The knot in your abdomen becomes tighter with every thrust before finally coming undone, you grab one of Sans forearms, your other hand pressing against the window next to your face as you try to steady yourself through your orgasm. He laughed before joining you. How was work today? He asks softly, all you can do is groan in response as he raises a hand to stroke your hair. You did as so and he carries you like a baby. He soon resumed his game while you fall asleep on him like a baby. Hed be jumping, beaming when your status went of the charts. seonghwa Observing you change your clothes. Im starting to cry to. #wooyoung Are you ok? Check. And thats why I chose air. Yeah, if they were made out of chicken, theyd be called chicken nuggets wouldnt they You say. You slip on your shoes and take some snacks with you. He sits down beside you and bites into his fried chicken that he was so excited to eat. #choisan Nose and cheeks slightly red at the temperature and the lack of clothing he had. How about you call in sick tomorrow and well have a movie day? He suggests. All you want to do is relax. Theres no way He says, actually kind of believing it. He hugs your small figure while saying Why are you crying, angel? H-huh? He says, terrified. Oh I never told you but its hoseok. Before you could continue, jongho stopped your hand from flipping to the next page. We can just order pizza you know. Wooyoung rests his chin on his other arm draped over the bath, finding himself becoming sleepy due to the calming smell of the bubbles and the dim atmosphere in the room. The little touches. Im so stressedNothing just goes in my favour Your voice sore from all the crying. Anyways, I hope you like it, I honestly pulled it out of my ass but yeah. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires @jonghoisababie, A/N - I love him. My god are you alright? He scoffs, catching their attention. You hug his shoulders while squeezing your cheek against his chest. You couldnt wait to get to go home and rest. You greet him with a small kiss and walk in. He comforts you in the sweetest way possible. He spoke in a whispering way. They use them on land at night so humans dont see them You assure him. You swore he almost filled a bucket with how much sweat he made. Ill carry that, love. skeptical at first. You need to make sure you keep your blood sugar levels high enough, youve not been eating or sleeping these days because of all this studying He whispers, concern laced in his soothing voice. Those alone prove that hes an earth bender. Seonghwa is scared, tell him its a dream and he can go home because he really doesnt know how much longer he can put up with this. He hugged you from the back making you stop in your tracks. He places his hand on your swollen belly like usual. I do fake text, scenarios, reactions. Oh I dont know wooyoung, the only thing thats wrong is that you hate my boy/girlfriend! As likethe one from BTS? ATEEZ San's Parents' Love Story Will Restore Your Faith In True Love. But you thought wrong. Your eyes drooped and eventually, your eyes gave up. So when you entered the apartment crying, he was lost for a minute. ", [P21] Grey's Anatomy Character He Represents, [R28] Him Listening to Your Favorite Song, [P35] Your Polyamorous Partner (another ATEEZ member). Eventually, he just pins you to the wall. He spoke in a deep satoori accent. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that, - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself, - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard, - "was that a whimper? And to your luck, traffic seemed to also hate you today. For the hundredth time seonghwa, Im not kidding! , Tag list - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @yunhoiseyecandy. G-gonna c-cum You moan out. I was joking You say quickly. Healing poWeRrrRs. You scratched the back of your neck Yeah. #wooyoung he didnt have much time today for you, figuring that the comeback was close. Thanks for reading, Tag List - @simphwa @yunhoiseyecandy @multidreams-and-desires. 36) When they find out your a vocalist for a metal band. Reactions and scenarios of Ateez. You wave your hand against face. He asked. He would later go back to you after cleaning and hug you to wipe that pout away. Wooyoung let me sleep please You groan out. What are you saying? When the two sat down at the same table, you could tell wooyoung was enthusiastic as ever. He raises a brow at you. He took a glance at you while you pass the kitchen. "Y/N, I just want the chance to say sorry," he requested, finding a way to grab onto your waist anyway. His eyes emitted an aura that was full of love and lust. Your eyes widened as you stopped the board and rushed to help him, Holy shit yeosang! I dont wanna mess things up. Something about you smirking just makes his pants uncomfortably tight. He smiles ear to ear. You felt an arm above you so first instinct was to push it away. He places another kiss on your forehead and takes the heavy plates off your hands. Him playing games as usual. Anyways enjoy! When he heard your sniffles and cries, his head would shoot up and scan wherever the sounds came from. 5) Ateez coffee shop orders. So wet for me He teases, placing the head of his cock in between your folds, guiding it over your slit before finally snapping his hips and stuffing your aching hole. N-no jongho its not that its just tha- Before hongjoong can continue, jongho fixes his gaze on him. he isnt one to berate you or scold you for having dreams like that. bonus: y/n : seonghwa why the fuck are you smiling, you look creepy. 7) What lingerie would Ateez buy you. You passed out on the bed. Idiot. Woo says, dumbfounded. Your quiet sobs could be heard throughout the entire apartment. Thats not really help- you know what? His lips that were slightly dry at the lack of hydration, again, caused by the number of hours he stayed up. Before the lad woke up, you took a small look at the clock and see it was already past noon. Fine if you dont like him/her, were out. He usually brings along his skateboard and arrives back thirty minutes later. There he found all seven of them sitting on the couch. But a soft and hum-like groan. Seonghwa isnt one to want any commotion or fights so hell settle it the easy way. A couple of weeks ago my partner and I found out that were having a baby. Hello my wonderful followers, long time no see! "I was joking". You let out a small laugh. Youve had a very stressful day at work and every single thing that you encountered hadnt helped. Darling, why are you up so late? He was baffled. Arent you quite energetic? #seonghwa Dosent matter. Why are you crying? You felt his foot steps and eventually the bed sinking a bit. ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. . You chuckled and hug him even tighter. When you told him its nothing, he carried you to the couch and made you lie on him. And you werent there so he thought itd be the perfect opportunity to bring it up. I apologize if its very shitty. He rubbed your back, and keeping your . A/N - So this was supposed to be a drabble oops. You okay Y/N? A familiar voice meets your ears and you feel a hand gently rest on your shoulder, its Mingi, your boyfriend. Itd get to a point where wooyoung asked whats wrong, and there he snapped. ;)), Anyways, I hope you like this one, tried my best aha x~S. Shes just like taehyung-oppa! When he learned it was you, hed sneak up behind you and immediately back hug your petite body. When you saw him walking into the bedroom, you stood up and hug him. Something was definitely wrong, you didnt greet him like to usually do, you didnt even look at him. He bit your lip and continued. Meeting namjoon for him was a dream come true. Hed reach out to you and hug you so tight you couldnt breathe. Youre so lucky to have someone like him by your side. yeosang wasnt the type to talk much to the baby. "I love you; it was stupid of me to . For me he actually resembles the avatar. I'm not turning down chicken either. Before you could hear an answer, you felt a whole drumstick shoved in your mouth. . Hes also very strong so hed be able to build things, fight etc. Hello there to my cutie. Wooyoung sits you on the bathroom counter as the water begins to fill the tub, he adds a lavender bubble bath to help ease your stress and lights a couple of small candles throughout the bathroom to illuminate the room. you were cooking dinner for the two of you. Without a word, he spreads open his arms. You hang up on him, turning off your phone as you enter your apartment. he was playing games on his console. Jagi your awake? He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you with a surprised expression. Hed be there for you, saying Hey I get what your going through. Cuddling. Hed be giggling the entire time. Youll feel better after this, sweetheart. The poor boy is pacing back and forth in disbelief, his hand against his forehead as he tries to process your false statement. he quietly chuckles seeing your sleeping figure silently snoring. Yeosang sat on the bed with a coffee in hand and a book with the other. Oh youre awake already? Hes more chill and lets you do your thing, but hed be lying if he said he wasnt surprised at your sudden rise in the industry. He wont admit it but he loved how you looked so vulnerable right now. You stare at everything and sigh. And when you say that you mean literally seven a.m. As usual you felt him tear away the sheets and went out for a cup of coffee, leaving you all alone. On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. Every single moment was a build up of stress. He gleamed. You continued your rant while he braids your hair with the most adorable face. Sometimes you smirk on purpose just to get a reaction out of him. Only to see yeosang close to it. Or his family? Babe, whhy am I so unattractive? Discovering things they had in common. a / n : i feel bad for leaving the ending like that but like y'all this is my first yunho imagine! Now with a baby on the way, he was more touchy than ever. You rushed to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet. Well maybe doing something. Youre perfect for my little y/n! fire. But that was until the boys left you alone. You tussle and turn, the sheets shifting. They have wings and all You reply. You know thats actually seagull meat, dont you? You ask him with a blank expression. You explain. 1, members they're most and least jealous of pt. He said, removing the sheets that were covering his lower body. "A week of nothing," you grinned as his arms snaked around your waist in excitement, barely able to properly contain himself at just the thought.". The members didnt mind at all but actually found it adorable. You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. The love of his life? when he heard you sniffling when you entered the apartment, he knew something was off. 44) When they collaborate with your group. Yunho is sucked into his computer game as you sit behind him on your phone, bored. You reply. . You ruffle your hands through your hair as you slid against the counter and down to the floor. Everytime you run your hands against his abs or just his body in general, you can see a slight change in his breathing; it goes more shallow. He sits down and feeds you one. REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! #parkseonghwa LET ME SEE! Nope haha, got you! You laugh. #jeongyunho Your hand continues trailing over his face. Y/n is my boy/girlfriend and you cant do anything about it. He admired every part of you. He sings you your favorite songs, occassionally dancing with you. Your chuckle only confusing him more. #mingi He made picking you up like a baby look easy. Their roles as parental figures in the group highly influenced my choice. Writing this made me remember how much of a wonderful, loving person our Sannie is. He texted you when he was getting out of the studio to prep yourself for a date tonight. I can clearly see that y/n bothers you. He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. This is 100% my opinion and should not be taken seriously, this is for entertainment purposes only and nothing is written with intent to upset or offend anyone :3, Tag List - @simphwa @ateezinmymind @multidreams-and-desires @yunhospuppy @jonghoisbabie @224-12 @woowommy. The moment you accidentally spilled the sauce you worked so hard on spilled onto your top, you gave up. He sets his bag down and sees your untidy way of taking your shoes off. Before you could take a step, a pair of arms already caught your figure. Jeong Yunho Since he has a motherly kind of vibe, it radiates water. "Then maybe you should go back to her". So is anyone gonna tell me why Ive been feeling a weird vibe around you seven from the start of this relationship? One night, they were all having dinner. He somewhat looked as though he was accepting it. "I don't want to hear what you have to say, in fact, I don't really want to be in the same room as you, right now.". . He helps you out of your robe and into the shower. scenarios, wooyoung, fluff. Your breath hitched when you heard his sweet voice. . That until the mark was in your vision. And there you were, cuddled up against him. hes also one to wake up a bit early. You might relax better He replies but gives in when you usher him over to you. You apologize. Seonghwa they keep looking at me. You shake your head, not in the mood at the moment. he was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone. Actually I have no reason they just give off that aura that theyre water benders. See- bleeeh! You realized what made him so shocked, Oh! . I dont think you should shout at the baby hwa You said with eyes closed. You frown and look back. He leaped on the bed as you opened another album. He forgets what he was going to do and paces to the kitchen. He said, reaching out to remove your mask. . Rather having to suffer the heat than take off your hoodie. We can try it if you want. You eyed the tall boy. When youre stressed just come to me. You giggle a bit when he called you the nickname he used. The rest of the evening is quiet, cuddly and filled with snores from the both of you shortly after you fall asleep. You stood up and went to him. Whats wrong, dumpling? He now widely grins upon seeing you all curled up right next to him. jongho when you came home crying, he'd be at loss. Talk to me. did. Morning, sunshine. Ive been waiting for you, beautiful he approaches with a smile as he brings you into a warm, bear hug. He sweetly smiles. Another Wooyoung fic oops. It's like you're begging for him to do something to you. Meeting jungkook will be an even bigger one. Your not making this up, right? He pouts, upset that he almost murdered you. That's how you met Taehyung. You dont want to be alone for a little while? You aint got to tell me fuck- I can feel it San grunts, both of his hands now resting on your ass, pulling your cheeks apart so he can reach as deep as possible. San stepped into the living room to see you passed out. He groaned as he heard the sound of him failing the game. You thought it would be the perfect opportunity. You see his cheeks turn red. His large figure towered over you. Before you can say anything, he already lifted you off the wood floors. His Turn On: When you smirk. You inform the tall male. Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. You try your best to balance the two plates that contained stacks of pancakes. Now the struggle of turning off the darn alarm became even more difficult. he came home craving your attention, tired from a long practice that once he found you laying on the bed, scrolling on your phone, he didn't hesitate to just lay on top of you, burying his face in your neck. A/N: Something he does that turn you on. Its yours. Mostly seen breaking apples and fruits together. You should sleep now woo You lean back to kiss his cheek. You hesitate for moment. You guys think I cant sense all the telepathic shit you say to one another? Hed make you and the boys hang out more. San picked you up, he could see the tears in your eyes after the encounter. He stands in-between your legs, hands draped around your waist as he rubs them gently up and down your sides. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. He was at a state of shock, but he didnt completely show it. He loves to sing to you whenever you two sleep or wake up. And thats how it lead to the both of you hugging for hours. #scenarios Sorry little bean, I had to go to work, but Im here now He smiles as he traces circles on your stomach. His hallucinaitions turn you on, they scare you. You melt as you heard his words. He would shyly smile and hug you back. Originally posted by port-of-ateez. The sudden commotion made you wake up. Hwa did you know the earth is flat? You ask in a whisper. He asked. You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. His voice is so soft, its like the warm blanket you need when its cold outside. A tired looking hongjoong stood infront of you. You then heard the keyboard keys that were being pressed, stopped. After a solid minute, you felt his arms around your waist. You finally got to see seokjin with seonghwa by your side. So your telling me your related to jungkook? Mingi pulls out a chair from next to you and proceeds to rummage through his backpack. this one is a close call. . - dirty talking and sensual touches before pounding into you, hard. San closes his eyes as you rub his cock over his shorts, you look up at him as you kiss your way down his sculpted body, biting down on your lip while you feel him throb in your hand. You waste no time, already drooling before taking him into your mouth as one of your hands pumps the base. He didnt care if you were there, he cant handle the fact that the people he considered family cant accept his partner. You regain the oxygen you lost and reassured the sorry boy. He brought yours near his lips and kissed it, Isnt it too early to be up, darling? No, no, no, my whole life has been a lie He whines, on the edge of breaking down completely. Is something the matter? He whispers to it. 2, them when you accidentally send a hot pic of yourself, them when you're having a mental break down, them getting teased in front of the members, them getting ask about you in a talk show, them when you fall asleep in a video call, them when you wear a lingerie around the house. Once you reach your boyfriend, you hover over his lips, encouraging him to lean forward anticipating a kiss. He enters the room once again but with a container of strawberries in hand. you were looking through an old photo album of you when you were younger. Having a sibling as annoying as jimin is worse. 6) Ateez as Wooyoung gifs. You say. Its nothing.. You look out the window. Saying sorry every minute while giving you endless love. Jongho had nothing to do so he wanted to accompany you. Dont you think my body isnt made for these? A hiss leaves your boyfriends lips while he watches his cum drip down your ass into the slit of your pussy. You saw his eyes bright up. Includes: Kim Hongjoong Park Seonghwa Song Mingi Choi San Jeong Yunho Kang Yeosang Jung Wooyoung Choi Jongho P - Preference R - Reaction Rankings (7.20.2021) #81 in. 11) Ateez as reaction photos. You were on the huge bean bag, taking your usual naps. Its not like I like him less, its just every idea I get fits seonghwa so much,,, guys its been more than a year stop liking my posts my writing was complete shit , masterlist ; unavailable | malsukie | requests ; CLOSED. I can feel it in my gut He replies, rubbing his stomach as he smiles with his eyes. Were both very excited and looking forward to having our own little family! We can break apples if youre sad He offers. when it accidentally slipped out of your mouth, seonghwa had a look that appeared to be that he was doubting your claim. You bring one of your hands to his, helping spread yourself for him to see while you enjoy being fucked stupid, rubbing fast circles on your clit as you feel your orgasm quickly approach. Wooyoung always takes such good care of you, times like this make you realise just how much he means to you. Which he had been doing for the past three hours. You tried to convince him anyways. Its okay, love. Sometimes sexual, sometimes not. And so the day continues with nothing but books to talk about and endless sips of coffee. Whats jungkook to you? He talks. HI GUYS!! He held back throughout the whole movie. "That's it. He wrapped his arms around you while tangling his legs with yours. He fully opened his arms, drowning you in love and affection. YAH HOW COULD YOU TELL ME THAT Y/N Yeosang yells. I know youre having a hard time. He said looking at your recently stained shirt. What you didnt know, was that he would speak to your bump whenever you slept. Yeah, it says here that they cut some off when you die so it can make toilet paper. You reply, pretending to read from your screen. the sound of birds chirping was what woke you up, your constant tries of sleeping back showed no success. He felt your small nod and you both walked to the living room. He hums into your bare nape, his hand crept under your shirt and rested on your bare stomach. He looked even more confused. Either way, he stops mid-steo when he sees your reaction, his face turning calm once again and he gulps, asking you gently if you're okay. Just enjoying your shower with yunho. Turning off the tap, he checks the water temperature is perfect for you before you get in. Oh yunho, hes just my brother. Your eyes look down to see hongjoong. He hissed, walking away. The roasts alone radiate fire bender vibes. . You smiled at the thought. You lay your had on his lap and hug his waist. He pets your head. Bro its just a prank, dont look so scared. In terms of strength, this bitch should be at the tippy top, but I believehe wouldnt be that great at fighting. You sigh. Everything is wrong. You think over and over again what you should cook for both you and yunho. He scolds as he massages your scalp with shampoo. He weakly smiled at you, his eyes looked so dry. Preferences and reactions for the members of my favorite KPOP boy band, ATEEZ!! I'm hard, and you've barely even touched me. when he saw you crying, he himself would also start tearing up. I swear it just happens ! That being said, he wont just let you cry. #fanfiction How about you bring your pretty ass over here and help me out He smirks at you with hooded eyes, his abs tense as he grips his length through his shorts, the bulge being very much prominent at this point. ateez reaction to you turning them onno credit check homes for rent in tucker, ga. at Edisto Beach. He was quite silent at first. He cheekily giggles at between switching angles. 43) When a barista leaves their number on their cup. The moment he saw you on the ground crying, its almost like the world stopped. He discourages you a bit. Despite your best efforts, in the end you still end up on the couch. its funny that he resembles appa a bit. Jongho. Your brother often scared people so you understood why mingi couldnt speak without gripping your hand tighter. Stop causing your mom pain! When he saw you curled in a ball on the bed with puffy eyes and a runny nose, he climbed on the bed. Y/N!! You look so beautiful like this, doll He chuckles, adding a spank to your rear before moving the material of your swimwear to expose your dripping cunt. You slowly open your eyes to look at belly. You threw your bag to somewhere you didnt care about. Choi Jongho Everytime you run your hands against his abs or just his body in general, you can see a slight change in his breathing; it goes more shallow. You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. You look at the sleeping Bear before you. Wooyoungie sweetest bub, Tag List - @simphwa @multidreams-and-desires @yunhoiseyecandy. Hey so, Im meeting up with my brother, wanna tag along? he was playing with his switch. For once quiet and speechless. - hickeys are a must, very harsh ones at that. Silence fills the vehicle, right before seonghwa grabs your face and pulls you in for a long and deep kiss. Embraces you with the most comfortable hug ever. San had no idea how this was going to go. He noticed how hard you gripped his sleeves. He murmurs. Look, heres a picture You say as you hold your phone out to him, he turns around and is met with a picture on your screen that saysIts a prank and he rolls his eyes, unable to hide his laugh as he saysI knew it wasnt true. 15) Another . Hed be worried about hurting the zombie even though my guy is in a literal zombie apocalypse and has to fight for his life. You two would make funny face to stop each other from crying. beg until i think you've earned it. #ateez #halazia #reaction you are missing out on even morereactions over on patreon! He casually places a kiss on your head and proceeds to talk. He soon stopped and fully embraced you. yeosang was one to wake up a bit early. It poured for hours and you didnt have an umbrella with you. His leader instincts kicked in. And who are you to decide that? He wipes your tears away. . Thats when jongho realized you had jeon as your name. He quickly ripped his headphones off and spun the chair to your direction. He would immediately hug you back. Hed be 100% your hype man. Just like that, what a good girl He groans, you look up at him, batting your eyelashes at the encouragement before taking his full length down your throat and gagging around it, just the way you know he likes it. Hes another one thats fast af and have you seen his fucking flying 360 neck breaker spin kick? Request are Closed! He gets low enough to the point where he faced your belly. One lady even threw her hot coffee at me! Your lips tremble as you talk, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. You laugh at his antics. a / n : I just did this for fun since the idea popped up in my mind , a / n : you should never feel ashamed of yourself or your body, if anyone wants to talk my dms / asks are always open ^^, alexa play . answer : love myself by BTS. You said nothing and rather enjoy the moment as he carries you bridal style to the bathroom. #81 in #ateez he kind of knew from the start. You rest your eyes and listened to his heartbeat as you both fall asleep. His snapchat story is definitely like an hour long, You can hear him laugh from the other side of the house, Encourages people (especially Seonghwa) to get drunk off their face so he can take pictures and laugh. WHERE? Choi Jongho All the clicking that could be heard made you wake up. Synopsis - After a long day of work, Wooyoung runs you a relaxing bath and keeps you company as you unwind. He set you on his chest like a dog on his owner. Ill murder you. You didnt think too much of it since you were used to everyones initial shock. Hed know how to ration properly and what to prioritise as well as how to make weapons from everyday supplies. What he wasn't too pleased about was how close you were getting with Seonghwa. You notice the sudden change in temperature, and hongjoong noticed too. Your body starts to heat up as the nerves really start to get to you when your turn starts to come up. You get pulled back. The actual request saidAteez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3. #yunho. You alright? You lay comfortably, falling asleep when you waited for san to finish showering. he immediately sensed all the stigma that surrounded you the moment you entered the living room side by side with him. 8) When you try to steal food off their plate. ", - large hands so probably wants you to cum from his fingers, - will mockingly ask you if you know why you're getting punished, - "pretending to be all innocent, are we? He cheekily smiles. when you mentioned your sibling was yoongi, his eyes grew wide. When he heard you having your guts spilled out, any sleepiness still in him coursed out, and he rushed to the bathroom. He smiled before saying When are you coming out little one? tell me, or else there'll be no touching. Im sorry Ive been slow with requests these days, Ive been trying to sort out my small business. Was all you said. You can only giggle at him as he roots for you. Ill be honest, Jongho is pretty hard to write for, idk if any other writers feel this way but I found this a little bit of a challenge even though hes such a simple guy hahaha.