A Yorkshireman's dog dies and as it was a favourite pet he decides to have a gold statue made by a jeweller to remember the dog by. Add to Basket. Speak Chinese So, I guess it's time to stick up for Scottish folk as well as the fine people from Yorkshire. "It's toffee and it's stuck in me teeth". This story is set in Yorkshire a large county (region) in the north-east of England. A couple are playing 'I spy' in the kitchen of their home somewhere in Yorkshire. He yells: "The blummin' 'e' is missing! The old fella goes off. (((navigator.appName == "Netscape") && He wer in his element! And our rich and distinctive accent and dialect makes for some funny puns and jokes. The vet says "Is it a tom?"? Home.. removal of the DEER CROSSING sign on our road. if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav4n=MSFPpreload("../_derived/contents.htm_cmp_yorkshire-dialect110_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav4h=MSFPpreload("../_derived/contents.htm_cmp_yorkshire-dialect110_hbtn_a.gif"); } Andy told me he knew a man with a wooden leg named Smith. Obviously there's no single Yorkshire accent or dialect and some are stronger sounding than others. Hed rammle on for ivver once he got to his feet to spaht. Well, Ah slap thee across tface three times oppen-handed, then thou slaps me. Vet asks "Is it a Tom?" Wrigleys have launched a new website where you can order chewing gum online. [report] [news] Friday 12th November 2010. I can't see sees a man from the water board with a big 'T' handle, READ MORE: 14 reasons why Yorkshire is far superior to Lancashire. They pay the 40p, but their curiositygets the better of them. person. It wer Ira at shut him up. Please send us your short English jokes, Tbuilder nobbut shook his head an said, Two! 15 famous quotes that perfectly capture life in Yorkshire A andiron is a man s best friend A drowning homo will clutch at a straw A pisces constantly rots from the head down A horse around and his money are soon separate Yorkshireman Jokes A Yorkshireman walks in to a vet and says "Ay up, can tha tek a look at our cat? T year he wer t Mayor o Keighworth he upped t number o speeches he hed to give. 16. Sammy ruled his sons wi' a rod o' iron. time to remind me of the country, sung as if by the Treorchy Male Voice 2. vehicle rollover calculation. Normally means when someone is in a mood and acting irritable (usually the Mrs). He allus started, Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to be ere today then hed rammle on an on. Fine by me, said the builder, stickin aht his chin. Hope this means the naked man was near the organ that's used to play Sunday hymns. I genuinely have not seen someone wear a flat cap in Yorkshire since like, the 1990s. Please note that this site uses cookies to personalise content and adverts, to provide social media features, and to analyse web traffic. [report] [news] Friday 12th November 2010. says the vet. jokes about tight yorkshiremanhow is hammer v dagenhart an issue of federalism. I have a very secure job. Seems fine to drive, hand brake is a bit of a stretch compared to last model. A photographer up t'hi street advertised that he could retouch photographs. As usual, Joa got up to speik an pushed his chair back soa fowks could see an hear him better. for him to retire after 60 years with the firm. ((navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") && Google Books Wild at Heart: The story of Sailor and Lula By Barry Gifford New York, NY: Grove Weidenfeld 1990 Pg. alus do it for thisen. A Yorkshireman's wife dies and the widower decides that her headstone should have the words "she were thine" engraved on it. Vet: "Is it a tom?" Course, Jack Emmott wer as mad as hell. This joke may contain profanity. Just because people from Yorkshire may be more 'to the point' and honest about what they say, that hardly means we're stubborn, nor are we narrow-minded or rude. I did like tha ses and he gave me the sack." If you are able, it is probably best read in a northern accent: It occurred on the evening before Waterloo,As troops were lined up on parade.And sergeant inspecting 'em, he were a terror,Of whom every man were afraid. I was walking down the street t'other day when ah met me mate. Franglais examples, how he liked t saand ev his own voice! Because, Did you hear what the English, the Irish and the Scots. Yorkshireman: "No I want it chewin' a bone, yer daft bugger!" // -->