You are in the middle of a communist takeover, and you do not even realize it. For these reasons I will soon bring My Warning, and My call of My faithful to My refuges. You cannot eat your money in a food shortage. Jesus said: My people, I would like all of My people to have as strong a faith as the Roman centurion. Then I will call you to My refuges of protection., Jesus said: My people, after I have cleansed the earth of all the demons and evil people, I will truly renew the face of the earth, and My faithful will see a new heavens and a new earth. He fulfilled his mission as one crying out from the desert that people should repent of their sins and be baptized by immersion in the water of the Jordan River. The internet can have evil things that affect people, so pray to use this service properly, but be aware of its evil use.. The commentator in your interview asked you how you knew these words are from Me, and you told her how you tested the spirit to see that it is really from Me. Jesus said: My people, I told you that the vaccinated people could die from the vaccine, and even sooner when a deadly virus is released. When the wind and floods came, his house remained firm because it had a good foundation. You also will have round the clock perpetual Adoration, so My faithful can worship Me at their appointed hours. So do not believe the lies of the evil ones, but only follow My directions to avoid taking the Covid vaccine and avoid taking the flu shots., Thursday, June 3, 2021: (St. Charles Lwanga) Tobiah and Sarah should be an example to all newly married couples, as all couples should pray for a successful marriage. It is the strength from My Hosts that will strengthen you to survive the trials at My refuges. I love all of you, and you need to help your neighbor in any way that you can. Once the evil ones are in hell, then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. By eating properly with occasional fasting, you can stop any Covid delta variant attacks. You need to pray that wars do not start in the Ukraine or in Taiwan. John Filed Under Messages | Comments Off, Thursday, November 25, 2021: (Thanksgiving Day) Now, Biden is back to using Executive Orders to try and get the unvaccinated workers forced to take the Covid shot. When you love people and want to offer help, you should not be oppressed by evil people who want to force their will on you and control your lives. Try to make some special visits to show your love for Me at different times than Mass. When I am placed in a monstrance, more people worship Me at special prayer hours. You know that I will help you with your needs by trusting in My care for you., (Ron Huber memorial service) Jesus said: My son, you remember Ron years ago when you saw him at the Blue Army prayer group. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for his soul that may not have been prepared for his death. I will warn My believers with a cross on their forehead, that they will need to come to My refuges so they are protected by My angels from the Antichrist and the demons during the tribulation. Pray for your farmers to be successful in bringing your food to the table., Jesus said: My people, when I bring My Warning before the next deadly virus, it would be good for My faithful to have their souls clean with Confession when they face Me at their mini-judgment. The demons were claiming possession of the young mans body as theirs, as they did not want to leave. Leary I will not force Myself on anyone., Sunday, May 30, 2021: (Trinity Sunday) This experience showed you how the demons answer to My authority in My Church. The Pharisees asked Me why I am eating dinner with tax collectors, and I told them the sick need a physician and not the self-righteous. I am the Great Healer, and I call My faithful to follow Me through all of lifes adversities. St. Raphael sent the evil demon back to hell so Tobiah and Sarah could live in peace. Vaccine mandates could ruin your economy, so they should be rejected. Jesus said: My people, when I or God the Father tells you something is about to happen, you need to take heed, even if it seems impossible to the normal course of events. This was great faith that the centurion trusted that I could heal someone from a distance without being in sight. Just as I will multiply your food, if needed before you come to My refuges, so also I will heal My vaccinated believers if they call on Me to heal them., Monday, June 28, 2021: (St. Irenaeus) Trust in Me to bring My Warning before vaccinated people will die from the next deadly virus. You are hearing of young adults dying without explanation. Be ready to come to My refuges when you see a major new war break out.. Pray the long form of St. Michaels prayer going and leaving from this exorcism. This is why I have been alerting My refuge builders to be ready to receive the people that I will send to them., Jesus said: My people, you have heard from your friend how evil the mandates are in Puerto Rico that the unvaccinated people cannot buy groceries or gasoline. Anne O'Leary on LinkedIn: #france #ireland #rugbyfamily # You can further show your love for Me by your good deeds in helping your neighbor. Jesus said: My people, in todays Gospel (Matt. I will still have My angels protect My faithful. Christian Prophecy Today Prophet John Leary - Messages from This was a traitorous act that killed so many innocent people, and the dust harmed even more people. God the Father said: I AM WHO AM is here to share this great feast of the Blessed Trinity because We are Three Persons in One God. If you do not fight this vaccine mandate and passports, you will soon be like Puerto Rico where unvaccinated people cannot work, buy groceries, or gasoline. Pray a novena and the St. Theresa prayers for a successful video., Jesus said: My son, you need to check all of your equipment to see that it is in working order. He decided to reinvent himself as a wannabe porn star as he claimed he was quitting showbiz in April 2021. He has both a spiritual director and a pastor who confirm that he is With My Most Perfect Sacrifice on the cross, there is no more need for animal offerings. Your Covid restrictions and the weakness of faith in your people, is evident in the fewer people attending Mass. Be ready for these shortages as I asked you to have three months of food stored for such times., Jesus said: My people, you will be fortunate at My refuges to have daily Holy Communion from either a priest at Mass, or My angels will distribute the consecrated Hosts. There is a strong suspicion that many flu deaths were being claimed as Covid deaths so the health people could push the vaccines. It was the effects of the Covid vaccine that caused my death. Remember once you are alerted to come to My refuges, that you will need to leave your homes within 20 minutes, and you will not return to your homes. Trust in Me and My angels who will be multiplying food and fuels for your people to survive., Thursday, September 9, 2021: (St. Peter Claver) Fight for your freedoms now, or you will lose all of them. Even yesterday, you were celebrating thanks for My many gifts to you on Thanksgiving Day, but the church had just a few more people than a daily Mass. You are also seeing more fires out West taking their toll on your homes. The promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever., Jesus said: My people, you are seeing the one world people trying to invade the privacy of your own home and force things on you that you did not want. This will be a travel that you have not done for quite a while. When you receive Holy Communion in the consecrated Host, you are receiving all Three Persons of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, because We are indivisible and We are One. When you come to Me in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament on earth, you are preparing yourself to live with Me in heaven. Any one of these potential disasters would close your stores. He will be spending a short time in purgatory. You do not want to see anyone go to hell, so this is the least you could do to help your enemy. In the second reading you read how you cannot have faith without works. This summer heat is coming sooner than usual, and it will lead to more fires out West. Be prepared for more wars because Russia and China see Bidens America as weak and no longer a threat to further takeovers. Only My believers with a cross on the forehead will be allowed into My refuges. If NATO and America do not come to the aid of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine, then Russia will continue to keep invading countries that used to be part of the old Soviet Union. There is also a mention of my Sons birth as the dawning of salvation, because truly His death and Resurrection have brought salvation to all of mankind who accept Jesus. Because of your abortions, America will pay a dear price when I will take away your freedoms and the material things you worship instead of Me. If you do not change, then your mini-judgment will be your final judgment. This is also necessary to have a firm foundation in your faith, so you can withstand the temptations of the demons. By staying close to My Sacred Heart and pouring out My Precious Blood on people, I can heal people of their sickness and their sins., Wednesday, September 8, 2021: (Nativity of the Blessed Mother) I want you to quote my Magnificat which is read at your night prayers. More emergencies are being declared to control the spread of Covid cases, even when there are not many deaths. Web For any other questions please email me or contact me using any of these messaging platforms (LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram. You cannot take the mark of the beast, or you will lose your soul. I have been showing you possible grid failures, water shortages, and even bank failures. My angels will protect them from the demons. You can at least pray for your enemy to help save their soul. The young people do not come to church because your families are not bringing them up with a strong faith. Even in your churches today, some people are using cell phones, which can be distracting to those people who are praying. I gave you instructions how to prepare your refuge to be independent with your own food, water, and fuels. If you quit your job, you can use your three months of food to survive a while., Jesus said: My son, you are planning your Zoom interview for TV tonight that you will be giving tomorrow. I am in purgatory for a short time. Private WhatsApp Your daily prayers, Holy Communion, and Adoration hours will keep you close to Me throughout the tribulation of less than 3 years.. My son, you are seeing many people struggling with your recent Biden Covid vaccine mandate on workers. Keeping warm during the winter will be just one of your needs, but your heating would keep you alive from freezing to death. As COVID-19 continues to spread, public health experts state that inoculations are imperative to help end the pandemic. You have had faith in My healing, but soon you will need faith in My power to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges. The unvaccinated people will be further harassed by Biden in his evil effort to get everyone vaccinated with the poisonous Covid shots. Trust in Me to provide for your needs, but you have done well in your refuge preparations., Wednesday, June 2, 2021: You are seeing some conflicts in how the number of flu cases are being reported. Jairus was one of the synagogue rulers, and he had faith that I could heal his dying daughter. Pray for all couples to get married before they have relations, which is how I planned man and woman to live together., Prayer Group: You could see another forced shutdown coming so the one world people can prepare the way for the Antichrists takeover. Biden is going along with the one world peoples plan to reduce the population with the mandatory Covid shots. You are in the pre-tribulation time, so now would be a good time to explain all of your refuge preparations for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. mabel king son, larry king. We can perform miracles and make things happen that are not normal. Give thanks and praise for your gift of faith which will be rewarded in heaven., Jesus said: My people, you have been given many lies about the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines. My good people, who follow Me and avoid these Covid shots, are the good trees that bear good fruit in their actions of worshiping Me and doing good deeds for their neighbor. So it is better for America to resist these mandates now, or you will lose all of your freedoms. No, John Leary, who claims to be receiving messages from Jesus, Mary and the saints, does not have Church approval. Live in trust of My protection with My angels, and I will provide what you need at the proper time. I cast out the demons from the men, and their number was about two thousand. Leaders for various jobs will be chosen, and each leader will gather helpers to carry out their mission. Downfall of Stephen Bear - Reality TV bad boy to dark controversies This is not being made public, but some people are speaking out of such deaths. Keep praying that Russia does not invade the Ukraine., Jesus said: My people, you can see how the media is up to their old scare tactics with the latest Covid variant. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Give praise and thanks to Me if you are written in the Book of Life for all of those people who will be with Me in heaven for all eternity., Friday, June 25, 2021: My refuge angels will only allow My believers to enter My refuges of safety. Since most of My faithful are not Jews, your faith has been handed down to you through St. Paul. There will be Covid spike proteins coming from these bodies, and that is why they need to be burned or buried. I love all of My people, and I give all of you an opportunity to use your gifts to bear good fruit. Many people think souls go directly to heaven, but most souls need some reparation for their sins in purgatory. You gave the exorcist priest the relics of St. Peter and St. Paul on their feast day. Many Christians and martyrs had to suffer for keeping their belief in Me. 2021 July : John Leary Prophet John Leary Tuesday, August 10, 2021 (St. Lawrence) Jesus said: My people, in this world there are many injustices, and you need to When you see My Warning come, you will be coming soon to My refuges. Candidates needed 10% of the caucus (seven MPs) to nominate. Trust in Me to protect My believers when the authorities will try to kill you. The men were freed from the demons, and they were told to return to their homes. Norman Leach This year there are more flu deaths as the health people are pushing flu shots as much as the Covid vaccines. The progressive curriculums are bringing down the learning of the children, and they are forcing them to be taught only Godless communism with no word about Me. This is the same faith in My power that will be necessary for Me to multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. I also gave you a second mission to set up one of My refuges for the people to come. Be sure to pray your St. Michael prayer of the long form as you leave and return. Prophet John Leary | Mary Refuge Of Souls This is one of the failings of some people in that they do not always remember to thank Me for all that I do for them. eHealth, Inc. (NASDAQ:EHTH) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript The Gospel today showed you the ten lepers, who I healed from leprosy, but only one came back to thank Me. In the two healing requests for the paralytic and the Centurions daughter, they both had a strong faith that I could heal them. This word from Our Lord to John Leary on June 10, 2022, is similar to what we When difficulties come in your health or your things, call on Me to help you, and do not be downcast or depressed. In todays Gospel (Matt. The Government must get heavy with the police to make them crack down on lockdown rule-breakers, Matt Hancock said during the pandemic.. Once you look beyond the world, you can accomplish the mission I have for you. This could result if you see a bankruptcy of your government. By trusting in Me and your obedience to My laws, you will be rewarded in heaven with Me for all eternity., (Memorial Mass for Uncle Bill) Uncle Bill said: I am happy to be with my deceased family members, but I am sad that I had to leave Melinda, my daughters, and the rest of the family behind. I reach out to save souls, and I pray people are listening to My words. Last year there were very few flu cases reported, even though the flu comes every year. You all are too valuable to Me to leave you alone without help. This is a wonderful story of healing cataracts which is a problem today that many people have to have operations to see clearly. I remarked about the centurion when he explained how his soldiers and servants came at his command. Even some states are promoting more vaccinations with money paid out, or restrictions on unvaccinated people. I would not destroy these cities if I found ten just people. You could use your time a little better by coming to Adoration of Me instead of your football distraction. Even if you are only suffering a slight pain, offer it up to Me to help save souls, and help the souls in purgatory to come closer to heaven. July 21, 2021 Now these same people are trying to force vaccines on you that you do not want, nor need. These shots should be optional and not forced on people to threaten their jobs. Today, it is mandated shots for workers not long after Labor Day. Matt Hancock said 'get heavy with police' to enforce lockdown They also are taking the billions of dollars in trade deficit from America and they are using it to build up their military and naval strength to challenge the U.S. Navy. At the coming time of My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist, I will again perform miracles of providing the deer for meat, the manna for Holy Communion, and I will multiply your dwellings, water, food, and your fuels for you to survive. It is this same strength of faith that I want all of My faithful to have all of the time, so you are confident that I can lead you through life to heaven. I am guiding My faithful to heaven through all of the troubles you will face in life. You will be placed back into your bodies and in time, and you will have a second chance to improve your life. Employers were a little apprehensive to push this forward. So act on My words in your prayers and good deeds for your neighbor. The vaccinated people have had their immune system ruined by the spike protein in the Covid shots. Gary Clark - Director of Customers and Communities - LinkedIn When you come to your judgment, you will be judged on the fruit of your actions, whether you loved Me and your neighbor, or not., Jesus said: My people, you may be familiar with the Secrets of Oz movie that described the difference between debt money and government script without debt. Trust in My multiplication of your needs to survive throughout the tribulation., Jesus said: My people, I have told you in previous messages how I would send the Holy Spirit with an inner locution to let My faithful know when it is the proper time to come to My refuges. john leary You also are proclaiming about how I will protect My people at My refuges with My angels. Then I will bring My faithful down into My Era of Peace where you will live a long time without any evil presence. You live to see Me every day at Mass and at night in Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. You saw in other readings how I could not heal the people in My hometown of Nazareth because they lacked faith in My healing power. Jesus said: My people, today is the last day of the Church Year before you start Advent tomorrow. When you are sharing My words and trying to convert people to a Christian way of life, you need to mix with people where you do not normally visit. Continue pushing back against these mandates, and advise people to not take these poisonous Covid shots that ruin your immune system, and could kill people in a few years. You can be a help by blessing the vaccinated people with the Good Friday oil, or the exorcism water with the miraculous medal to heal them of the vaccine effects. Not everyone realizes how these shots can ruin your immune system, and can even kill you, especially when a more deadly virus is released. Keep praying for me and having Masses said for me. When you come to your judgment, I will ask you if you loved Me and all of your neighbors, even your persecutors. If I was in person at My tabernacle, you would come more often. This Hitler style shutdown is coming to the rest of America, so if your people do not fight these mandates, then you will lose all of your freedoms. Health Blog steve carell house; external barriers to financial success; does tcs give joining bonus to lateral entry; which option is not provided with cloud storage; massachusetts orphanage records; You receive Me in Holy Communion, and I am with you in My Real Presence for about 15 minutes. It is good to get My message out to the people who may be influenced to be converted. I sent the Archangel, St. Raphael, to help both of them to answer their prayer requests. There are not many places where people can adore Me in chapels in perpetual Adoration. Eli Newbrun-Mintz: Good morning, and thank you all for joining us today. Some people are even dying from heat strokes. But now your one world bankers are about to crash your current money system because your government spending is getting out of control. COVID-19 topics and emotional frames in vaccine hesitation: A Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ