When Kokichi turns silent after the execution, Kaito demands him to explain himself to everyone if he truly did care about Gonta like he appeared to right before the execution. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Get ready, culprit, cuz here I cooome! He frequently claims something only to shortly afterward reveal that he was just lying, making it very hard to trust his word. Moreover, in Chapter 1, Kokichi is also seen visibly concerned after hearing the first body discovery announcement. When someone tells me to stop, I just wanna do it more! During the Event, Kokichi makes incredibly sexually suggestive remarks after he has been "captured" by the detective. In the end, Kokichi considered Monokuma and the mastermind his true enemies, as you can only truly win the game by beating them and because he claimed to truly hate the killing game and its creators. Kodaka describes them as "physically impossible" and "otherworldly" instead of overdramatic. I've been lying so much lately that I can't even tell what's true or not anymore. I wanna win this, "If the thought of playing a death game doesn't excite you, you'll never win. Maki used slow-acting poison-tipped arrows in an attempt to torture Kokichi for information before his death. However, he has also claimed that nobody would care if he was gone, and it's been implied that he has no parents or family. However, Monokuma shows up and denies this, never stating such a thing in the first place and that the medal Shuichi had was just some knickknack he made for the Monokuma Kubs. He does lots of investigation alone without other people noticing, analyzes the other students, and writes their fates and his impression of them on his whiteboard. Seriously, the worst! I am the king! He is sometimes shown to have child-like excitement and innocence, as he gets very excited about "cool" new things like the Exisals and the morphing Trial Grounds marvels the school in a child-like excitement and shouts "yodelay-hee-hoooooo" while the students are inside the echoing tunnel. He had no idea what she meant by Remnant of Despair and asked her whether or not she really enjoys killing that much. After everyone leaves the trial room, Kokichi states that there was an even worse liar than himself hiding among the group, much to everyone's confusion. Chest Size His title is the Ultimate Supreme Leader ( lit. Easy. Kaito reassured everyone that there's no way the funeral could be real considering they were still alive and well. It's revealed that Kokichi let himself to be caught on purpose and actually wishes to get tied up and "interrogated" roughly, but Shuichi does not want to hurt him and is confused by the situation, which seems to disappoint Kokichi a bit. Nevertheless, Kokichi bids Gonta his farewell, claiming he isn't a gentleman like Gonta. Due to this, Kokichi backed down once again. The other students escape the scene quickly, hearing the sound of "buzzing and Kokichi's screams" from the lab. Kokichi would later gather with everyone else in the gymnasium after the Monokuma Kubs made their announcement. Kokichi asks you on a date, you agree to go, but you dont know if this is a lie or if its the truth! Shuichi mostly stays silent during these moments, appearing to feel a bit awkward and unsure of Kokichi's motives, though he does try to tell Kokichi to stop when he claims that Shuichi was "dissing" Kaito during their disagreement even though it wasn't true. His in-story age should definitely be older than 17, since V3-5/6. He also lied about being the one who let Monokuma enter the spaceship, which effectively forced everyone to participate in the Killing School Semester. Kokichi had a habit of drawing very simple and childish sketches, including a silly self-portrait on his whiteboard and several boxes full of documents of fantasy weapons like rainbow ray guns and beam swords. How old is Kokichi Ouma? Since Shuichi does not make a move, Kokichi says he wants to play with him and do a lot more with him too and pushes him on the bed. However, Kokichi occasionally appears genuinely scared of Kaito's violence and sometimes runs away and hides from him for quite a while. I don't wanna die either, y'know! However, they do consider him suspicious for possessing such a title. Even though Kokichi seemingly wasn't present during the magic show, as according to Gonta he was severely exhausted from the Insect Meet and Greet, he was quickly present when Ryoma's body was found. ", "N-No wayAre we really gonna die? puncheese . Which means, the more we try to cooperate, the more, "Nee-heehee As an evil supreme leader, I can't pass up the chance to watch you win a jackpot! During the second trial, after everyone had supposedly pinned down the culprit as either Kaito or Maki, Kokichi proposed that they all have those two argue against each other and convince the remaining participants on who is the culprit since if only two suspects remained, one of them had to know for certain that the other was the culprit. All of this implies that he prefers not to fight and isn't technically strong, but possesses fighting spirit if he is in danger and willing to fight. This intrigued Shuichi, but he had no chance to investigate himself as the announcement telling everyone to go to the trial room played. However, it is unclear if this memory of him was a part of the fabrication made by . However, his remarks which follow indicate that he is not actually afraid of her. The figure measures 4.3" tall and features Kokichi in a sitting pose with a calm expression and slight smile that belies the trickster within. Kokichi then called everyone out for being whack jobs if they wanted something this "fun" to end. 3 /5. He describes the sight of them crawling around as "nasty" and more or less jokingly calls Gonta's Research Lab "Hell". According to Kodaka, his character focuses on duality, and his creepy expressions express his true nature to some extent.[5]. Kokichi went to everyone's dorm rooms in order to retrieve their motive videos. Everyone became unable to breathe and lost consciousness not long after. Similar horse head masks are worn by people all over the world for humorous effect and are a symbol of Anonymous on the Japanese web. During the class trial itself, Kokichi remained silent about everything he knew, even going so far as to lie about meeting with Miu on the roof. One of the places that became unlocked was the eerie fourth floor. In the official relationship chart from New Danganronpa V3 Official Setting Materials Collection, Monokuma finds Kokichi very "hilarious". In Chapter 2, the other students were shocked to find out that Ryoma wanted to see his motive video, with the sole exception of Kokichi who agreed with Ryoma and even defended him by calmly saying that Ryoma simply stated his own opinion. The other students quickly get angry at Kokichi and tell him to stop playing with Himiko's heart. It was initiated by heads of nations from all over the world after countless meteorites crashed into Earth, spreading a deadly virus all throughout the atmosphere. You wanted to be with them. In chapter 5, Kokichi lied about being the mastermind who started the Killing School Semester by letting Monokuma enter the spaceship during the Gofer Project. While Kokichi claims that his arguments are simply based on logic, he appears to have some sort of trust issues. K1-B0 was very agitated by this, trying to get away from him and politely asking Kokichi to "leave me alone". Afterward, the Monokuma Kubs showed up, usurped their father's role as headmaster, and passed out more items for the students to unlock new areas within the academy. He goes as far as to say Tenko lied to Himiko about her intentions during the ritual, accusing the victim of committing suicide underneath the cage to get them all killed. Once the Monokuma Kubs arrived and revealed themselves from within their Exisals, they gave the sixteen participants their Ultimate wardrobe and their first memory via the Flashback Light. After the caged child did not answer to Korekiyo's question, Kokichi and Shuichi reignited the candles and the whole group helped in removing the cage and cloth from Tenko's position, only to find her dead in a pool of her own blood. Furthermore, he didn't show any villainous behavior, and instead, he offered to go check if the Exisals are still nearby when the other students showed worry about it. Afterward, Kaito showed up as well, and everyone got roped into a gambling competition. When Maki and Shuichi noted that he went to the rooftop himself, Kokichi suddenly got anxious and stuttered, but quickly calmed down after he used what Himiko said to try to hide the fact that he went to the rooftop. Height Verycos Kokichi Ouma Plushie Plush Toy Doll Kaede Akamatsu Saihara Maki became increasingly worried upon seeing this and threatened to kill Kokichi herself. As Kokichi was about to break in using his lockpicking skills, Angie suddenly unlocked it from the inside and invited them in. Saiouma is the slash ship between Kokichi Oma and Shuichi Saihara from the Danganronpa fandom. Let's enjoy this more! We gotta talk about which one of us is the culprit, and win this, "Complicated plans have a better chance of working out in the end, wouldn't you say? But, when I said I wanted. They begin to start fighting, but it's interrupted by Maki breaking into the hangar to torture and kill Kokichi herself. During the fourth trial, he is highly amused when Shuichi talks back to Kaito even though he is supposed to be his sidekick and he thinks it's really funny when Kaito looses his cool. Maybe I can retire from my organization and stay here for the rest of my life That's probably better for the world too O-kay! While Miu agreed to create the inventions, she explained that she wouldn't cooperate with the others because she believed there would inevitably be a betrayal. Kokichi seemingly saw Monokuma as a cool robot. Although everyone was skeptical at first, they eventually gave in and used it, allowing everyone, Kokichi included, to remember that they had been on the run from the "Ultimate Hunt". Kokichi said that that was meaningless and that he shouldn't do that, mainly because the killing game wouldn't end even if he did. However, none of his claims have been confirmed, and the other students think he's either lying or delusional. However, following Gonta's execution, Kokichi puts up his "evil" facade once more, and more intensely than ever. How tall is kokichi ouma? In Chapter 5, Maki strangled Kokichi once again after the others became suspicious of his intentions, demanding him for the truth, only to be stopped by Kaito. However, he has also described himself as a "pretty dickish dictator", claiming that is why his minions probably wouldn't want to save him from the killing game. So many words that mean "common sense"but who decides which one is right? However, Kokichi sweetly asks him to let him go and calls him "big bro", causing Rantaro to immediately soften and let him pass "just for that one time", to the annoyance of the other students. He also noted how well she slept after letting out all her feelings. He likes the character quite a lot but states that Kokichi is not the kind of guy he would like to meet in real life.[5]. kokichiouma. ", "I'm the supreme leader of evil! ", "If I gave you honest answers now, it'd just make everything boring, riiiight? His lack of respect towards Gonta is seen in the way he doesn't use any honorifics when talking to him in the Japanese version. While Kokichi claims its due to his supreme leader status, Maki has pointed out that several of his skills are more suitable for a petty thief. It was here that Kokichi saw just how much Miu feared betrayal and the killing game itself, having no intention of defying Monokuma, but pleaded that if Kokichi and the others did find a way out to not leave her behind. He was one of the few students to show no sadness upon her demise and simply told her she fell straight for Monokuma's trap before she was executed. He enjoys pretending he's something other than a mere human. He is the self-proclaimed leader of an evil secret society with more than 10,000 members, though it's unknown if it actually exists. The Monokuma Kubs were incredibly saddened at the sudden demise of their father, stating that he had no spare and that he was one of a kind. Kaito took off his jacket, placed it underneath the press machine, then lied down on it while Kokichi controlled the press machine and filmed the "time of death" with a simple video camera. Kokichi Oma Alias Ultimate Supreme Leader Super High School Level Supreme Leader (Japanese) Origin Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Occupation Ultimate Supreme Leader Supreme Leader of D.I.C.E. The two's attitudes towards each other turn increasingly more aggressive when it becomes apparent that Gonta might be the culprit. This Flashback light also revealed that the cult bent on stopping The Gofer Project were actually the Remnants of Despair and that Kokichi was their leader. Weight In Chapter 6, it's revealed that Kokichi was actually the only one who took Gonta's talk about "tiny bugs" very seriously, as he designed and requested a bugvac from Miu to specifically look into the matter. ", "Well, that was a lie. Angie eventually told Kokichi and everyone else to meet in the gymnasium, seemingly failing in discovering anything about the conspicuous flashlight that she and Shuichi had discovered earlier. During the bonus mode Love Across the Universe, Shuichi realizes that he cannot change Kokichi's lying which is a significant part of him and instead should try to understand him and his lies. Kokichi claimed that he was faking his own tears and mocked Gonta post-mortem, calling him an idiot and saying that he died a meaningless death along with Miu. Though everyone thought that the tunnel probably ended up being a trap, they still had to test every single possibility in order to escape. Face it, I need you and you need me, if we are to survive here" ", "Yeah, since I'm a leader of evil and stuff. Being overly protective of Himiko, Tenko assumes Kokichi likes Himiko, because she believes boys only tease the girls they like. The group includes both boys and girls. ", "Personally, I don't think lies are exactly a bad thing Let's face it, you wouldn't have any free will if the world was comprised with just the truth. Kokichi remarked on how tired she looked after spending so long crying. when Shuichi reminds him that Kirumi isn't his real mom. The Monokuma Kubs and Angie both claimed that it's because Angie can only work in private and as such, needs a key for her lab. As it turns out, all three of the empty rooms were trapped, which would be a crucial fact that would assist the group in finding the killer. If you're planning to expose a liar, then you have to corner them psychologically Only then will they reveal their true self as a liarhiding beneath a layer of deceit! Kokichi Ouma was a mystery; one that Tenko was determined to solve. He also appeared quite arrogant, clearly considering himself very important part of the class trials, looking down on some of the other students, often wishing to lead the debates and once claiming that the class trials won't be good if the others won't allow him to speak. Monokuma then showed up along with his Kubs to hand out the next set of random items to unlock more areas with, along with a card key that according to Monophanie would be the next motive. So, "Common sense, huh? After learning that she is a great cook, Kokichi wants Kirumi to be his "mom" and seemingly decided that she'll make him food whenever he's hungry. In his Free Time Events with Shuichi, he seems to make sure the detective won't get actually hurt even if it means hurting himself instead. "Nee-heehee You love to believe, don't you, "It's justI hate lies so much that I tend to suspect others a lot. It's not often you get to play a, "Thanks! Once Kokichi showed it to him, Gonta immediately thought that they should tell everyone, but was stopped by Kokichi. Rating. This caused Himiko to recall Tenko's last words to her, about how crying, laughing, and venting your anger out makes you feel better than bottling it all up, and she finally cries until she falls asleep. However, Kokichi, K1-B0, and Shuichi, much to the latter's dismay, made it very apparent that Gonta was able to commit this crime. You showed your determination to fight together, and you ignored my advice from earlier. To this behavior, Shuichi remarks, "When I saw it, I finally saw Kokichi for what he really is. He tries to trick Shuichi by claiming that they are surrounded by Kokichi's subordinates, but Shuichi can tell he is lying. As he is the character who personifies the game's central themes, Kazutaka Kodaka put more thought into him than any other character. Monokuma goes on to reveal the additional motive, that if a murder did not occur within two days by noon, everyone who was forced to participate would be killed. Let me know if. After that, she caught him sneaking around during the night, inquiring what he's doing and why he's being so suspicious. Illustration That's why I wanted to reveal the truth. However, his attitude changed very quickly, making it hard to tell which one of his reactions was truthful. However, it's been shown that he does cooperate in his own way, which can be easily mistaken for troublemaking. Blood Type ", "There's no point in asking whether we'll find it or not! ", "I'm gonna survive! Later when Gonta was found as a culprit, Kokichi told Monokuma to execute him as well which implied he felt extreme guilt, but he appeared to mostly feel guilt for getting Gonta executed instead of Miu. Everyone was worried about what this would mean, aside from Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Astronaut, who became increasingly outraged with Monokuma for doing whatever he wanted and lunged at him. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, D.I.C.E. The Ultimate Supreme Leader asked him if it was really okay for him to believe a liar like himself and said that he should check the Flashback Light for himself if he really wanted to save everyone. He also invites him to a tea party and suggests Shuichi could join his organization, so he doesn't have to die. You will find out here. Kokichi made a desperate grab for the remote control that Miu made to control any electronic device, but he was promptly shot in the back by Maki with a poison-tipped arrow from her crossbow and brought to the ground. His small speech seemed to work, as everyone perked back up, enjoyed a small meal, then headed back to their dorms. With that, the investigation began once again. ", "Why do you guys hate lies so much? Completed. As a result, he had already planned his own "murder plan" in order to make himself appear as evil to the rest of the group. Yuta Asahina - 83cm. Gonta feels even sadder as a result and says he wishes it was a lie. The one who will win, "You guys wouldn't lose to the fear of your friends betraying you, right? Danganronpa: The 15 Best Characters, Ranked By Intelligence - CBR Right before leaving the room, Kokichi says he wishes to have more fun games with the detective next time they meet. With this knowledge, Kokichi began to form the next stage of his plan. Kokichi watched as Gonta was dragged to his execution, seeming to have gone mute. After Shuichi also discovered the computer room, Kokichi would join him and discover the Flashback Light he had found. # 1. He also wanted to get rocket punched by K1-B0, but the robot stated he doesn't have such function, which made Kokichi very disappointed and wonder why the robot even exists. While the characters "" may also be used to translate as "President", and still do in Japanese for President of Taiwan () and in the Chinese language, nowadays the kanji in Japanese is associated with "dictators". However, Kokichi does not really appear to have a malicious intent, as he seems genuinely interested in K1-B0. He calls him "not boring", which is a huge and genuine compliment Kokichi has given only to Shuichi and Kaede besides Kaito, indicating that Kaito earned his respect. Finding the culprit is more important in this, "Everyonehates meso the role of villain is perfect for me Yeah, I know already! HEIGHT. Kokichi does not seem to interact with Tenko much. But I definitely don't wanna die! However, she was stopped by Kaito and everyone rushed to his side as Kokichi continued to monologue. Kokichi then helps Shuichi during the investigation and begins to call himself Shuichi's partner. Kokichi declared that everyone was free to do whatever they pleased before leaving them all in a state of despair and taking Kaito hostage in the Exisal hangar, confident that he had broken everyone's spirits with his lies so much that they wouldn't want to do the Killing Game anymore. He says he wants to ruin the killing game even if it costs him his life, thus making its viewers taste "true despair" and honor the memory of those who died. Despite his best attempts to stay calm, Kaito sometimes ended up lashing out at Kokichi when the latter infuriated him, even punching him once. Peko Pekoyama - 85cm. Kokichi is one of the only two people to die before seeing their. Kokichi says he can help Shuichi save everyone, but Shuichi doesn't trust him and leaves without saying a word. After the situation seemed to settle down, Kokichi suddenly acted relaxed and claimed that him blaiming Kaede was just a lie to make the group feel more united. But even thenI don't think it's good to lie to yourself, y'know? Indeed, neither because of impulsivity or the need to confuse others, he lies mostly because he feels he's free to do whatever he wants whenever he wants. Kokichi seemed to agree, telling everyone to leave Maki to him. Kokichi looked down at him happily as he woke up in Gonta's lab, telling everyone about his plan in order to get everyone to watch their motive videos, much to the detained students' irritation and annoyance. ", "Hm? Sprite During the trials, he often does not reveal Shuichi's lies even though he notices them. Gonta, feeling responsible, apologized thinking that it was his fault that everyone was so upset. Kaito initially refused, but when Kokichi made the point that Maki would be the blackened if he didn't, he had no choice but to go along with the plan in order save Maki and stop the killing game as well. She then explained key points about the program and what she did to modify it, making sure to keep all relevant details about her murder plan a secret. She often calls him an "asshole" or "son of a bitch", which is odd because she otherwise never swears. Shuichi and Maki both discover this, obviously horrified at the thought of a third victim, but Kokichi quickly springs back up, happily declaring "It's a lie!". Male Though they could not remember the exact details and circumstances behind it, just that they had been on the run. Around that time an extremist cult came into power. English He tended to complain about situations he found boring and even during some bad situations he noted that it's fine because at least it's not boring. However, the true Mastermind, in order to get the remaining survivors at the time to continue the Killing Game, decided to connect everyone's memories of The Gofer Project to the story of Hope's Peak Academy. *~. height, hip size" . He similarly occasionally uses deeper voice in the English version, but it's less notable as his usual voice isn't as childish as the original. In the original Japanese version's fifth chapter, there was an error where Kokichi didn't have arrows in his arm and back. He constantly brings up how K1-B0 is different from the others and isn't a person, and points out his difficulties with understanding human emotions. The remaining participants demanded that Kokichi explain the secret of the outside world if Gonta actually meant anything to him, but he refused. Kokichi was able to tell that Kaito was slower than usual and pondered on whether or not he was hiding something from everyone. [deleted] 4 yr. ago. How tall is tall fishman? +5 more. However, it was later revealed that Kokichi acted nice towards him in order to gain trust from Monokuma in order to defeat him and end the killing Game, Kokichi tried to create an unsolvable case, with Kaito speaking for Kokichi by using his script and acting very passive-aggressive towards Monokuma. He also wears two-colored black and purple slip flats, and as seen in the character design gallery, he appears to wear a white belt. Thanks to Kaede's motivational speech, however, the panic died down and everyone seemed to become united. Kokichi tells Gonta that he won't be tricked by someone like him anymore. He appears disgusted as he explains how much he hates the creator and the viewers of the killing game, who enjoy toying around with people's lives. Kodaka was unsure whether or not to include them as they are a little overblown and maybe too much but ultimately decided to keep them. He only dodged her questions and much to his annoyance, she then started to lecture him about his general behavior and relationships. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.1.1 The Gofer Project Kaito once again became outraged with Kokichi and attempted to punch him yet again. Romaji Kokichi made up a lie at how a curse could've killed Tenko, causing Kaito to panic in fear. Shuichi split from Maki in order to investigate the seance, following Kokichi. Pronunciation of Kokichi Ouma with 14 audio pronunciations. I vow to never leave this place for the good of the world!