Great jobs for your Border Collie include water games, puzzle toys, and licking mats. WebWhat many people fail to realize, even long-standing Border Collie owners, is that the herding instinct is simply a modified version of the killing instinct of wolves. Are Border Collies good for first-time dog owners? My brother has a Border Collie named Nico. Provide physical and mental exercise to head off chewing problems before they begin. While they might not be the best dogs for first time owners, owners with experience can find them easy to train and eager to please!Which is better male or female Border Collie? If you dont take the time to properly socialize your Border Collie while they are young he can become very shy, standoffish, and possibly reactive. Basic training is easy, but to train your border collie-specific commands and tricks, you require insight into their psychology and behavioral response. First things first, yes Border Collies are easy to house train. You can generally leave a Border Collie alone and unsupervised, for example, to lie on your front lawn peacefully with very little training. If youre looking for a great companion and family dog, but you are unsure if you have the time to spend with your new puppy, this breed is probably not a good fit. Although the Border Collie was bred along the border between Scotland and England, they do not come from either a Scottish or English breed. WebBorder Collies are not usually recommended for first-time dog owners. The result, you have an accident prone dog who may make several trips to the vet over their lifetime. If you are able to keep your Border Collie busy your rewards are a super fun, playful, sensitive, extroverted, and intelligent dog! My partner did have Yorkies but nothing bigger and Ive never had a dog, and I must say were happy and loving our decision. It goes into depth about grooming care for the Border Collie and has links on how to bathe, brush, and care for your dogs teeth, ears, and paws. So in some ways, a Border Collie is perfect for a first-time owner, as long as they are prepared to be highly active every day. But is getting a Border Collie a good idea for a first-time dog owner? If you have a small apartment and dont go out much, then probably not. Our girl is now a full sized 16 month, brilliant dog. Picture the ball going through a barb wire fencenow picture your collie also charging through the fence. Do Ferrets Need Vaccination Shots? You can split it into morning and evening routines. Dealing with a highly intelligent breed means theyre relatively easy to train. And to be honest, the readers who named him the No. However, if you have the time, temperament and resources then there is no reason you could not bring a Border Collie home from your local shelter. Adult dogs can hold their pee for up to 10-12 hours if needed, but that doesnt mean that they should. If first-time owners do decide on a Border Collie, it is important to understand the breed first before you bring your new family member home. The most common issue is hip dysplasia, which can lead to arthritis. If you take your dog on an extra muddy adventure, you can up the frequency (you dont want mud tracks all over your house! They will not be happy with a 10 minute walk in the park to then come home and be expected to rest. The positive in all this is that if a border collie gets the proper exercise/training, they can be beyond wonderful household dogs. It may sometimes be too noisy or otherwise too stimulating for a Border Collie to spend time outdoors. They are highly sensitive and intelligent breeds. Being sensitive and intelligent means pet parents need to make some extra effort to respond according to their psychology and behavior. Border collies were bred for their intelligence and obedience. Some border collies like to play on the fringes around other dogs turning into dog park bullies who are on a mission to constantly micromanage every move other dogs make. If you want to adopt a border collie, and you are confused if the two of you will make a good match or not, you are in the right place. It is also a good habit to regularly check your dogs ears. Will they be okay indoors? Contact, How To Prevent Separation Anxiety in Collies, Can collies be left alone? Border Collies are an extremely intelligent breed A border collie will stare as a way to communicate with you. Are you ready to have a dog that needs to be active as much as possible? 2021. Dogs, in particular, are one of the most popular first animals to keep as they are great companions for people of all ages plus they have a variety of other benefits too. Are you considering getting a border collie? Just look on YouTube, you will see countless videos on the escape of the Border Collie. Are Border Collies good for first-time owners? However, if this is your first time owning a dog, you may be wondering if a Border Collie is still the best choice. My partner and I decided to get a BC in April last year. Border Collies are known to be highly active canines. New dog owners may struggle with this, but being prepared can help you have a great experience. My border collie mix (BC and red heeler) is very chill. If you think about their history, Border Collies were bred to run around the fields and work hard each day. If you arent confident in your dog training abilities and able to be an assertive yet loving pack leader in your collies life the smart Border Collie will pick up on that quickly and take advantage of you in a heartbeat. The average dog has the capability to learn around 165 words and signals. I wonder if the high energy/ nature of the breed is waning because breeders are choosing more chilled, easy going parents for their pups? Since theyre also good workers, this makes them excellent for those who want to use them for work purposes as well as companionship. Is Having a Puppy a lot of work? Sometimes collies are just too focused for their own good and run after their much loved ball with no regard for their own wellbeing. But when you put in the effort, they can be the best dogs you will ever own. However, if you know the basics about keeping a dog as a pet and love to know more, things will be quite easy for you to manage. If you are interested in learning more about taking care of border collies, you can find a detailed guide on the blog. But their incredible intelligence is also what makes playing with the Borden Collie so enjoyable. A good first dog should be highly trainable and have a naturally friendly temperament towards other dogs and people. You can expect a bored Border Collie to chew things up, lick excessively, bark excessively, dig, get into and eat things they shouldnt (see this article I wrote about eating rocks, dirt, and poop), and basically cause destruction. They will be loyal loving companions always at your side, but when it comes to sleeping and resting they generally prefer their own space. However, while the Border collie may be a good family dog, its not good for every family. Whether you're new to the breed or an experienced owner looking for new ideas, this blog is sure to provide the answers you need to keep your canine companion happy and healthy! A lot. This type of outdoor lifestyle gives Border Collies a lot of exercise per day but they may require extra socialization time. Border collies have been bred for purely working and herding purposes. A Border Collie needs lots of activity, but not necessarily big yard. Generally, these dogs are very obedient, and they need their owners command and acknowledgment most of the time. WE have a good-sized backyard and are doing all the research possible to be prepared. They are widely popular as a working dog and are frequently used by farmers, shepherds and ranchers. Think 30 minutes walking in the pouring rain is bad? You have to be extra careful while dealing with very sensitive border collies. One other great game thats very easy to play with Border Collies is Treibball. In family situations this can cause problems when the chosen leader is absent. Are border collies a good first dog? People love the cheerful nature of this breed that makes it suitable for both work purposes and companionship in everyday life. This is because they are such an intelligent dog breed that they need to keep their minds focused on a task or else it will lead to undesirable, often destructive behaviors. Now that you know a little about border collies and what they need to live their best lives, the decision is yours. Are you ready to have a dog that can be trained, trained, and trained even more? The latter is the fluffy, Lassie-like collie, whereas the former has a sleek, short coat. Border Collies are generally not an aggressive breed of dog. Twice a year they shed, even more, when they blow their coats (change coats for the seasons). Collies are built to run miles a day on a farm, so if they dont fulfill this urge, they can become distressed and frustrated. It will take patience and obedience training to get them under control which first-time owners typically do not have enough experience of. This will be shown as excessive barking, chewing on things, trying to show dominance, and having a lot of neurotic undesirable behaviors that will be hard to correct. They are also known to try and herd things, which is often seen most in other pets and young children. They have been a popular breed throughout history with Queen Victoria having a smooth collie among her many canine companions. I found a breeder and Im thinking of getting a border collie. Well, many Border Collies live their whole lives inside. However, this is not always the case. Their short coat also means minimal shedding and grooming. Theyre intelligent, trainable and have many useful qualities as a family pet or working animal. I believe another owner will be able to give Ollie a better life than I can. Border Collies are workaholics and if not given work to do they will invent it, and believe me the jobs they invent for themselves will not please you. Many people love Border Collies cheerful natures and will choose this breed as their pet. Border collies are also known for their herding instincts and can be very active. They Are Extremely Smart Dogs We cannot talk about the Border Collie without talking about his intelligence. They can be stubborn and need people with some time and patience, and space in their lives. A Canadian expat, Nicole now lives on a lush forest property with her Kiwi husband and new baby daughter in New Zealand. Border Collies can double and triple that number. They are no lapdog theyll never settle down with you on the couch to watch a movie. Which one fits better in the office? So yes, a Border Collie belonging to a first-time owner should be perfectly safe and happy living outside most of the time, unless a sound like fireworks or other So, if you are a first-time owner, then this is probably not the breed for you. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-box-4','ezslot_3',138,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-box-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'trainingbuster_com-box-4','ezslot_4',138,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-trainingbuster_com-box-4-0_1');.box-4-multi-138{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}It is possible for a Border Collie to have both a smooth or a rough variety of coats. The first step is to rule out a medical reason, which involves making an appointment to see your veterinarian. Do Border Collies Like Water? You will need to be prepared to spend a lot of time playing with teaching and coming up with activities for your Border Collie to do. Border Collies need a minimum of 2 hours a day of exercise. Owners generally want to maintain a healthy and proper weight for their Border Collie in the range of 30 to 50 pounds. (myth Busting!) A Border Collie may be challenging for a first-time dog owner, but with adequate training and care, it can become an extraordinary pet. Border Collies can also have a genetic eye disease called Collie eye anomaly, whichcan lead to vision problems or blindness. If not provided to them, they can become little troublemakers in the home. Let me ask you this. One of the most distinctive features of the Border Collie is their long nose, which can be up to Are Border Collies One-person Dogs? They do really well in active households and with experienced owners. While 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dog At Muddy Noses you'll find articles covering care, training, exercise, puppies, first time owners and breed information. After being bred exclusively to herd for centuries, they are also hard workers who never clock off which can be a problem. A Border Collies temperament is cheerful and alert, making it an excellent all-around farm or herding dog. A: Border Collies are suitable for experienced owners. Characteristics of the Border Collie. They are perfect for herding dogs. Well, the biggest reason. This can be very frustrating for new dog owners who are just learning how to train a dog. I am not exercise person but i do cycling. They were bred to herd sheep, and if not given enough exercise and meaningful tasks to do, they can be found herding any living thing around them including, cats, your children, or even you!