They can't even get a Cortana powered speaker off the ground. Mobiles are now the gateway product to tech not enterprise systems. Satya was just the guy that had to make the decision to pull the plug, but WP had been brain dead for a while already. But then Microsoft figured - it's just a couple of hundred bucks down the crapper, I mean, you've already stood by me through so much. He learned the importance of daily gratitude from Michael Gervais and considers it . Leaders with inspirational motivation traits provide employees with a set of shared goals and the vision necessary to attain them. Windows 10 mobile finally intergrated with all of it's relative platforms through cloud syncing making it a hybrid of sorts between iPhone and Android, allowing an ideal environment for users to exist in a multiplatform ecosystem. History does repeat itself, and in the corporate world it is usually because of poor management and lack of vision. In 2019 they will stop supporting win 10 mobile. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. Azure could slip against Amazons AWS with Nadellas leadership tied up elsewhere. The app-gap seemed to be coming to an end with the acquisition of Xamarin as a magic tool to gain developers attention. SWOT Analysis stands for - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that Nadella Satya encounters both internally and in macro environment that it operates in. As you rightly point out, Jason, "eradicating" Windows phones and their ngegative perception was paramount to "hitting refresh". There are plenty of third party companies that will build their own version of windows devices if they are getting support from MS but if you turn away from them now I can be pretty positive they won't be so willing to take a chance on any new developments later ( fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me). A fan and loyalist since the first Samsung Focus, I'm not sure what to think of any potential refresh. Guess which is going to win mindshare and therefore developer attention? It never translated to consumer sales for Apple computers. I think one of the issues is secrecy. Just how much will Satya Nadella get paid? If key talent departs, he could find himself lacking down-ticket leadership in key areas. Market is measured by money, not by people, otherwise India would be the most attractive market in the world, but it is not. The co - founder of Microsoft - Mr. Bill Gates was the mentor of Satya Nadella. Guess my next phone will be a Samsung device because it will be a cold day in hell when I buy an Apple device. if a peice of hardware does not sell well a Microsoft ceo can stop production & sales of that hardware. They simply do not respond to touch. And users on Android and iOS simply replace MS services with Google's and Apple's. Satya went for the cheap option. The fact that Google did and Microsoft didn't is, well, rather sad in my view. I wonder if windows 10 will have same demise?, I'm still on 7 i don't like it, I think that MS has developed (pun intended) a reputation which will not be shaken. They cancelled their entire European release and gave up. (See Gene Wilder in The Producers.). Folks Microsoft is a company that gets most of it's income from selling software and services to Enterprrise/Business customers.and to people who sell or and use Desktop PC's. Spotify doesn't work on my 950 either, I get the same revolving dots as you. I'm making this comment on downloaded bing from the play store on my old Samsung Galaxy Mega. The last guy with both vision and passion was Gates, and unless he pulls a Jobs and steps in the company will become the next IBM. Sure there are a handful but nowhere what Microsoft had if it had not abandoned consumers. MS threw away all the seeds. But well meant I change to LG V30, or S8 plus or note 8, but in this moment I cancel office 365, cancel groove, in the future cancel Xbox live, ea access , I cant belive, now I selling my Surface pro 3 to, my angry is to extreme I know, but I'm very angry. Don't need them. Nadella should admit he made a mistake and walk back the decision to sacrifice not only Windows Phone, but all the folks who love it. I feel like they believe they're the trend setters of the industry and everybody will just follow them. I always get good responses on my Idol. Gates is pulling his strings now. Time is running out, 8 things you can do with Linux that you can't do with MacOS or Windows, The most exciting phones at MWC 2023 (that you likely can't buy), The top satellite phones and gadgets for reliable off-grid communication, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. For example, more will start use google docs and storage (due to integration with phone etc.) All CTO, CIO, IT Directors, etc. Not every one of your products and services will be a cash cow. They dominate in the iPhone That is it. Microsoft WILL not gain from making their Windows 10 for desktops free as they need that business right now. He has steered the company away from a. @cryio.My son has autism. - Increase in Consumer Disposable Income Nadella Satya can use the increasing disposable income to build a new business model where customers start paying progressively for using its products. How can MS kill its own future? It is not going to matter what they come up with in the future. If I am working on let's say Windows Mobile and I know it may be killed, why stay? sell high end phones at mid range prices) in an attempt to encourage adoption. It would take, at this point a complete 360, but than again they've already done that twice. 20 Satya Nadella Book Recommendations (All Books!) - Most Recommended Books And in his own words too, it is not about phone as a separate device category, it is about remaining relevant in personal computing where phone is just one of the form factors. disappointing fourth quarter sales figure of Lumia. I think abandoning Windows 10 mobile was a mistake, I realised when I was looking at the AR headsets they just released and I thought "but maybe they will abandon it in a year or two". In addition, HP footed the bill and GOT the HP Elite x3 "modified and certified" TO RUN ON VERIZON for a fall release!!! Zero trust in that company anymore, zero. exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. They may bring out a reboot device. Next segment is a combination of consumer and professional. And you know what two years back they seemed to really start to look cool. I wish this information had been available a couple of weeks ago. Windows Mobile was the gateway to both those. surely not - there will be books written about how they failed in that area. last updated August 12, 2020. The rise was based on hopes that the underlying technology will live up to the prediction by Satya Nadella, the company's CEO, that it would "reshape pretty much every software category that we know." . It's pretty simple, we all dream about making it big and changing the world for the better or if you're a materialistic person, making alot of money. It is all masterful sleight of hand to distract attention away from weakness in enterprise spending, the genesis of Microsoft's core business. So their sole purpose was to select the highest priority ones and focus development on that. If you want more socialization then the univeral apps would make that possible. The Organizational Development solutions & strategies has helped Nadella Satya in coming up with unique solution to tap the un-catered markets. Nadella is a strong CEO pick, but his job will be industrial strength. Right now the average Joe might see AI as Siri, Google now, and Alexa. And because of e-sim technology, OneCore etc. Thats not an enviable job. I think with the news of the demise of windows phone and groove are the pivotal sign, that consumer focus is traded for strictly business oriented investment (whatever that means). Why did users 'go off' the Windows Mobile as a solution? Considering phones are what will power VR/AR, especially as they get more and more powerful, the desktop is not where mixed reality will reside in the long term, so Microsoft has set itself up for failure there as well. Microsoft would have never appointed a tunnel vision IT person Stay as the President. In that space, utlizing something like AR, comes into play for people holding phones in their hand, scanning their environment. The son of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella died Monday. Would be nice if the people that bought 950 or 950 XLs could get some kind of compensation or at least an apology. Why didn't it affect worldwide numbers at all? Time to focus, man. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. I highly doubt there were only 20 mil users seeing as I personally know loads who has bought into the Windows ecosystem with no input from me or someone like me. iPhone, Mac, ipad, Apple music, iCloud Email, Pages, Keynote, numbers etc. You're the new CEO of Microsoft! According to Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study, this can lead to inability on part of the organization to increase prices that its premium prices deserve. " Our ambitions are bold and so must be our desire to change and evolve our culture. Give consumers less pricy OS. I'm not really a Satya apologist, but I dont blame him for what happened to Windows Phone. Which is what it looked like they were doing and what HP was doing. Sounds to me like Mocrosoft are not a company to invest in, either by buying their kit or shares. I look at this like eating at a restaurant that constantly gets your order wrong. You killed the original middle ground, you numbnut. - Growing Market Size and Evolving Preferences of Consumers Over the last decade and half the market size has grown at brisk pace. Yeah, this will hurt them. It happpened to IBM, Sears, GE, GM, Kodak, BestBuy, Polaroid, and a host of others. I think this is one of the best options MS has if it wants to come back in the mobile space. Perhaps even that one will go universal app as many others . Satya decided to scrap it. The idea Microsoft may have folded now only to bring out something better in future has merit. MBA & EMBA programs. Its up to Nadella to ensure that the Surface project can finally be taken off financial life support and walk under its own steam. When my 950 dies or I'm clearly missing out on the coolest phone features, I'll move over to Google and say goodbye toone OneDrive etc. except MSFT doesn't care about its own loyal users, with many of them switching to Android now. As far as reaching out to developers, I was a hobby developer for WP starting with 8,I made a simple application using the built in componentsand methods that Microsoft recommended. WP never had significant market share. Europe is a 500 million people big market so I don't think that's a small market at all. For the company to completely ignore the passionate pleas from people on this site who merely want to use their products on a mobile device shows arrogance and contempt. They would be able to access all data no matter the source, run all the same programs and share one operating system. Are you kidding!?!? And lastly taking simple things like a weekly calenders view or linked in boxes away in 8.1 and waitingb11 and 12 months to give them back is not acceptable either. Felt completely abandoned. Since the launch of Windows 10 I thought the good times for Microsoft were about to come, and I increased my faith with the idea of a promised Universal Windows Platform running on every device, including smartphones. Maybe it's a symptom of their hiring practices and cost cutting, but too many people who work at MS don't actually like the company. Thats not to diminish the fact that Windows Phone itself needs all the developer attention it can muster. I was right. I once had a SONY Vaio PC, The company stopped supporting it. He retrenched Windows Phones exactly when it was gaining momentum with Lumia 930 and Lumia 1520. The easiest one they could start one with is a surface mini with LTE connectivity and telephone because that will enable them to segway into ultra mobile devices with telephony abilities. The WMR headsets i mean. Please forget about Win32 antiques. - Credit Binge post 2008 Recession Easy access to credit can be over any time, so Nadella Satya should focus on reducing its dependence on debt to expand. They had huge volume of insiders giving them feedback for free. Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. WC was giving this guy credit for a lot of Ballmers work! I've been on windows phones for five years and they have been reliable workhorses that never had problems. Like my Apple Watch, as a wearable, an iPad for a tablet experience (yes, I own a Surface Pro 4, but that's not a tablet-like experience for me) or switching to Apple Music because Groove wouldn't have albums available, when released (all to see them cancel the service out right). He has more commitment, vision, drive, passion and focus than this assclown running microsoft. Spotyfi does not work at all on my Lumia 950 XL When starting, 5 dots passes over the screen for several minutes. After several paragraphs it ended on a balanced note, stating: "Both Bing and Bard have their strengths and weaknesses, and they are still evolving and improving over time. I cannot come to purchase another mac. Then just like Centennial, allow Android apps to take advantage of UWP features (live tiles, etc) this is the 'extend'. Kinda worrying the CEO doesn't get that. IBM was always focused on corporate sales (mainframes). Windows Phones excellent 2013 was capped by a disappointing fourth quarter sales figure of Lumia Windows Phone handsets. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. Top 110 Satya Nadella Quotes in 2020 (He works in for Microsoft in Texas). No they didn't time to get rid all my microsoft service. Clearly Microsoft doesn't see it. Satya cuddling with baby Zain. Who's going to buy a mixed reality headset? But neither has Windows on PC, albeit some can run it. While a Surface Phone would have me interested, to think the percentage of people who would care is above the 3% (if that), would be a dream. I don't see AR/VR/MR/whateverR becoming much of a universal platform. I will never understand how a software GIANT can be so damn bad as software. What businesses can learn from Satya Nadella's transformation of TRYING VERY HARD? The problem I see is multi-faceted and not just about, "You have no phones for consumers." It appears that Microsoft has forgotten how to be successful, please your customers. That would harm developer interest in Windows Phone, and by extension, the larger Windows ecosystem, thus harming the still nascent Windows Store. . In terms of achieving more successful innovation and bringing further improvement in the organizational growth, the business environment at Microsoft should be reviewed to determine the strengths and weaknesses. While Nadella was essentially the unanimous choice of those outside the company your humble servant included his clippings have become too nice. I wouldn't expect immediategrowth and a great spurt of Windows fans coming back, but if they made a device (whether it looked like a phone or not), showed actual commitment behind it, and marketed the death out of it by showcasing its many features via various media mediums, change is possible. Since taking the top job, he doubled down on artificial intelligence (A), social networking and cloud computing, while pushing the firm to become more collaborative, innovative and customer focused. At the time of his promotion, he was leading Cloud, one of the most important core businesses MS was venturing into. - Access to International Talent in Global Market One of the challenges Nadella Satya facing right now is limited access to high level talent market because of limited budget. Remember that Nokia had a huge following in the world outside of the US. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. SINGAPORE November 17, 2022 Microsoft Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Satya Nadella visited Singapore today to experience first-hand how innovative technologies and insights are supporting the region's technology ecosystem of developers, startups and companies across every industry. Enterprise? Satya Nadella | 2019 Businessperson of the Year | Fortune As far as MS is concerned, I use Windows and Office on a PC, just like I started out 20 years ago. Satya Nadella is the CEO of Microsoft, one of the world's largest and most influential technology companies. Just a fool without vision and strategy thinking from day to day. But the then take a heavy sweaty dump on not only the last of the loyal customer base, but ALSO the OEMs, proves that Nadella is basically going to be the end of MS as we know it and in a bad way. " Be passionate and bold. I believe so. Nadella Satya should just get out of these business areas and focus on strength and threats box , or on weakness and opportunities box. In this (WinPhone) case, hitting refresh is a good thing imo. One of Nadellas first major tasks was overseeing the completion of Microsofts $7.2 billion acquisition of Nokia Corp.s mobile-device business, a transaction that had been announced in 2013 despite the reservations of various Microsoft executives, one of whom reportedly was Nadella. You can create superb augmented reality but if people are using it on the device people have in their pocket you are lost. It doesn't make any sense to support something useless anymore. Now just like me I probably will not buy a microsoft VR device. Maybe this is a way to come back with a mobile device! But what was the point while Microsoft was sending contrary and mixed signals all the long. Its an encouraging development that Scott Guthrie, famous for his red shirts and a love for developers that is more real (if less boisterous) than Ballmers, will be acting head of the server and enterprise group, reporting to Nadella. I have a simple straight question for Jason Ward in order to better understand and "position" his analysis and Warditorials. Having a mobile device would have kept them in the game. The providers didn't offer them, andwhen they finally didget some in stock, he employees knew nothing about them and actively discouraged anyone from buying them. Nadella was the worst thing that could have happened to Microsoft. MWC: Microsoft's Satya Nadella on leadership qualities - CNBC WP gained decent marketshare in several TINY markets due to selling cheap (aka low or no margin) phones like Lumia 520, 640 etc. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: Be Bold and Be Right After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two. For me it's time to move on. Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. It is that simple. So, give them something they are familiar with but with a settingoption where they could useeither Live Tiles or Icons. Microsoft's competitive advantage: Has a well-established brand and reputation built over decades, which provides a strong competitive advantage. Not true. Whether consumers are willing to buy those devices has thus far been a mixed bag. Desktops and laptops will not go away but many working tasks WILL move over to the more PC like smart phones in the future. As people carry the more and more powerful smart phones in their hands and as they wil replace the common office computer this WILL means big trouble for Microsoft in the future. It is simple and easy to interact with but Apple as whole interacts with very few things outside its own verse. I no longer consider myself a "Everything Microsoft" purchaser. What Could Go Wrong For Satya Nadella? TechCrunch
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