I was at 6 different LZs from Aug 67-Aug 68, with a 4th Medical Battalion aid station (D Company), and I never heard of a fuck you lizard. Got home after the war, never spoke about my service, never went hunting again, never cut my feeling back on! it is the duty of the community to stay behind their warriors to heal them and at the back of them when they come back. Today, the state with highest number of Vietnam veterans is California, with 596,130, followed by Florida with 519,224. Nov.62 I got off a PanAm flight at Tan Son Nhut with a US passport, wearing civilian clothes and colorful floral leis around my neck after a stop in Hawaii. How many Vietnam veterans died from Agent Orange? Clearly, the New York Times is referring to Vietnam-era veterans, not Vietnam veterans. They term era should be shit canned. There are no foolproof questions. Born: 08/27/1943. GREAT As a retired Green Beret, his assessment and stats of the war are accurate. The total number of is estimated at 2.8 million US veterans who were exposed to the poisonous chemical while serving and later died. David, please do not compare this to Merchant Seaman in WWII who braved the many packs of Submarines etc as that is how so many died in WWII. If I got in the ring with Cassius clay later known as Mohamed Ali. many US MILITARY PERSONNELL served in Afghanistan from the start to when the last GI got on the last plane/helicopter out. Welcome home! I began to think that was the excuse for NOT being in combat. Defining Combat Veterans, tell us what number you give yourself, we have a controversy here with a candidate for Governor, he claims now that he is a combat veteran, but he told me in his campaign for the House seat he presently holds, that he was NOT a combat veteran. There is a statistic that has been widely quoted in the veteran community that highlights an estimated 22 veterans a day are committing suicide. How many Canadian WWII veterans are still alive? BTW, Why would this conservative believe anything the New York Times says anyway! All Lawyer adds is for 2 percent, do you think that this was a greater risk for Cancer. 610,000 figure is more accurate., NYT was referring to VN Era Veterans. Most of the time as a grunt without a map. no , i could not quit. A few times Id meet a group of guys claiming they were all Nam Vets. The Vietnam Nam Veteran and the Vietnam Era Veteran is defined by law ,, am I correct???? Other sappers were shooting their AKs at any targets. I served in Vietnam from Jul 68 to Jul 69. Era vets are important but dont count. Since the fall of Saigon and Operation Baby Lift occurred in 1975, wouldnt an 18 year old at that time be 64 or 65 today ? In addition 18 US AF Security Police personnel and their 5 person aircrew were killed responding to the incident (the seizure of the USS Mayaquez), some do not recognize them as combat related deaths either. Just like ALL Vets who served DURING WWII are classified as WWll Vets regardless of where they served. Only military remaining were Marines at the Embassy. I was in 1st Battalion 26 th Infantry HMP 1st Infantry Division in 68 November 68 to January 69. eventually i commented that i had flown into dong ha on resupply missions , having become bored with my mates work on merchant ships that spent long weeks at da nang. Im glad you made it back! Here are some statistics on the veterans of the Vietnam War. I knew I had to stand up again, even though I made a better target; my staying in the open road would be a death sentence. We all figured it was a Combat death. Dr. Paul A. Scipione it was printed in the ny times and cherries writer. There are 500,000 Korean War veterans still living, but about 600 of those die every day, according to the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation. Those were the prime draft years, but of course there were a few older guys over there too.This does not include other American men there who are not covered by the A, like civilian contractors. We were near AF ranch hand ops and many of my buds still alive from then have the cancers, diabetes, amputations and such. I certainly dont agree on the 9 million in country. The stroke wasnt assumed until after 2000 & heart not until 2010. We didnt make it on shore very often but I still feel I was in VietNam. if you slept in the same bed more than 4 nights a week you were a REMF doesnt make you a abad guy but you are a remf. I opted for love! Besides, who says anyone can claim this status or that status just because. I know . two weeksOver 10% of Vietnam casualties were helicopter crew members, and most of those were the door gunners that protected the helicopter, its crew, and its transports, from their exposed position. Pleiku, Dak To, An Khe. I was also at LZ Bayonet. Id like to know what the 1 in 14 men figure is based on. I remember that the minute we came around the coast and headed up for Vung Tau, as merchantmen on American Export LInes ships, we got a sizeable war zone increase in our pay. it really did not matter, every officer had a masters license. Check your POW list. I do not doubt that it occurred, but can anyone cite a reliable source for this? If one in ten saw sustained combat, then there may be as little as 60,000 of us left! I do not believe that the question of who is a Vietnam Veteran is that difficult Assignment to a unit stationed in country is 1 criterion, another is the number of days assigned and served in country Combat at sea of pilots from carriers and rescue crews that flew over the country and those downed I think that there are really 2 classes of Vietnam Veterans, combat and non-combat that is a more difficult designation to separate As a combat platoon Sgt engaged in several large battles and many smaller fire fights, nights being mortared with shells exploding in the trees above The VA needs to add one more medical anomaly, Chronic Butt Pucker for all combat veterans. I was all over in 7 years. that conversation has stayed with me. The oldest living Vietnam War veteran is believed to be a man named Larrivee Ronald A , who was born in Feb, 24, 1935. Editorial comment by website administrator: Personally, Im going with the 610,000 estimate of 2 yrs. Excellent questions. Perhaps, another RPG impacted and careened us sideways knocking me unconscious. What is left of them is in Davis Monthan AFB, Tucson, and they still smell today. Vietnam War veterans can suffer from a variety of physical and mental health conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), drug and/or alcohol problems, and hearing loss. In my book, they are all Vietnam Vets, just like the guys back home who never went overseas are WWII or WWI veterans. VA released VetPop 2020 which is VA's new official estimate and projection of the Veteran population. one yearA tour of duty in Vietnam for most ground forces lasted one year. (Operation Ranch Hand) that were loaders and used no protection. We havent forgotten that time of our lives, and remember full well, that most of these ERA Vets joined these other branches in a desperate attempt to avoid service in Vietnam. I also had assisted the FAA in 3 fatal Aircraft accidents. Anyone suggesting that only a CIB award means you were a combat veteran is very uninformed The Battle of Soui Tre March 21, 1967 the men of the 2/77 Artillery were every bit infantry as well as Arty that day and many many other FSB battles. It was 3:30pm when I entered the slowest aspect of the trip. We have been betrayed by all Globalists. Does anyone else remember ? Like you I am sick of ERA Veterans claiming to be in country. We all served the same, but different. Dont know about the MM but everyone got the same combat pay whether a grunt or clerk. Thank you..Its been many years sinice I left, needed answers, read the 1987 pulitzer prize book on Vietnam, A Bright Shining Lie by Neil Sheehan, and later Secrets by Daniel Ellsberg a Marine who worked at the pentagon cable room.both left me so shaken I couldnt finishe either but Ilearned so much. Due to TCDD among other toxic substances, we are dying off faster than other American men born between 1944-1950. fired on coming up river, a few other things. Since Sept. 11, 2001, just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide four times more than the number of U.S. military personnel who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. The dashboard gauges and the gearshift lever approached, as I hit the dashboard with my left side and my head crashed to the floor; My spirit rejoined and I was protected by the firewall. A few days later I was in fatigues on a C-123 to Da Nang, and a month later driving Hai Van Pass to Phu Bai with 3rdRRU Mobile Det (ASA). we spent sometimes a month or more in one port depending on the cargo and the need. Not affiliated with any government agencies.All Rights Reserved. It does not store any personal data. Army personnel were awarded VN Service Medals and and Vietnam Campaign Medals. The average ww ii vet was in combat 10 to 12 days. I always ask if they know what a fuck you lizard was. My husband was awarded several (door gunner w/191st AHC Bounty Hunters). The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs estimates that 530 Vietnam veterans die every day. Why the Shame? How Many Vietnam Veterans Have Been Affected by Agent Orange? 499 days, and 10 days in Sydney, Australia !!!!! Deaths per day . Well again, nothing that you have posted tells the story that you were in Vietnam. As stated in the previous post I too can spot a fake in 10 seconds. I know I was there and have several cancers! Im sure that you all know that claiming to be a VFWar when you are not is a federal crime with severe legal penalties. The jungle sat still except for the dirt road with my truck speeding along. So he goes to Camp Wolter Texas for his 11 month school (they pay them E-5 during training) then just few weeks before graduation he declines to sign the extension for his Warrant Officer Status, they send him to Vietnam as a private to Phan Rang to ride security on fuel convoys (safe Gig) he never had to fire a weapon. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 2 tours I volunteered and my 3rd I re-enlisted. Their lives should be given importance. Without fanfare or much recognition. The 9 million was the total number of people in the military during 64-75 . The politicians and fake news along with the Berkeley professors lost it for the American people after that. The amount of compensation a Vietnam War veteran can receive varies depending on their individual circumstances, such as their disability rating and the number of dependents they have. I find it best not to remember that time. Combat Vet, Vet on ships that never touched country, military who were passing through and were on airport tarmac? I saw plenty of people providing direct combat support to the effort in. The New York Times estimated that, of the 8.4 million Vietnam veterans who were still alive in 2000, 1.1 million had died. Thousands of sorties departed from Thailand, Guam, and from aircraft carriers at sea to kill MIGS, bomb factories and bridges, and generally create havoc. We saved many a guy after you brought him to us from the boonies. Even in this age of computers and accountability just goes to show ya ,people still cant Add or do Math .
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