. The Federal Employees Benefit Program consists of two types of health plans for federal civilian employees. Complete the sentence using each term once. by geriford27, Determine whether the discriminant is positive, negative, or zero. Which military service exclusion clause would pay upon his death? An attending physician's statement would be appropriate for which life insurance purpose? A policy owner may exercise which of these dividend options that uses the dividend to pay all or part of the next premium due? _____ is NOT an element of valid contract, The automatic premium loan provision authorizes an insurer to withdraw from a policy's cash value at the amount of, Past due premiums that have not been paid by the end of the grace period. \text{Ratained earnings} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}57,000} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}61,000} \\ A producer's secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone: a) is an example of the illegal act called twisting . Johan the producer charged a fee to a sales prospect for analyzing insurance coverages A written statement describing the elements of a policy is called, All of the following are considered appropriate uses of life insurance for business purposes EXCEPT, Protecting the business by covering entry level employees with life insurance, An insured individual and the policy's beneficiary die from the same accident. B.) Intereston death benefits are NOT required to be paid by an insurance company as longas proceeds are paid within __ after the date of the death of the insured. Which of the following topics needs to be discussed with this client? belmont funeral home obituaries barbados The renewability provision for an individual long-term care insurance policy must be located on the policy form's, The ______________________ must be notified of a licensee's address change within 30 days of such change, Producers must complete a total of _______ Continuing Education hours for each two-year licensing period, A Medicare Supplement policy may exclude coverage for a preexisting condition for up to ____ months. B. Whenthe application is collected and policy is issued, C. Whenthe application is completed and signed, D. Whenthe completed application is signed and initial premium is collected. A _______ company is owned by its shareholders, The ___________ has the right to renew a small employer health plan, providing incorrect, misleading, incomplete, or materially untrue information in the license application, A producer who is licensed in Maryland but resident in another state is called a, A minor may receive a life insurance policy's death benefit ONLY, Interest on death benefits are NOT required to be paid by an insurance company as long as proceeds are paid within ______ after the date of the death of the insured, Submit to the replacing insurer a list of the policies to be replaced. You are here: how to remove chicken giblets a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. At the request of the insurer to assist in the underwriting decision. Under this plan a, Adoption of a child (an uninsured, eligible employee who acquires a new dependent through marriage, birth, or adoption may qualify for special enrollment in a small employer's health benefit plan). C. Protects consumers with guidelines regarding creditreporting and distribution. The Healthcare Insurance Exchange offers plans for everyone. What happens to the total amount of premium paid for an insurance policy when the payment frequency increases? An individual the means to replace wages. Allows the secondary payor to reduce their benefit payments so no more than 100% of the claim is paid, A producer who shares commissions with a client. Which of these is likely to occur when life or health insurance is being applied for? Whichmarket index is normally associated with an indexed annuitys rate of return? In Maryland, a full-time employee of a small employer MUST work an average of at least ___ per week. If credit life insurance is terminated before the scheduled maturity date of the debt, any unearned premium held by the insurer will be? With a past due premium of $100, the insurer pays $400. In what part of insurance policy benefits found? Which license is REQUIRED in order to solicit Long Term Care insurance in the State of Maryland? Continued coverage under COBRA would be providedto all of the following EXCEPT: a. Whichof the following is Medicare Part B also known as? In order for the producer's insurance business to continue, the Commissioner may issue to the producer's spouse a, has a mental or physical handicap and remains dependent on the parent, A dependent child may remain on a parent's health insurance plan beyond age 26 if the child, Under a small group health plan, an insurer is required to provide a newly-married employee at least ____ days to add the new spouse to the plan, replacing an insurance policy from one insurer to another based on misrepresentation, legible and brief description of the policy on the first page, Each delivered life insurance policy in Maryland MUST include a, The _____________ of Coverage describes policy features, benefits, exclusions, and riders in a Long-Term Care policy, A person who, for a fee, gives advice or recommendations on benefits provided by an insurance contract is called, Child over the age of 18 years who attends an educational institution and relies on the insured employee for financial support. Which of the following enables a life policy to be replaced with another life policy and results in the postponement of the tax consequence? The two plans are fee-for-service and. An example of a primary care physician would be an, A fee for service health insurance plan will normally cover. Juni 2022. Term, Whole, and universal life insurance, C. Joint, credit, and group life insurance. If an insurer refuses to pay a claim, how many days must the insured wait to take legal action against a health insurer after submitting written proof of loss? Who would be responsible for the prosecution of this crime? a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Which of thesestatements is true? Which of the following is NOT part of an insurance contact? A. Thepolicys elimination period is waived, B. Thetime frame for reinstating a lapsed policy is extended, C. Thepolicys probation period is earlier than the present, D. Thepolicy effective date is earlier than the present, D. The policy effective date is earlier than thepresent, Premiummode is a term used to describe the. Howare annuities given favorable tax treatment? What happens when an insurance policy is backdated? A licensed producer is required to file notice of any change of address within how many days? Which disability policy provision would address any concerns of the value of the benefits decreasing over time? In the event of employment termination, group health insurance can be kept if the employee pays the premiums. A beneficiary has just received a claim payment for a life insurance policy. \text{Cash and cash equivalents} & \$\ \hspace{5pt}48,000 & \$\ \hspace{5pt}57,000 \\ ashlyn 72" ladder bookcase / la montagne jean ferrat partition piano pdf / a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. Upon delivery, she may be expected to collect all of the following EXCEPT a(n), Modified application with a new signature, All of these are valid policy dividend options for a life insurance policyowner EXCEPT. An insurance company may ONLY pay a sales commission to, Continuous 24-hour care provided by licensed medical professionals under the direct supervision of a physician is called. A life insurance policyowner was injured in an automobile accident which results in a total and permanent disability. By Posted browning 725 pro sporting canada A separate converted policy may, at the option of the insurance company, be issued to cover a (n). Since each partner contributes an important element to the success of the business, they decide to take life insurance policies out on each other, and name each other as beneficiaries. Whichscenario would most life insurance policies exclude coverage for? By . A producer has recently died and leaves behind a spouse. His policy may be reinstated at any time within _____ years. The policies continue in force with no change. Which of the following is present when an applicant stands to lose value if the insured dies? what happened to amy bailey happy healthy humble . A disability income policy can prevent an insured from earning a higher income than if he/she were working by utilizing. 1. Which of the following MUST contain a "Statement of Policy Cost and Benefit Information"? The funeral of Wayne Emmerson Wilson leaves Downes and Wilson Funeral Home, Eagle Hall, St.Fax: 540-662-2627. It allows for cash advances to be paid against the death benefit if the insured becomes terminally ill. Who assumes the investment risk in a variable insurance contract? Reggie purchased a life insurance policy with a face amount of $500,000. Whichphase is this annuity in? A long-term care policy typically provides all of the following levels of care EXCEPT, A life insurance policy that has premiums fully paid up within a stated time period is called, A securities license is required for a life insurance producer to sell, In contrast to a guaranteed renewable policy, a noncancellable policy. juin 5, 2022 . Written notice for a health claim must be given to the insurer ___ days after the occurrence of the loss. At what age does the open enrollment period typically begin for Medicare Supplement coverage? B. Providea risky, yet high return investment, Fixedannuities provide each of the following EXCEPT. Pierre the producer receives a premium for an individual health insurance policy. yabombay Flashcards | Quizlet An individual can enroll in a Part C Medicare Advantage Plan at what time? Sonya applied for a health insurance policy on April 1. The benefit can be offered as a rider at a specific extra cost or may be at no cost, All of the following are included as part of a contract in the entire contract provision EXCEPT the. a. social stratification b. feminization of poverty c. social class d. social mobility e. bourgeoisie f. vertical mobility g. proletariat h. intergenerational mobility i. wealth j. horizontal mobility k. income l. open-class system m. prestige n. absolute poverty o. relative poverty p. caste system. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone Which type of disability would be less than total impairment and equal to permanent impairment? Both May and John are injured. Kathysannuity is currently experiencing tax-deferred growth until she retires. When an applicant passes a licensing examination and answers all background questions negatively. An individual can enroll in a Part C Medicare Advantage Plan at what time? Net death benefit will be reduced if the loan is not repaid. Which of these premium payment frequencies is not typically available to a policy owner? Which of the following is an example of defamation? With a usual, customary, and reasonable fee, Which of these is NOT a qualifying event for Medicare, A.
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