This website is fueled by coffee, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and LOTS of passion. Its observance may have helped to predict annual flooding. The animals of the west include the beaver for teamwork to prepare for winter and the snake to remind us of how to shed our old skin for transformation. Mythical creatures like the chimera, dragon and phoenix are also appropriate. Druidism. Typically occurring between June 20 th and June 22 nd in the Northern Hemisphere each year, the solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. Not just offerings to the Gods and household spirits (though we often set out a special bowl just for those), but food for us to enjoy in our celebration as well. This is the time when the sun stands still. Her daughter Brigid took on her role as a protective mother figure associated with the earth. When Ruanan fought against the Tuatha De Dannan and was killed, Brigids cries became the first mourning song of Ireland. But a look back at the 28 Summer Games that have taken place since 1896 also offer a snapshot of geopolitics, a shift in womens rights and the state of global affairs. A tall sun candle takes center stage on my altar. The loa, or spirits, invoked in Vodou are based on African gods but incorporate much of the symbolism and lore of the saints. Related: Photos: Stunning summer solstice photos. Animals: butterflies, robins, horses, fireflies Plants: fennel, oak trees, mugwort, St John's wort Spells: Litha is one of the best times for protection or love magic 7 Ways to Celebrate Litha 1. Magic was thought to be strongest during the summer solstice. While the other gods of pre-Christian Ireland faded from memory or were reimagined as less powerful spirits, Brigids cult was not so easily erased. She drinks rum infused with red chilis to make her breath as hot as a flame. It is the season with the longest and warmest days of the year. 2. The ancient read more, Solar and lunar eclipsesastronomical events that occur when the Earth, the Sun and the Moon are alignedhave figured prominently in human history. The Goddess labours through the night birthing the Blessed Child, the Sun King. Despite her invention of keening, however, Brigid was not a goddess of death. Occurring between June 20 to June 22, the summer solstice marks the day when the sun is at its highest point creating the longest day of sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere. Litha symbolizes a grand portal of energy, space, and opportunity - a chance to let go of fears, doubts, and insecurities. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. At Stonehenge on the day of the northern winter solstice (always around December 20), people watch as the sun sets in the midst of three great stones - known as the Trilithon - consisting of two. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). They also had a good deal to do with farming, fertility, and the cycles of the Earth. Photo credit: Images and little trinkets that represent fairies, pixies, elves and sprites are perfect dcor. Although Maman Brigitte is a loa of the dead, she is still viewed as a protective, maternalistic spirit. It gives the children a well rounded understanding of all religions. In the mythology of Ireland and other Celtic cultures, Brigid was one of the most important deities. African penguin More commonly associated with cold weather, it may come as a surprise that our next sun lover is a penguin! Start with a rich, green altar cloth or perhaps a fiery orange-yellow altar cloth. Over 700 mostly white volunteers joined African Americans in Mississippi to fight against voter intimidation and read more, Modern Olympic history is full of heart-thumping victories and painful defeats. She was the goddess of spring, the dawn, and fertility. please consider contributing. In other countries, the Catholic saint replaced the Germanic goddess the Romans had named Brigantia. By the time were ready to feast, its done and needs only ice. Both her father, the Dagda, and her son were killed in the fighting. (The reverse is true in the Southern Hemisphere, where the longest day of the year occurs between December 20 and 22.) But that is what makes a multi-denominational shocol so special. Thanks Ollie; it's a great sabbat-- enjoy it! Some of our website features may not function as a result. . Brigids association with fair weather and the holidays of spring and summer were not only tied to her dominion over the sun. Mackenzie Sage Wright (author) on May 22, 2014: Thanks MizBejabbers. This is a spiritual aphorism. Chipmunks, skunks, tortoises, and some bats will also spend most of winter sleeping to conserve food and energy, so if you've gotten used to seeing these animals in your yard or neighborhood, they might disappear for a little while. Whether it be bouquets set in vases, or daisy chain wreaths encircling the items on the altar, it certainly brings in a cheerful atmosphere. Other summer solstice traditions hold that the ashes from a Midsummer bonfire can protect one from misfortune or that the asheswhen spread across ones gardenwill bring a bountiful harvest. All rights reserved. Many cultural mythologies and traditions are derived from this. Just look around you during the summer months and you willsee a bevy of symbolic cuesthat represent the vitality and bounty summer implies. The sun is a warming entity, so itfires our passionsand heats up our hearts to the potential of life that abounds. Festivities celebrated Earth, femininity, and the yin force. 1. Just enjoy! For the solstice itself I usually just do something low-key by myself: meditate a bit, wear the right colors, eat something appropriate. In this aspect, she was also sometimes considered to be a goddess of motherhood and birth. In fact, the first largest bonfire record was a . Countries in Scandanavia celebrate "midsummer" on the day of St. John the Baptist with large bonfires on the beach. Seemore about the salamander here. National Geographic. Brigid, or Brid, was one of the foremost deities of the Irish Celtic pantheon. June 21 is called the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and simultaneously the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The druids, the Celtic priests of ancient Britain, apparently venerated mistletoe during the winter solstice, erecting an altar before the huge oak where the rare bloom appears. Brigid was thought to keep them safe then and encourage the safe delivery of calves. I love the long evenings and beautiful sunsets at that of year and the sunshine filled days. Seemore about the lion here. The medieval legend indicates salamanders had the ability to light bonfires. Brigid was such a popular figure of protection, motherhood, and care that she can be recognized even in the beliefs of the African diaspora. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. She was the goddess of the spring and the dawn. Those who respect the dead and remember them earn Maman Brigittes thanks in life. The Summer Solstice: Cancer, Leo, Virgo. . She is a former reference editor for Live Science and Some legends suggest that Imbolc may have been the precursor of the American tradition of groundhogs day. xx. Falling between the busy yet joyous planting season and the hectic and somewhat reflective harvest season, the summer solstice is a time to truly let loose and enjoy all the pleasures of life. The most well-known loa is Baron Samedi, the spirit of death. As Mother, She understands Her struggle through the greatest . This is done intentionally to illustrate the earth as a bowl ready to receive the readily available warmth and energy of the sun. We find our grandest spiritual growth by pointing ourselves into the light, with our back against the darkness. 3. True Midday (the time that falls midway between sunrise & sunset), Forest green; Solar colors red, yellow, orange, Solar symbols; fires; woodland creatures; fairies and the wee folk. The West is black and it represents the death of summer's cycle. lol! Other animals associated with summer and with fire are also important symbols of this holiday.Lions, Dragons, and Salamanders are associated with Summer Solstice because of their link to the fire element. The word "solstice" derives from the Latin words "sol" (sun) and "sistere" (to stand still). Autumnal equinox (about September 23): day and night of equal length, marking the start of autumn. Bears, mostly nocturnal are seen more often during the summer months and this is symbolic of coming out of our metaphorical caves, and embracing the summer-lit brilliance of the day. They should be included in all of your celebrations. Summer Solstice 2011: Why Its the First Day of Summer. And don't forget the wee folk! Technically, there are three temple units in Mnajdra, set . Add six drops of rose oil to the mix. The solstice is known for its golden evenings, dusk flecked with fireflies, and the full bloom of the natural world. For example, Brigid became the goddess of smiths after Giobhnui was killed in battle. Among the Tuatha De Dannan, she was one of the most popular goddesses. Litha (Midsummer, Gathering Day, Summer Solstice, Alban Heffyn, Feill-Sheathain) Incense: Sage, mint, basil, Saint John's Wort, sunflower, Lavender Decorations: Dried herbs, potpourri, seashells, summer flowers, and fruits. Most of our Midsummers are spent at the beach with friends, we set up an altar right there on the picnic tables and we fire up the grill for roasted vegetables and whatever meat my husband decides to cooksome years past this has included lemon pepper chicken, fish stuffed with herbs and lemon slices, grilled salmon with dill and lemon, tender pork and coleslaw sandwiches and even something as simple as burgers and hot dogs. As St. Brigid, she is the patroness of Ireland. At 09:13 GMT on June 21, 2022, the earth will experience the June solstice. Each year, thousands gather at Stonehenge to commemorate the longest day of the year. There are also many poems about summer, celebrating the beauty, warmth, and growth that comes with the season. In practicing their religion . Its also a good time to start making one or to consecrate one. Norse? Any Gods or Goddesses associated with the Element of Fire or the Sun should be given special attention at this time of year. If you can, set up your Summer Solstice altar outdoors and hold your celebration there under the sun. A . As average global temperatures increase, animals are relocating to higher latitudes, Williams said, "so it will be interesting to see how animals that haven't been exposed to polar conditions will respond as they move north.". If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. Usually aroundJune21st for those who live in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a time when the sun lingers the longest of any other day. Start of Summer: l xi : May 6th: The beginning of summer (in southern China). Ireland, of course, was not the only Celtic culture that venerated a similar goddess. We keep it fairly low-key too-- we go to the beach, bbq (pits are all set up there), play all day, and when it gets dark we just drum & roast marshmallows. It is the day with the least amount of daylight hours for the year and for pagans it symbolizes the rebirth of the Sun. On June 21, there are 24 hours of daylight north of the Arctic Circle (66.5 north of the equator) and 24 hours of . It is also a time to remind oneself of the warmth and life-giving source of the sun or fire. Wiccans and other Neopagan groups call it Litha, while some Christian churches recognize the summer solstice as St. Johns Day to commemorate the birth of John the Baptist. Recent excavations revealed huge amounts of discarded pig and cattle bones. The summer solstice, which marks the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, happens Sunday (June 20) at 11:32 p.m. EDT (Monday, June 21 at 03:32 UTC). The druids cut the sacred mistletoe with great ceremony and brewed it into a fertility potion/all purpose antidote. These included: In the Celtic religion, the gods were not entirely immortal. On this day, which provides a full 24 hours of daylight above the Arctic Circle, people in northern latitudes are celebrating with special events, like a live broadcast the moment the solstice begins at England's Stonehenge. 8 Pagan Holidays Explained. Giobnui was killed first, but Ruadan was gravely wounded and fell soon after. Healthy balancing of independence with love and affection. The day has also been celebrated in many cultures. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. While Baron Samedi and the other loa have African features, Maman Brigitte has the pale skin and bright red hair that mark her out as a goddess with Irish origins. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice is the longest day of the year and occurs when the sun crosses its . Images and little trinkets that represent fairies, pixies, elves and sprites are perfect dcor. The long summer days are full of life. The ancients noticed that as summer progressed, the sun stopped moving northward in the sky, then begin tracking southward again as summer turned to autumn. While Brigid did not have as many children as many other mother goddess types, she was said to take special care of the young. 15 essential oils that are perfect for the Summer Solstice/ Midsummer / Litha, complete with great ways to use them all summer long.