students, including financial planning for postsecondary education. Program Type: Discretionary/Competitive Grants CFDA Number : 84.103A TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. 75 FR 65791, Oct. 26, 2010, unless otherwise noted. During this twenty-year period, Mary Allen White has served as Director of the grant program. (8) If the Secretary determines that the Department, the Department's agent or the peer reviewer made an administrative error that relates to the peer reviewers' score(s), as described in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section, the Secretary adjusts the applicant's peer reviewers' score(s) to correct the error. 1995 - 2023 (6) An applicant's written request for a second review must be received by the Department or submitted electronically to the designated e-mail or Web address by the due date and time established by the Secretary. income students (Table 1). TRIO SSS has moved to the 3rd floor of the NEW Student Success Center (located between Old Main and Memorial Hall). Combination of institutions of higher education means two or more institutions of higher education that have entered into a cooperative agreement for the purpose of carrying out a common objective, or an entity designated or created by a group of institutions of higher education for the purpose of carrying out a common objective on their behalf. Also Known As: TRIO Staff Training (This is one of eight TRIO programs.). (2) An administrative error relates to either the PE points or the scores assigned to the application by the peer reviewers. (i) A scoring error relates only to the peer review process and includes errors caused by a reviewer who, in assigning points -, (A) Uses criteria not required by the applicable law or program regulations, the Federal Register notice inviting applications, the other published application materials for the competition, or guidance provided to the peer reviewers by the Secretary; or. TRIO Student Support Services | Volunteer State Community College 2020 Student Support Services Grant Competition Success - NEC TRiO Lordana Guillaume, TRIO SSS coordinator at GuillaL@SCF.edu or 941-752-5463. (5) Securing temporary housing during breaks in the academic year for -, (i) Students who are homeless children and youths or were formerly homeless children and youths; and. New The 2021-2022 Student Support Services Annual Performance Report is available February 23, 2023. In 2019, the federal student aid program awarded $246 billion in financial aid, including over $41 billion in grants. More information can be foundhere. TRIO Student Support Services - Services (5) Degree completion and transfer (for an applicant institution of higher education offering primarily an associate degree). These grants are essential to colleges and universities, and our team has consistently worked collaboratively with our clients to help them achieve success. (6) Programs and activities as described in paragraph (a) of this section or paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(4) of this section that are specially designed for students who are limited English proficient, students from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in postsecondary education, students who are individuals with disabilities, students who are homeless children and youths, students who are foster care youth, or other disconnected students. (ii) The maximum total score for all the criteria in 646.22 is 15 points. How does the Secretary decide which new grants to make? (4) (4 points) Degree completion (for an applicant institution of higher education offering primarily a baccalaureate or higher degree). 646.32 What other requirements must a grantee meet? Scholars work with staff and peer mentors to identify (a) The Secretary evaluates an application for a new grant as follows: (i) The Secretary evaluates the application on the basis of the selection criteria in 646.21. (b) The Secretary does not award PE points for a given year to an applicant that does not serve at least 90 percent of the approved number of participants. information or personal data. Approximately four thousand participants have received support and services from the program. TRIO | Lake Washington Institute of Technology The goal of TRIO is to provide services to students who are low-income, first-generation (neither parent nor guardian has a bachelor's degree and neither does the student), or students with disabilities. (1) The basis for the grantee's determination that each participant is eligible to participate in the project under 646.3; (2) The grantee's basis for determining the academic need for each participant; (3) The services that are provided to each participant; (4) The performance and progress of each participant by cohort for the duration of the participant's attendance at the grantee institution; and. The Director for TRIO SSS will take a lead role in ensuring the successful implementation and renewal of our approved 5-year federal grant which includes two projects; Student Support Services and STEM Student Support Services. What is TRiO? | TRiO Student Support Services | University of Colorado An institution of higher education or a combination of institutions of higher education is eligible to receive a grant to carry out a Student Support Services project. State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate and baccalaureate degrees. At SCC, the TRIO SSS grant has received continuation funds in the amount of $220,000 to continue to deliver a Student Support Services (SSS) program on campus to 140 eligible students. New The 2021-2022 Veterans Upward Bound Annual Performance Report is available February 23, 2023. About TRIO Student Support Services Program. What assurances and other information must an applicant include in an application? or existing codification. (d) Institutional commitment (16 points). The cost principles that apply to the Student Support Services Program are in 2 CFR part 200, subpart E. Allowable costs include the following if they are reasonably related to the objectives of the project: (a) Cost of remedial and special classes if -. (2) To the extent practical, the grantee may share staff with programs serving similar populations provided the grantee maintains appropriate records of staff time and effort and does not commingle grant funds. Provides leadership, planning, and supervision to the federally funded TRIO Student Support Services program, a federally funded grant designed to support low income, first-generation, and students with disabilities in reaching their academic goals including college persistence and graduation. (4) An applicant that was not selected for funding following the competition as described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section and whose application received a score within the funding band as described in paragraph (d) of this section, may request a second review if the applicant demonstrates that the Department, the Department's agent, or a peer reviewer made an administrative or scoring error as provided in paragraph (b) of this section.