[61] The memorandum met with strong opposition within the Colonial Office and was dismissed by Lord Milner, the Colonial Secretary; no response was given. The dismissal of the Whitlam Government by Governor-General Sir John Kerr was perhaps the most dramatic and controversial event in Australia's constitutional and political history. Governor-General of Australia | Bartleby A temporary vacancy also occurred in 2003 when Peter Hollingworth stood aside. She's the voice: how the governor-general's wife became Australia's Governors-general generally become patrons of various charitable institutions, present honours and awards, host functions for various groups of people including ambassadors to and from other countries, and travel widely throughout Australia. [35] All subsequent governors-general have travelled widely while in office and made multiple state visits. The 30 recipients of awards in the Military Division of the Order of Australia include: The 64 recipients of Distinguished and Conspicuous awards include: An additional 77 Australians recognised for their contribution in support of Australias response to the COVID-19 pandemic have been added to the COVID-19 Honour Roll. Governors-General of Australia - Australian Geographic Such assent has usually been given during a scheduled visit to Australia by Queen Elizabeth II. [26] This view was also held by Senior Judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania Andrew Inglis Clark, who, with W. Harrison Moore (a contributor to the first draft of the constitution put before the 1897 Adelaide Convention and professor of law at the University of Melbourne), postulated that the letters patent and the royal instructions issued by Queen Victoria were unnecessary "or even of doubtful legality". A temporary vacancy occurs when the governor-general is overseas on official business representing Australia. However, that custom fell into disuse during the tenure of Sir Paul Hasluck. The constitutional crisis of 1975 raised the possibility of the prime minister and the governor-general attempting to dismiss each other at the same time. I've spent the morning watching Hurley wander between tables of war widows (average age 81, according to the governor general), microphone in hand, leading them in song over cucumber and smoked . - hear from some recipients. Mr Albanese told reporters on Saturday how he has accepted an invitation to attend the crowning of the monarch in the United Kingdom alongside Mr Hurley. B. M. Hertzog, who had recently insisted on his choice of the Earl of Clarendon as governor-general of that country, and the selection of an Irishman as governor-general of the Irish Free State. By convention, the governor-general and any family occupy an official residence in Canberra, Government House (commonly referred to as Yarralumla). Work of the Parliament - Parliament of Australia The royal assent brings such laws into effect, as legislation, from the date of signing. Until 2015, the honour continued after the retirement from office of the governor-general. The first four governors-general were peers; Sir Ronald Munro Ferguson (appointed 1914) was the first commoner to hold the position, although he was also later elevated to the peerage. The Governor General does things like opening parliament, and giving out awards on Australia Day. For any requests relating to the booking of school tours of Government House, Canberra please use ouremail formand selectSchool Bookings. opening and attending national and international meetings and conferences, attending exhibitions and sporting events, attending functions as an official patron of organisations, visiting regions or areas to meet people involved in a particular group or industry. Sir John Kerr resigned in 1977, with his official reason being his decision to accept the position of Australian Ambassador to UNESCO in Paris, a post which ultimately he did not take up, but the resignation also being motivated by the 1975 constitutional controversy. They include appointing the chief of the Defence Force and authorising the deployment of troops. Sir Isaac Isaacs and Sir Zelman Cowen were Jewish; Bill Hayden was an avowed atheist[69] during his term and he made an affirmation rather than swear an oath at the beginning of his commission; the remaining Governors-General have been at least nominally Christian. Stanley Bruce (1925) and Joseph Lyons (1935) either asked for or were given a list of suitable candidates to choose from. Both the prime minister, John Howard, and Clarence House repudiated the suggestion.[67][68]. The first female Governor-General was the Honourable . And the first female governor-general was Quentin Bryce, who took up the position in 2008. Please read ourPrivacy Statement. Sir Isaac Isaacs was successively Commonwealth Attorney-General, a High Court judge, and Chief Justice. This was confirmed by the prime minister while talking to reporters on . However, it remained unclear just whose prerogative it now became to decide who new governors-general would be. The Parliamentary Education Office (PEO) educates Australians about, and inspires their enthusiasm for, Australias parliamentary democracy. [33] The Biosecurity (Human Biosecurity Emergency) (Human Coronavirus with Pandemic Potential) Declaration 2020 was declared by Governor-General David Hurley under Section 475 of the Act. He further proposed that the Dominions be able to nominate their own candidates and that "the field of selection should not exclude citizens of the Dominion itself". They go above and beyond, are from all over the country, and contribute every day in every way imaginable. The Governor-General wearing a shirt and tie sits at a desk with a pen in hand. The Australia Day 2023 Honours List recognises and celebrates 1,047 recipients, including 736 in the General Division of the Order of Australia and awards for meritorious, distinguished and conspicuous service. Governors-General Since 1901 There have been twenty-seven Governors-General of the Commonwealth of Australia since 1901. The usual wording of official announcements of this nature read "The King has been pleased to appoint ", but on this occasion the announcement said merely "The King has appointed ", and his private secretary (Lord Stamfordham) asked the Australian solicitor-general, Sir Robert Garran, to make sure that Scullin was aware of the exact wording. The letters released on Tuesday revealed that Kerr, who as Governor-General was the Queen's official representative in Australia, held extensive discussions with the palace over what powers he held. [6][12][13] These oaths are administered by the chief justice of Australia or another senior judge. Each state has a governor, who is appointed by the King on the advice of the Premier (head of government) of that state. He was appointed in July 1900, returning to Australia shortly before the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia on 1 January 1901. Orsend your written letter of invitation to: To contact Australian Honours and Awards Secretariat, please use ouremail formand selectHonours and Awards. James Scullin (1930) became the first prime minister of Australia to exercise complete discretion in the appointment; his nomination of Sir Isaac Isaacs made Australia the first Dominion to have a native-born governor-general. The coronation will take place at Westminster Abbey in London on May 6, led by the Archbishop of Canterbury and featuring "longstanding traditions and pageantry". This gives the minister sweeping powers, including imposing restrictions or preventing the movement of people and goods between specified places, and evacuations. At the same time as the appointment of Isaacs as the first Australian-born governor-general, a separate role of British Representative in Australia (as the representative of the British government) was established, with Ernest Crutchley the first appointee. New details emerge about Australia's role in King's coronation Quentin Bryce's appointment was announced during her term as Governor of Queensland; she had previously been the Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner. Quentin Bryce's salary was $394,000. Lord Northcote was Governor of Bombay. On the day parliament opens, the governor-general makes a speech, entirely written by the government, explaining the government's proposed legislative program. It is played at all official and ceremonial . As a result of decisions made at the 1926 Imperial Conference, the governor-general ceased to represent the British Government diplomatically, and the British right of supervision over Australian affairs was abolished. Holding and possiblyexercisingthe Reserve Powers. The constitution describes the parliament of the commonwealth as consisting of the Monarch, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The annual salary during Michael Jeffery's term was $365,000. The executive power of the Commonwealth, by section 61 of the Constitution, is declared to be vested in the Queen. Before this she was the Governor of Queensland and she used to be a lawyer. He was previously the 38th governor of New South Wales, serving from 2014 to 2019. [41], The powers of command-in-chief are vested in the governor-general rather than the "Governor-General in Council", meaning there is an element of personal discretion in their exercise. The Governor-General is officially appointed by the Queen as Head of State. Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | Governor-General of the [48] Under the Governor-General Act 1974, each new commission has resulted in a pay increase. The Governor-General of Australia is a powerful person in the country. [66], In 1965 the Menzies conservative government appointed an Australian, Lord Casey, and thereafter only Australians have held the position. The salutation for a letter addressed to the Governor-General and Mrs Hurley should be "Your Excellencies". From that time until 2014, governors-general did not receive automatic titles or honours, other than the post-nominal AC by virtue of being Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Australia. [37], Under section 68 of the constitution, "the command in chief of the naval and military forces of the Commonwealth is vested in the GovernorGeneral". The official cars of the governor-general fly the Flag of the Governor-General of Australia and display St. Edward's Crown instead of number plates. [6] Since 1 July 2019, the governor-general has been General David Hurley.[8][9]. Form letters or emails generated as part of a broader campaign will not be responded to. He stated that the governor-general was more than a representative of the sovereign, explaining: "under section 2 of the Constitution the Governor-General is the Queen's representative and exercises certain royal prerogative powers and functions; under section 61 of the Constitution the Governor-General is the holder of a quite separate and independent office created, not by the Crown, but by the Constitution, and empowered to exercise, in his own right as Governor-General all the powers and functions of Australia's head of state."[21]. Governor-General of Australia - Facebook connection to land, culture and community. Individual items of correspondence of this type will not be brought to the attention of the Governor-General and senders should not expect a reply. acting as Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force. 1.2 National anthem and flag protocols. They had the right to "reserve" legislation passed by the Parliament of Australia: in effect, to ask the Colonial Office in London for an opinion before giving the royal assent. Frances Adamson announced as South Australia's new governor, replacing After the initial confusion of the Hopetoun Blunder, he appointed the first prime minister of Australia, Edmund Barton, to a caretaker government, with the inaugural 1901 federal election not occurring until March. On 16 December 2018, prime minister Scott Morrison announced that the next governor-general would be General David Hurley, then-governor of New South Wales. [19] The constitution also provides that the governor-general is the monarch's "representative" in exercising the executive power of the Commonwealth (section 61) and as commander-in-chief of the armed forces (section 68). On 29 November, the King agreed to Isaacs's appointment, but made it clear that he did so only because he felt he had no option. Permission should be sought from Government House for third-party or commercial uses of this image. The position came into being with the adoption of the new national constitution on 1 January 1901, and has been held by 27 people since then. The first Governor-General was the Right Honourable John Adrian Louis Hope, 7th Earl of Hopetoun, who served from 1901 to 1903. Powers exercised in council, which are not reserve powers, include: All such actions are taken on the advice of ministers. "It was a great honour for me to have an audience with King Charles. Write to the Governor-General or Government House at: Government House The first Governor-General, the Earl of Hopetoun, was a previous governor of Victoria. 87 following. The Governor-General has an important role in the governing of Australia. The functions of the governor-general include appointing ministers, judges, and ambassadors; giving royal assent to legislation passed by parliament; issuing writs for election; and bestowing Australian honours.[6]. During the 1920s, the importance of the position declined. The Governor-General's ceremonial duties include: The Governor-General is in constant contact with the Australian people. The governor-general also has a ceremonial role: hosting events at either of the two official residencesGovernment House in the capital, Canberra, and Admiralty House in Sydneyand travelling throughout Australia to open conferences, attend services and commemorations, and generally provide encouragement to individuals and groups who are contributing to their communities. Find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out. In 1986 the letters patent were amended again, and governors-general appointed from that time were again, ex officio, entitled to the post-nominal AC (although if they already held a knighthood in the order that superior rank was retained). The Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia is His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd). Governor-general's role. [15] In 1961, Lord Dunrossil became the first and, to date, only governor-general to die while holding office. Section 5 states that "the Governor-General may appoint such times for holding the sessions of the Parliament [] prorogue the Parliament [and] dissolve the House of Representatives." Monarchy of Australia - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lachlan Macquarie | governor of New South Wales, Australia Congratulations to the outstanding Australians recognised in todays Honours List. Whenever the Governor-General makes a public statement, they avoid personal opinions and do not comment on political and other controversies. [65] The opposition Nationalist Party of Australia denounced the appointment as "practically republican", but Scullin had set a precedent. Section 61 of the Constitution goes on to say that executive power is given to the King and is exercised by the Governor-General. Follow. Casey had twice called McMahon into Yarralumla to give him a "dressing down" over his poor relationship with Deputy Prime Minister John McEwen, which he believed was affecting the government. On Thursday 2 March 2023, His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd) p. resided at a meeting of the Federal Executive Council. The then leader of the Opposition, Robert Menzies, called McKell's appointment "shocking and humiliating". [10] They appoint a deputy, to whom members make an oath of allegiance before they take their seats. received Ms Minoli Perera, Ambassador- designate to Zimbabwe. [5] The governor-general has formal presidency over the Federal Executive Council and is commander-in-chief of the Australian Defence Force. Gorton agreed to put the matter to his ministers, and a cabinet meeting agreed that troops should only be called out if requested by the territory's administrator; this did not occur. To contact the Office of the Governor-General fill in the form located at https://www.gg.gov.au/email-contacts or phone 02 6283 3533. 11 November 2020 marks the 45th anniversary of the dismissal of the Whitlam Labor Government in 1975. There are no No. From Federation in 1901 until 1965, 11 out of the 15 governors-general were British aristocrats; they included six barons, two viscounts, two earls, and one royal duke. The governor-general of Australia is the representative of the monarch, currently King Charles III, in Australia. Lachlan Macquarie, (born January 31, 1761, Ulva, Argyllshire, Scotlanddied July 1, 1824, London, England), early governor of New South Wales, Australia (1810-21), who expanded opportunities for Emancipists (freed convicts) and established a balance of power with the Exclusionists (large landowners and sheep farmers). Each year the Governor-General hosts or attends hundreds ofevents around the country and meet tens of thousands of Australians. Section 4 of the constitution allows the Monarch to appoint an administrator to carry out the role of governor-general when there is a vacancy. Governor-General of Australia (@gg_australia) - Instagram Holt believed that this was an improper use of his authority, but no further action was taken.[17]. Defence Minister Malcolm Fraser, who opposed the call out, was responsible for informing Hasluck of the prime minister's lack of consultation. The governor-general is formally appointed by the monarch of Australia, in terms of letters patent issued by the monarch at some time during their reign and counter-signed by the then prime minister. The Governor of Queensland is the representative in the state of Queensland of the monarch of Australia.In an analogous way to the governor-general of Australia at the national level, the governor performs constitutional and ceremonial functions at the state level.In particular the governor has the power to appoint and dismiss the premier of Queensland and all other ministers in the cabinet . After elections, or when a government loses or wins a majority in the Australian House of Representatives , the Governor General is the person who legally decides that the prime minister has the numbers to lead a government. The same individuals were also usually either peers, knights, or both (the only Australian peer to be appointed as governor-general was the Lord Casey; and Sir William McKell was knighted only in 1951, some years into his term, but he was entitled to the style "The Honourable" during his tenure as premier of New South Wales, an office he held until almost immediately before his appointment). Lord Dunrossil (as William Morrison) was Speaker of the UK House of Commons. Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce AD, CVO (ne Strachan; born 23 December 1942) was the 25th Governor-General of Australia, from September 2008 to March 2014. Each recipient has something in common someone nominated them. Lord Dudley was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (19021905). Sir, "David Hurley named next governor general of Australia", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_governors-general_of_Australia&oldid=1140852633, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in Australian English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 02:42. In an address to the Sydney Institute, January 2007, in connection with that event, Sir David Smith, a retired official secretary to the governor-general of Australia who had been Kerr's official secretary in 1975, described the constitution as conferring the powers and functions of Australia's head of state on the governor-general in "his own right".
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