Infanterie-Division 19398 . Hoge has just reported an attack. Two regiments of the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division attacked 9th Armored positions early that morning, their goal to gain the Salm River at Salmchateau. The division was formed in Denmark, in September 1944, by redesignating 571. The next version of this story can be found in a 1947 book by Major Donald P. Boyer of the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion titled St. Vith, The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge, 17-23 December 1944: A Narrative After Action Report. About: 18th Volksgrenadier Division - Much like the Panzer IV, the StuG III was a mainstay of the German army as well as Germanys most produced armored fighting vehicle of the war with over 9,400 produced. Revised Edition, Arms and Armour Press, 1973. However, the monumental traffic jams in the Losheim Gap and at Schoenberg continued to delay both the 18th Volksgrenadier Division and the Fhrer Escort Brigade, and not until after daylight on the 20th would a bridge be ready at Steinebruck for the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division. I should also note that reconnaissance doctrine was to disengage if at all possible and in no way engage enemy armour beyond scout elements. The StuG III was a turretless assault gun based on the Panzer III. They were repulsed by machine-gun fire. However, this version of Captain Ansteys account has one key difference: it was not a Tiger I that was knocked out, but rather a Tiger II, almost analogous to the fisherman whose fish gets bigger each time he tells the tale of his catch. The Ardennes 1944-1945: Hitlers Winter Offensive. At least 900 soldiers who had stood in front of the town were either dead or captured. One task force encountered reconnaissance probes on N27 conducted by units of the 1st SS Panzer Division approximately 1,000 yards north of St. Vith. Staff Sergeant Frank Mykalo knocked out a German machine-gun position, enabling the men in the lead half-tracks to dismount and deploy along the side of the road. Lever het aan! In addition, the massive road jam caused by the inability to pass through St. Vith was creating acute shortages of gasoline and ammunition well to the west of St. Vith. Although the Germans were facing stiff resistance all along the American defensive line, they were determined to take St. Vith. The leading vehicles of General Hoges command entered St. Vith on Sunday morning just as dawn was breaking and halted close to the 106th Divisions command post at the St. Joseph Kloster. EN. In the early afternoon of the 22nd, he arrived at General Hasbroucks headquarters in Vielsalm to plan the withdrawal. Hoge and Ridgway had been on the West Point football team together when Ridgway had been the teams manager. Boylan, Vincent L. After Action Report, Month of December, 1944. Not only does this change Captain Ansteys version of the story, but this also confirms the possibility that Troop Es entry could have been talking about a Tiger II. Tiger. The Americans knew that their only hope in doing any sort of damage to this beast was to get as close as possible to it and shoot its weaker rear armor. M8 Greyhound Light Armored Car 1941-91. Clarke asked, Why in the world when I had only 2,500 men available to my command on December 17, did you not just execute a powerful frontal assault and overrun me?. A mobile battalion of the 18th Volksgrenadier Division was already moving on Andler to seize the Schoenberg bridge and the road to St. Vith. Although the Germans were quick to build up beyond the Our River after the American withdrawal, they made no immediate moves against the new American line. Although the 62nd Volksgrenadier captured Winterspelt, its losses were high and its left regiment had made little headway in the Heckhuschied sector. At approximately 0930 on December 17, B Company was the first 9th Armored Division unit to cross the Our River. The division was formed in Denmark, in September 1944, by redesignating the 571st Volksgrenadier Division. Osprey Publishing, 2013. Late on December 17, General Manteuffel was concerned with the lack of progress in his attack beyond the Schnee Eifel toward St. Vith. Plastic Models - Page 8 - Esswex Hobbies The Battle of the Bulge & The Defense of St. Vith js.className = n; The closest of the northern German armored thrust routes ran through Recht, about five miles northwest of St. Vith. It is stated as being reported to Major Boyer by one Captain Walter Henry Anstey of Company A of the 38th Armored Infantry Battalion, who is said to have been a witness to the event. During the night, the troopers experienced harassing fire from light and medium artillery and could observe enemy infantry and at least four tanks moving along high ground to the south of the river. 18th Flak Division 651 . The American plan was that once the 2nd Infantry Division reduced the German defenses at the Wahlerscheid crossroads, CCB was to spearhead a drive to the reservoirs north of Gemund and Schleiden. Generals Manteuffel and Lucht had planned an all-out attack to take St. Vith starting at daylight with a three- pronged envelopment by the 62nd Volksgrenadier Division against 9th Armored positions in the south. In the 27th AIBs move to take the high ground, B Company advanced along the center of the road. Rejection & Neglect available to buy on Payhip! Not only does Troop Es version of the story involve a different unit than the original story, it also takes place in a different location, note the following map. However, it cannot be definitively stated that this is another version of the M8 Greyhound versus Tiger story due to its ambiguity. One, the Sixth Panzer Army, was commanded by SS Obergruppenfhrer (brigadier general) Josef Sepp Dietrich, and the other, the Fifth Panzer Army, was commanded by General Hasso von Manteuffel. A second attempt on the bridge, made by about 40 men four hours later, was also thrown back by machine-gun fire. 4 Grosstraktor to Panzerbefehlswagen IV. The tanks of the 14th Tank Battalion and the half-tracks of the 27th AIB paused to pick up the foot elements of the 424th RCT, 106th Infantry Division. The job of capturing St. Vith went to the Fifth Panzer Armys 66th Corps, commanded by General Walther Lucht. Additionally, the M8s 37 mm M6 gun is more than capable of penetrating the rear hull and rear casemate armor of the StuG III. An appropriate start for the investigation of this action is to identify contemporary American accounts. The stubborn defenders of St. Vith played a major role in defeating the final German offensive of World War II in Western Europe. The surviving Volksgrenadiers fled in disarray. For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for 18th Volksgrenadier Division. Out of this grand battle would come a too-good-to-be-true story symbolic of the stiff American resistance put up against the German offensive, that of how an M8 Greyhound armored car destroyed a Tiger I heavy tank. A scratch force made up of one platoon of riflemen from Company A, 27th AIB and a platoon from Company B, 9th Engineers were sent to contain the Germans. The bridge at Steinebruck was intentionally left intact by General Hoge on the outside chance that some of the American troops trapped in the vicinity of the Schnee Eifel might be able to maneuver their way there. 18th Volksgrenadier Division - Wikipedia 2014. If it was on a slope and firing down to the engine bay, then maybe but that would require it to be at such an angle that the M8 would topple and roll down. Two of its tanks were mired in mud that had not frozen and had to be retrieved by a tank dozer. Johnston, W. Wesley. Cole, Hugh M. The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge. 13th Company, 28th Jager Regiment, 8th Jager Division 286. After Clarke and Hoge settled upon a mutually supportive command structure, Clarke noted that Hoges command was, for the most part, forward of a railroad track built on a high embankment. Ardennes 1944: Hitlers Last Gamble. There was little they could do other than vow to get the attack moving early on the 20th. Osprey Publishing, 2003. By the end of the day, the 27th AIB had withdrawn through Steinebruck without casualties despite enemy shelling of the village. Company C, 27th AIB withdrew under heavy artillery and sniper fire but managed to destroy a number of German vehicles. They were sometimes misidentified as Tiger HIs. At about 0930, the enemy attacked St. Vith from Hunningen to the north, apparently in an effort to envelop Clarkes left flank. Infanterie-Division . Infanterie-Division . Furthermore, General Clarke had no idea when his command would arrive. There is no comparison to Tiger. Third Printing, US Army Armored School, 1966. Little offtopic here but another misidentification might be the 1 destroyed 88mm assault gun (Ferdinand). EnWik > 18th Volksgrenadier Division (Wehrmacht) The losses in men and equipment for CCB, 9th Armored, as with the rest of the American units defending St. Vith, had been severe. German reports are also far from subtlety. VGD) was a volksgrenadier division of the German Army (Heer) during the Second World War, active from 1944 to 1945. When Model released the Fhrer Escort Brigade to General Manteuffel, he thought that he would be able to gain quick access to the St. Vith road network. Situated next to B Company were Company A, 27th AIB and Company D, 14th Tank Battalion. [1] On March 6, 1945, when Botsch was ordered to take command of the LIIIrd Army Corps, the 18. The last Tiger II belonged to Schwere Panzer Abteilung 506 (Heavy Tank Battalion 506) and was lost to enemy fire on the Lentzweiler road in Luxemburg. Amazing discounts for bundles. The next notable version of this tale comes from a 1966 book by the US Army Armor School titled The Battle at St. Vith, Belgium 17-23 December 1944: A Historical Example of Armor in the Defense. A mobile battalion of the 18th Volksgrenadier Division was already moving on Andler to seize the Schoenberg bridge and the road to St. Vith. Aside from the cold and mud, there was also the enemy to contend with. Furthermore, the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadrons After Action Report (AAR) for the month of December 1944, written by Lieutenant Colonel Vincent Laurence Boylan, the commanding officer of the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron at the time, makes no mention of this event either. If neither a Tiger I nor a Tiger II was killed on 18th December 1944 in or around the town of St. Vith by an M8 Greyhound, what was? Infanterie-Division 19398 . 1940. 18e volksgrenadier division English translation: 18th volksgrenadier division (wehrmacht).. How to use 'poor shape' in a sentence? So, rather than spill blood needlessly to take meaningless ground, Hoge called off the attack on Winterspelt. There are a few notable issues raised by this morning report and record of events entry, the most obvious one being that the M8 Greyhound is reported as being from Troop A of the 87th, not Troop B of the 87th, as it is in the contemporary story. The fight ended when he slammed the M8 (he called it a Greyhound) into the rear of Tiger and the gun crew fired three rapid fire rounds into the engine compartment. Then, four German antitank guns covering the Grufflingen-Maldange road were encountered. Cole, Hugh M. The Ardennes: Battle of the Bulge. Fortunately for Colonel Reid, word came at about 1730 that his 424th Infantry Regiment was to withdraw immediately. Unteroffizier Helmus of the 26th Volksgrenadier Division painted the situation when the advance began. The event that Lieutenant Olson recounts does bare a resemblance to the M8 Greyhound versus Tiger story, with both events taking place at or near St. Vith on the 18th of December 1944 and involving an American armored car from the 87th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron knocking out a German tank by shooting it in the rear. It contained the 293., 294. and 295. grenadier regiments, Panzerjger-Bataillon 1818, Pionier-Bataillon 1818, Fsilier-Bataillon 1818 and Artillerie-Regiment 1818.[1].
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