Or you have stagnated, refusing to act and develop your hidden, dormant talents. - as someone who is on the same page as them with a good bond and connection. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you, The High Priestess Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. A reversed High Priestess in your love reading means that you are perhaps thinking and judging when you should be feeling. You have to wait to see how things will unfold. What springs to mind? Loneliness and frustration, giving up on yourself and blindly trusting others, or simply being silent in a time when your voice needs to be heard; the negative aspects of the High Priestess define a state of mind where uncertainty, doubt, and passivity have taken the place of wisdom and enlightenment. They may not be able to figure you out because you are always talking about something else. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. It also indicates that there may be silence in regard to a job prospect, and so it may be worth looking at other options. In a reading, she often indicates an actual person in the seekers life, or the seeker if female. We have to trust and nurture it, so it doesnt turn into a cold, secretive void. Extrovert - pushy. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess has to nurture and listen to her inner voice. You are someone they feel they can share all of their secrets with, and they wish to deepen this relationship with your even more. Regarding finances, it can indicate that you may get some good opportunities, which you need into consideration of how much money you are going to make. Have faith in your abilities and choices. Fair-minded and merciful, but not emotional. What Does the High Priestess Mean in Love & Relationships? You will find all the guidance you need when you trust in yourself and your inner voice. Be wary if this card comes up during a love reading as a potential interpretation suggests obsession; if someone is romantically interested in you it signifies overly intense sentiments bordering on infatuation. Patiently waiting. In this comprehensive guide, we shall explore the symbolism of this mysterious and divine woman. Do not actively interfere before youve seen the entire picture. A sign to sit quietly for a while, the High Priestess card is the opposite of action. This wont be a time of drastic change, but quiet and mindful waiting. It refers to falling in love with the idea of love itself, or to the desire of the forbidden, that which we cannot have. If we were to draw The High Priestess along with the Cup Suits, it is a spread that indicates you may be the one to whom your partner, family, or friends rely upon and confide. When the High Priestess is drawn for your short-term future, you can sit back and relax! Your plans need time to materialize. You dont want to be trapped between notions of right and wrong, pride and shame, or other mental objects that are of no help at all. Furthermore, this card may suggest that a making plan or studying thoroughly is needed before acting. Friends and family and sweet talkers may flood you with advice, opinions, dos, and donts; but could they ever walk a mile in your shoes? Having great potential. A curtain separates the outside world from this sanctuary, where negative energy is cleansed and the silence allows one to hear the voice within. As always, your intuition is your best bet. They see you need someone stable, you have done your reflection, and you are sure about what you want. "We can talk about your problems for 20 minutes but then I really need to go" and, over the longer term, try to establish what it is that keeps you as their friend. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. You are someone they feel they can share all of their secrets with, and they wish to deepen this relationship . In the negative sense of the High Priestess, we see a cold mother who refuses to let her child reach adulthood, smothers its dreams with her rigidity, and hides the beauty of the world from its eyes. What does the High Priestess Reversed mean in a Love or Relationship Reading? This includes intuitive and Tarot readers, but therapists and psychologists as well. the seven of cups i can't figure . You shuffle the cards, then choose only One Card, or you read the One Card that falls out while you are shuffling. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. (with one exception which we'll get to!). You may feel like you know nothing about whats going on around you, people may be keeping secrets, and you cant handle the situation because you think you need to know everything. When the High Priestess card manifests as emotions, it suggests a subtle, yet powerful feeling that cannot be put into exact words and is only felt intuitively on a subconscious level. They aspire to be creative and enjoy the little things in life, always seeking stability and a beautiful stillness, like that of an old photo. There may be issues with mental health, which can also be clarified with other cards. It does not mean that dark times do not catch up with you, but you know how to emerge out of it and how to maintain your calm in the middle of the storm. Following your intuition. The High Priestess defines a situation where patience, stability, and reflection are of the utmost importance. Not involving unless you have all the information. It looks like our plates are quite full this week. This card signifies a truly intimate relationship, almost an unspoken connection, which can be both platonic or romantic. I love the sound of rain playing in the background, or the sound of the ocean waves crashing on the sand. When drawing tarot cards, usually they are put in a vertical setting, spread on a timeline of the past, present, and future. The answers will appear when you will have accepted yourself completely. You possibly have not considered all the factors in play and wont know for sure until you discover the truth for yourself. You want to try new things, but you first analyze if it's better for you. the reader . They know you are upfront, honest, and loyal. Like one who has given up on all petty expectations and has faith in the will of the universe for better or for worse, the High Priestess urges those who seek her advice to look no further. If you are dating more than one person, seeing who is a better fit for you, not a kind thing to do, some would take it . As an obstacle card, the High Priestess means that you are not listening to your intuition, and as a result, the decisions you make may not work in your favor. So they are a couple in a sense but more as archetypes and on a higher plane. The High Priestess appears in the guise of a nun, a virtuous woman who has devoted herself to God (or to the Goddess). This sublime image, however, may create the illusion that youre above the ordinary human life. The information provided on this site is for educational use only. Ensure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed. . Inner knowing, working the unconscious mind. Or it could be that you are in conflict with your own mind and thoughts, some of which you know are irrational, yet you cannot stop yourself from being afraid of them. You may not be able to always decipher your intuition correctly. Do not judge and dont run toward an iron wall trying to prove that you are right; there is no right or wrong here, only shades of truth and personal experience. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. The feminine principle of this card is all about receptivity and acceptance, where two become one, not by summation and union, but in a spirit of progression and conjunction. A reserved and conservative introvert, the Priestess archetype in reverse can block ones path towards being spontaneous and joyful. In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. As a reversed card, the High Priestess indicates that you or someone else have become withdrawn and silent. The High Priestess can appear in situations when we chose to listen to our intuition. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. The passivity and confusion of the High Priestess reversed prevent her from disclosing her true intentions, or even making a decision. You may be stressed out and anxious, so why not relax, lie back, and enjoy a good book? Those who choose to battle with insults and taunts dont affect you, and furthermore, do not deserve to be acknowledged by you. Required fields are marked *. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean in Conflict? And that is OK because theyre not meant to be precisely understood. All you got to do is have patience and faith! Meditation, Spirituality and Conscious Living. If you are wondering how a relationship will end, the answer cannot be known at the moment. Stay safe and enjoy the silence. One may even feel shame and guilt because what they wish for is considered immoral or extreme. It is a passive-aggressive halt from activity, a denial to accept the changes and flow of life. She crafts meaningful bonds with the people who surround her and would go to great lengths to support them. This powerful energy can be felt by all, regardless of our. Her love is immortal and fills the heart with joy. Any secrets the High Priestess may have, she will freely give to the initiate who approaches her with a pure heart. my interpretation is that maybe he idealizes me. This can be . The High Priestess and the Wands Suit is a combination that foretells action that you have calculated and strategized carefully. She could be hiding her beauty, holding on to moral values and a pious faade to cover up confusion, or trying to create the impression shes unattainable and special. To enter the mystical world, one has to be adequately prepared, for theres no greater benefit in life than knowledge and wisdom. These 5 Zodiac Signs Need to Watch Out When Mercury Goes Direct in Capricorn, 10 Vital Affirmations for Aquarius Season, A Tarot Spread to Uncover When You Will Find Love, Everything You Need to Know About Reversed Tarot Cards, Your Insightful March 2023 Numerology Forecast, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for March 6 12, 2023. The EMO comment was really about how these very abstract qualities translate to a living breathing person. Nevertheless, in the crossing position the High Priestess card becomes an irrational fear of the outside world. The High Priestess advises patience and careful study in career matters. Let them know that their emotions are important to you and that its safe to talk about it. Your heart will know the answer. Reversed, this card describes a situation of anxiety and impatience. In an external conflict, it could signify losing your cool and letting others disrupt your inner peace with personal jabs. That is the way of least interference. The High Priestess describes a romance of magnetism and mystery. The best you can do is to try and help them see that suffering is a perceived impurity that begins in the mind, and therefore, an illusion. In a friendship reading, the High Priestess denotes a wise and loving friend. The Priestess card always represents honest, true feelings. She may indicate anxiety, doubt, ignorance, passivity, a crippling feeling of loneliness, the inability to trust in your intuition, or someone whos been keeping secrets from you. High Priestess Tarot Card, An Explanation High Priestess: The coming of the Witch Queen The High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as announcing the arrival of psychic revelation. If the High Priestess comes up for what they want to happen between you both, it indicates that they would like to explore this connection further and take things to the next level on a spiritual basis. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana? It does not mean that any of you lack anything, but it may mean that the other is not your type, or you have gotten yourself so wrapped up in petty debates that you do not know how to get yourself out of it, so you just keep fighting. To make the High Priestess work for you, try the following: Hold the High Priestess in your hand. High priestess how someone sees you - jevs.tamc.info You feel exhausted, confused, and mentally drained, not knowing how to proceed forwards or who to trust and believe. It is the deafening silence of isolation when we lose our genuine connection to the world. The High Priestess Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The High Priestess Reversed in a Career Reading. That is why the High Priestess sits between the two pillars; she will let neither sorrow nor joy overwhelm her. r/Divination - asked the cards about how someone i really like feels It causes you anxiety. The Priestess card urges you to think carefully and consider all your available options. If that be the case, consider the complications and consequences of wanting such a relationship. Apart from the occult and sacred, the High Priestess card possibly refers to a place where knowledge is kept and is accessible to whoever wishes to learn and study, namely a library, an archive, or a university. The seeker or the person of interest may be judging, repressing, and questioning their feelings instead of trusting them. A person who is close to you may behave in a cold and strict way, giving you the silent treatment, and leaving you to wonder what you did wrong. Upright Position: If you pull the card in an upright position, it means Yes. Relationships, especially ones that require long-term commitment, need patience and determination. You may achieve even more than what you set your intentions for in the first place. For the High Priestess card, to enter into a relationship means committing to that unexplainable inner knowing and attraction, and bringing that out openly to the surface. Read below to learn more about your zodiac. Their low profile enables them to avoid shady and uncomfortable situations. Reversed, the High Priestess may indicate that passivity and avoidance have dulled the querents senses and its time to get up and do some work! The High Priestess As Feelings. The conscious mind can interfere with intuition when the thoughts and urges find no release. This card is also connected to the Moon, water cycles, and tides, and as such, it is also associated with psychic abilities and potent, perceptive dreams. The reversal of the card might very well indicate the ancient ruins of a shrine or temple, worn out by the passage of time. About laying down rules. When someone thinks of you as the High Priestess, they consider you to be wise, intuitive, and mysterious. He/she has a girlfriend/boyfriend and because of your flirting/politeness, he/she thinks you looking to cause some trouble in his relationship; - I would say that he is feeling a bit defeated at the moment and he wants the pick me up or the boost that you give him. Another way to interpret this card in reverse would be a compulsive curiosity to know others secrets and peek behind the curtain, so to say. A calm surface can hide intense emotions, and even seemingly simple dates can turn into raging passions. It could be by investing your money in a financial scheme, taking a job opportunity without proper knowledge, or know who youre working for. Please connect with me, after youve had a reading. Shes cautious, not shallow, nor celibate, offering herself so entirely that its beside the point to question the purity of her motives. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you.The interpretation is the same for the Marseille Tarot and the Rider Waite Tarot. Even if youre feeling overwhelmed by projects and unsure about the future, keep at it and answers will arrive. The High Priestess.When the King and Queen appear in combination in a relationship reading, this can reflect that both you and your partner desire having it all in life; the marriage, the kids, the pets, and a happy . Guardian of mysteries and teacher of the sacred, the High Priestess resides between the conscious and unconscious, between the material and the divine. I would expect that he sees you as someone who presents herself as if her life were put together. The High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as announcing the arrival of psychic revelation. Even in an external conflict, where you begin to feel hurt, jealous, or alone, know that these states are only temporary. Reversed, the High Priestess can be translated to emotions of guilt and shame. If you are wondering what to make of your emotions, or what somebody else is feeling and the High Priestess shows up, its a matter of emotional stability and security. However, we can presume the following. This card is often a sign that you will meet someone who will greatly affect your emotional domain. Again, this card urges you to calm down, listen to your own voice, and tune in! The High Priestess would foretell a day when you may feel more objective than usual, not wanting to participate in any situation and maintaining your inner balance in the face of adversary. This leads me to wonder if you leave him in hopes that by leaving, you're going to make him change in ways that you want him to change. March 2023 brings us the energy of the Universal Month 1, a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. If the High Priestess appears reversed in the future position, you may go through a time of mild depression and loneliness. After the Magician, who is active on all planes of existence, the High Priestess signals a pause from action to learn and reflect. Sometimes, they do not even need to talk that much because you can see right through them and see that they do not feel like talking. The High Priestess holds the number 2, and it is the third Tarot Card of the Major Arcana cards. The High Priestess represents this concept more than any other card. Imagine scented candles, old volumes of herbalism and Wicca sorcery, and a shrine dedicated to the Moon goddess Hecate. Regarding the archetype of religion that they both represent it looks like a Yin-Yang distinction in some ways. As always, accompanying cards will help you determine what the High Priestess means in a career reading. It is a bond that words fail to describe. Thats all they really want. We cannot stress this enough. And why is that? What they could see them as is a someone who will transform them, make them face their past and come to terms with it, etc. More or less agree with your assessment. If someone view someone as the High Priestess in a relationship would this be good? It can also indicate that your intuition may lead you to a career or role that you would not have previously considered. When the Moon is in Virgo, it represents a time of organization, attention to detail, and practicality. But as soon as you try to say "yeah, I had a bad day too" they need to go for some reason. Tarot Cards Combinations: The Empress and High Priestess The High Priestess would remind you that a work environment can turn toxic pretty soon because careers, jobs, and money are on the line. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. Now more than ever, it is time to have faith and let go of the illusion. To believe in a better future, first, you have to believe in yourself. They may want to propose to you, but they may also hold back a little because they dont know you very well, or your abilities scare them.