Sometimes comfort is found where it's least expected, and sometimes it takes courage to hold on to it. "But you need to sleep to get better. You will get three swats. Dumbledore and Voldemort won't know what's coming for them. You will do as I say and you will not fight. Harry leaned his head on Snape's chest and Severus drew his fingers through Harry's unruly hair. Harry is going to be a Dom. Snape wanted to give the girl a good amount of privacy for the act he just committed so he summoned a pair of black baggy pants to fit her slender hips. It can add a layer of AU while trying to keep things the same. Hunting season has just begun and Draco Malfoy, heir to the Malfoy line, starts his relentless pursuit of the perfect bride with high qualifications. Later that evening, Severus turned off the telly. Severus is there to take care of the two idiots. Genderbender fics are interesting because it puts a character with a male viewpoint into not only a female body but also female societal expectations. "Like you've done anything else all day", said Snape and rolled his eyes. Harry is either a baby or possibly a toddler. I be good! He felt miserable and wanted to stay in the shower forever. Harry nodded and Snape left to give the boy some privacy. Snape set the bowls of soup on the table and Harry looked defiant at him behind his thumb. Snape yelled, "Harry Potter owes me several life debts. "I'm not sleepy." front, eating a stick of bamboo. He thought maybe the kid had had an accident but the pants were dry. Bubbles, blowjobs, mystery and something rotten in the place of Grimmauld. The "character transplant" ones involve no adaptation because Harry's character comes pre-adapted. Not everyone's Harry Potter Itinerary will be the same though. AlanRickmanSimp, Cococony, Merpderp, MaxxHatesEverything, Imonlyhereforharrypotterfanfiction, DokiDokiTodoroki, humm2024, 666k, Renata_19, Ishlr_7, OnceroftheSWEN, Leitoraatoa, Saturn1234566789, Hales17, Lol_quizz08, FerStark7, owldeer, AJ_S, Yaren92, awkward_archangel, MissShannon, 8icarus8, SkyStorm0216, vita_brevis, Fox_HP_24, PandaHatRF, themurdermuffin, Emily1229, Laurline, zara333, Sherlockacholic17, Livinginadreamworld313, Secretghostxoxo2, PurePreet, Reader2287, CrazySecret, JetsetLifeKilledMe, Safflower8888, Disneyyyds, Vape, RobynVictor0623, FanFanatic824, Blank1727, CynicalRulez, Ginny9160, GoldenHollows, Jeonjin653, DoomDiva499, Nixzawa, eminkw03, and 343 more users Strange things always happened around Harry Potter, even after finding out he was a wizard, he was a 'freak' among them. Harry was rubbing at his eyes and he was crying. One man's blog about his life after he was adopted by a werewolf. "You have a fever and most probably the flue." Louis looks around the tattoo parlour as the bell rings, signalling that he just entered the shop. It only served to make him seem like the freak he is. "But Severus" Harry whined. Snape tries to do the self-soothing thing so Harry can sleep by himself, but all that leads to is a night full of Harry calling out for "'Nape" and Snape eventually losing the battle. Once he was done he woke Harry. "I no wanna be small," Harry said with an adorable voice. Will not be finished !!!!!! When they went into their rooms to change, they found a pair of pyjamas waiting on their beds. Want to Read. Snape stopped. "Wow, you're gorgeous," Tonks said to an angry Harry who was sitting on his bed, hiding under blankets. A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. For good measure he used some more wandless magic to magically bind his wrists together and for his arms to stay above his head. Harry asks Remus to try something new with him. Kids cartoons wasn't his idea of a pleasant morning. One of my warmest memories for the 40 word story contest. She had a remarkable gift, though. He didn't stop to think, but just grabbed Mimi and crawled out of bed. Snape raised his hand again and brought it down hard as ever. "Drink this and most of the pain will go away." A quirky poem about two brothers having a dull St. Patricks day. My column with tips on promoting your Public Portfolio URL! "I don't need to wear one now", Harry said tryingly when Snape handed him a pull up. "My friend will come in a minute," the boy says. Why take our precious water for granted? Days after Harry welcomed their daughter into the world Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginerva, Draco, Tom, Snape, Narcissa, Lucius, and Bellatrix are all stuck in Potter Manor for 2 days because of anti-apparation and anti-portkey wards, as well as wards that don't allow them to use harmful magic. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? Snape raised his hand high above his head and brought it down hard on Harry's bottom. Once he was finished, Severus flushed the toilet and closed the lid. Work Search: All Votes Add Books To This List. Harry scooted closer to the edge and took hold of the spoon. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. No one thought of this? Soon they arrived at Snapes quarters. So after his third year, after finding out he could have had a loving family all along and was still given away to be tortured and feared for his life. He grabbed his dressing gown and checked the bathroom only to find Harry's pyjama pants on the floor. Harry took a deep breath and tried to mask how bad he had to go, but he wasn't sure how long before Snape found out. "Harry, do not make me inflict punishment!" Suddenly Harry's eyes widened as he tensed up his lower muscles. Hematology practices struggling with their revenue cycle management. Louis still remembers them as if it was just minutes ago that they bumped into each other. He looked down and heard the hissing sound. Harry didnt turn around, but he stopped walking. His boxers slid right off his much too trim hips and his pride and joys were gone and his pectoralless chest now had breasts that rivaled Hermione's, pressing out his Gryffindor tee. Is a collection of years plural or singular? I am now your fa-daddy. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? Harry somehow ends up in reality TV, dressed up as a girl, hunting down clues left by Voldemort. Severus put his arms under Harry's armpits and placed the boy in his lap. He wanted her to feel comfortable in her new undergarment and knew that in order to get used to him seeing it, she would have to feel at home while wearing it. When he got back to the house he began to set up the room. Warnings! Harry continued to sob. I know", said Snape and picked him up. Snape wiped sand from his face as best as he could. There is always hope right? Will Draco be able to save him when Harrys world begins to crumble? Harry shouldn't be becoming immediately feminine, nor should he immediately accept the change (after realising it could be permanent) but at the same time, there's not much point doing a genderbender fic if you're going to have the character completely ignore the actual gender change. Harrys eyes were shiny I want to hear you say it.. Snape asked. "Haha, is that a little too cold for you, baby?" She grinned, "Why don't I warm that up for you?" The twenty-seven year old man smiles at the familiar looks of the parlour, but when he sees a boy sitting on the desk his breath hitches. What happens when abuse goes to far? He lost a spurt and then felt his night time underwear grow warm and wet and he spread his legs as it got padded out. It started off as a joke, really. Severus felt Harry's cold feet on his legs and he held the kid close.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Irreverent, chaotic, and the more movies you've seen, the funnier you're likely to find it. Hermione was well, even more nervous than both of them. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings. Life is fucking hard and scary. Buying a Maid Of Honor dress gone horribly wrong. The stress gets to him, and he seems to cry a lot more, and be clingy more often than not. I did my best to piece together a class schedule and fourth year timeline based on both other fans interpretations and real world dates etc. Snape helped Harry off with the wet pull up and vanished it into thin air. Snape tries to do the self-soothing thing so Harry can sleep by himself, but all that leads to is a night full of Harry calling out for "'Nape" and Snape eventually losing the battle. Something I wrote while holding my newborn in the hospital. | Download: [EPUB][140184595357088:epub] or [MOBI][140184595357088:mobi] [140184595357088:site]: [140184595357088:epub]: [140184595357088:mobi]:, Linkffn( Snape had woken up to an empty bed. Ginny's favorite thing in the world? The last was especially painful. Write the best STORY or POEM in 24 hours or less and win 10K GPs! Severus is ready to implement a different discipline. The visitor, I'm sorry it took me so long to upload this chapter. let read about harry potter in diaper you know you what to, Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Hands-free hygenic toilet seats covers. Enter them here!" Harry squealed and tried to cover himself. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. let read about harry potter in diaper you know you what to This is an interactive story containing 121 chapters. Harry cried out and tried to wiggle away, but Snape held fast. Harry became aware of a headache and a sore throat and decided to go to the bathroom to have some water. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Blaise has a laptop and he's probs photoshopping Draco into dresses or smt, A Million Ways To Enter a Big/Little Relationship, Warning: Title has zero significance other than me being lazy, Harry took Ginny's name when they got married, Ray is just a friend (he doesn't exist in real life), Harry is normally a pup but getting hurt made him little, (Future) Harry Potter & Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy, Harry grew up mostly with Sirius and Remus, NOT friendly towards Hogwarts as a school itself, First of a series that's mostly ust little!Harry, DO NOT POINT THAT OUT I DID THAT ON PURPOST, Because I'm trash and no longer know how to write humans, this is almost completely plotless im so tired, Future Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini/Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape, Harry Potter and the Classification potion, Severus Snape & Harry Potter - Relationship, Harry is eight and has a younger kids mindset from abuse, Harry is two years younger than Draco in this fic, Tom Riddle | Voldemort Adopts Harry Potter. Dursley's abuse and Snape reluctantly becomes parent figure to a very And the fic is probably the best genderbender fic I've seen. Dumbledore essentially either makes Snape take Harry in or guilts him into doing it. Is he the one Louis was looking for? "Five points from Gryffindor." "But that's not fair!" Hermione retorted, backing Harry up. One for saying no. This starts before his fourth year. His night time underwear made a rustling sound but is wasn't enough to wake the man up. When Snape returned he sat down on the edge of the couch beside Harry and stroked the boys back to wake him up. You just have to face the facts. 479 guests In a way, the arrival of the Hogwarts acceptance letters was almost expected except, why are they all addressed to 'Harriet Potter? But during the battle she and her Pokmon get sent to a magical world they don't recognize, where she will discover things that have long been hidden from her world. "It's time for bed." Harry asked. Harry had been sitting there for an hour when he felt it he peed himself. I know what youre thinking - but it was there and I had to get it out of my system. Harry Potter fanfic: Snape is ordered to raise Harry, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022), Harry Potter fanfic where Harry runs away. He carefully toddled over to Snape who lay him on the ground and began to take off his clothes. You adapt or die. Some things will not add up completely. A messiah among the wizarding world. Harry Potter was hoping with all his might that he would be a Dom. He hates stupid things too, like, Draco, for instance. Harry loves his life with Daddy. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Will Fredek complete his oath or forfeit all things to the Necromancer of Felman Hill? Holding the stuffed animal close, and thumb in his mouth and wearing only a t-shirt and the pull up. Snape then pulled on the onsie and brought Harry up to him and began to pat his bottom to calm him down. I can tell by the smell I'm in the hospital wing but no one seems to be around at . Harry's eyelashes shuddered and he opened his eyes. I got you some more suitable things and I expect you to be grateful. Hogwarts was supposed to be his salvation, his home away from the insults and beatings that awaited him. Site: [][140184595612224:site] | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 17 | Words: 134,880 | Reviews: 727 | Favs: 1,594 | Follows: 2,193 | Updated: 3/3 | Published: 9/22/2010 | id: 6343543 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Humor | Characters: Harry P. | Download: [EPUB][140184595612224:epub] or [MOBI][140184595612224:mobi] [140184595612224:site]: [140184595612224:epub]: [140184595612224:mobi]:, Seriously? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He felt dizzy and his throat hurt. Face against his chest and legs on either sides of his lap. If you disobey me then I will spank you. "Potter, I know your adult side is still there, so listen to me. Years of being the 'freak'. That's where Snape found him a few hours later. by. Harry be good! Insecurities plague the marriage of Cedric and Harry Morticia no esperava encontrar um menino encostado na cripta de seu parente muito distante Morozova,nem descobrir que o dito garoto tinha a fasca Addams,mas ela nunca se arrependeu de adota-lo e nem mesmo pedras,dirios, dementadores entre outros iro tirar o seu filhote dela. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! Harry steadied himself on Snape's shoulder as Snape pulled it up. "Nape, how come you nice?" He settled for a documentary about physics instead. try to be a little grateful. Harry refused, so Snape muttered, "A periam os tuum." Harry's mouth was forced open and stayed open as the professor poured both potions down his throat. A Switched Chance (WL 116,174; Updated Jan 2015); HE & the Spiral Path (sort of?) Harry Potter ; Harry In Nappies/Diapers Harry In Nappies/Diapers. Can luck be controlled, if you're careful?
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