Another insisted, I want to fuck every woman I see, as his lymphatic cancer invaded the crawl spaces of his body. Without a ripple. I . Alarmed at the prospect of my work disappearing without a trace into the computers innards, I sought help. Thirty years! But I could not prevent myself from thinking about Carlos and wondering how I should handle the next hour with him. Here he combines the storytelling skills so widely praised in Love's Executioner with the wisdom of the compassionate and fully engaged psychotherapist. Only now, when she was approaching a weight when sexual invitations might materialize, only now when her dreams teemed with menacing male figures (a masked doctor plunging a large hypodermic needle into her abdomen, a leering man peeling the scab off a large abdominal wound), did she recognize that she was very frightened of sex. Frozenthe metaphor often applied to chronic griefis apt. Never had he done a better job. No, she hated groups. Research has shown that contrary to the expectation that the tragedy of a childs death might bind a family together, many bereaved parents report increased marital discord. She continued: In case you have a hard time believing me, perhaps these will help!. My psychiatrist finally advised me to sever all contact, to be totally silent. I cant tell you my thoughts about the dream without revealing information you shared with me before you entered the group. His colleague said that Dr. K. had suddenly died of a pulmonary embolus, and proceeded to describe the circumstances around the death. Otto Rank described this life stance with a wonderful phrase: Refusing the loan of life in order to avoid the debt of death.. For example, why did Dave refuse to tell his wife that he was in therapy? He was right in there with me., Thelma was highly animatedshe snapped her words off and pointed down to the earth and up to the clouds as she spoke. I spent the morning working on a paper, and around noontime I strolled down to the end of my driveway to collect the mailI usually read the mail as I eat lunch. It was nothing that you didthere was nothing about you that was obnoxious, although we didnt have enough to build a lasting relationship. Growing up bearing the parents hopes that one will fulfill the unrealized goals of their life is hard enough, but the additional burden of housing a dead siblings spirit may overwhelm the delicate process of identity formation. Whenever she compared herself with others, she invariably concluded that they were better informed and more clever, socially adept, self-confident, and interesting. By examining the details of the therapy relationship (or, in a therapy group, the relationships among the group members), I can point out on the spot how a patient influences the responses of other people. . She was talking in lists again. whats the word? But at the same time she became unaccountably more distressed and reported more sadness and more anxiety. Just time enough for his letter to reach me in California., Saul stopped here. I want to see you. Your life would have been very different?, Let me back up a minute. I cannot alter the future because I am being overtaken by the past.. Heady stuff! The dream floored me. Yet he was none of these. Yet this womans appeal was strong, almost irresistible. I hadnt asked who would leave it ajar if he were confined to bed. Ive never been unfaithful to Phyllis! My secret cache of love letters, my compulsive work habits, my inexcusably unkind, judgmental attitudes toward obese people, my love obsession that prevented me from being fully present at a family beach vacation. I thought it was odd that he accompanied her that day. The week before, she had phoned Dr. Farber, who gave her my name and suggested she call for a consultation. And dogs? She had grown up, an only child, on a small, poor ranch in Texas where her mother has lived alone since her fathers death fifteen years ago. He went on to explain that they had not entertained guests at home for yearsindeed, for decades. Matthew entered. And now it was apparent that the center could not hold. I often havent answered because I thought that talking about schools of therapy would get us away from the personal discourse we needed to have. For a number of reasons, I found it difficult to terminate: the sheer enormity of her suffering compelled me to stay with her. Use an excuse, any excuse: my time all filled, leaving the country for a few years, embarking on a full-time research career. I couldnt point out to Betty that Carlos was a special case, that he needed it. Sometimes, as in Pennys family, the surviving children suffer because so much of the parents energy is bound up with the dead child, who is both memorialized and idealized. Though my response asking whether she worried about entering nonvirgin territorywas a sorry joke, it nonetheless initiated an important discussion about sex. The more I hear from you, the more I like you. I scribbled the essentials of the story on the only paper available to me: the blank pages of my passport. (Elva was sixty, four foot eleven, and at least one hundred sixty pounds.). Now I knew why! I propose that, until youre well enough to travel, I visit you at home.. I have no talents, no special abilities. Love's Executioner offers us the humane and extraordinary insight of renowned psychiatrist Irvin D. Yalom into the lives of ten of his patients - and through them into the minds of us all Why was Saul tormented by three unopened letters from Stockholm? In fact, you were suggesting that last week when you talked about Matthew working out his personal problems in his therapy with me. But now I returned my attention to Marge. Saul, in Three Unopened Letters, knew that any reasonable man would open the letters; yet the fear they invoked paralyzed his will. I dream about him. One day when he was alone, he tried it. First breathe deep and fast; then well gradually slow it down. And he will proceed to lay out counter arguments to himself better articulated than you ever could have. So I tried to deal with it on my own. For after three years it was possible that my view of her had become fixed and narrow. It seemed the right thing to do. How had that happened? Her pretentious bridge partner was Dame May Whitey (and Dame May Whitey was spry-minded compared with the rest, with all the Alzheimer zombies and burned-out drunks who, according to Elva, constituted the bridge-playing population of San Francisco). That idea really hit home. After making certain I was alone, I entered the confessional booth (appropriating the priests seat) and meditated upon the generations of priests who had heard confessions in this box. We hardly ever touch nowprobably my fault as much as his.. It seemed to me that an important lesson Betty could learn from an awareness of death was that life had to be lived now; it could not be indefinitely postponed. From the point of view of existential psychotherapy, and as a trainee therapist, I really appreciate Yaloms skill in explaining some difficult existential concept with ease and simplicity (unlike Heideggers trudging, heavy words). In our first session Penny had said to me, Just get me started. I had not even managed to establish a solid therapeutic alliance with her: her emotional energy, every dram of it, was riveted to Matthew, and I had found no way to pry it loose. Thats going to be my main job in the session.. Poor Bettythank God, thank Godknew none of this as she innocently continued her course toward my chair, slowly lowered her body, arranged her folds and, with her feet not quite reaching the floor, looked up at me expectantly. No distracting questions, no jocular clichs, no struggling to stay on the surface. We are really talking now. I am yet to read Staring at the Sun so its going straight to the top of the list I know I still have a long way to go on my death anxiety journey! I recommended reading material and urged her to visit a female gynecologist and to explore these issues with her girlfriends and her therapy group. She reached into a faded red drawstring purse and handed me two old photographs. I could think of nothing constructive to say. (I remember it well, I think, because it was the only remotely personaland the most helpfulthing she said in my six hundred hours with her.) Though Betty never again heard from George, she often thought about him. I was just getting over my worst migraine, and I was afraid Id fail and get another migraine. No, really. To focus on what is actually happening between a patient and himself, rather than the past. She rarely addressed me by name, either given name or surnamefeel about treating me, Thelma, a woman who is seventy years old?. In your office.. I suggested several options: to see the two of them myself; to refer them to someone else; or to refer Phyllis to a female therapist for a couple of sessions and then for the four of usPhyllis, Marvin, I, and her therapistto meet in conjoint sessions. Ill tell you. And She stopped. Looking back now on this interchange, I see much sophistry in my words. Marie reminded me of a beautiful aunt who wore her hair the same way and played a major role in my adolescent sexual fantasies. He understood that she had received and registered the message. I want! The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced it didnt fit. Obviously this was much harder to talk about than she pretended. Another one of Marges late-night phone calls! More and more these dayshere Thelma lowered her voice almost to a whisperI believe he is intentionally trying to drive me to suicide. love's executioner two smiles summary - Marie was a good hypnotic subject, and Mike skillfully induced her and taught her how to put herself into a trance. Even though we continued our work together for many months after the hour Me appeared, and though Marge and I eventually stopped talking about her, I have never forgotten her: she flits in and out of my mind at unexpected times. And what had she done for their birthdays? For those twenty-seven days. Whats the rush? Good question! If she punished him in any manner, Elmer retaliated by hosing down carpets in other rooms. And outrageously activeoften charging at a patients defenses with a battering ram! Love's Executioner: & Other Tales of Psychotherapy We distort others by forcing them into our own preferred ideas and gestalts, a process Proust beautifully describes:We pack the physical outline of the creature we see with all the ideas we already formed about him, and in the complete picture of him which we compose in our minds, those ideas have certainly the principal place. Tell me about that decision., I checked you out. "I Never Thought It Would Happen to Me" 6. Yet Ive often thought about that crime. She had told me she was thirty-five, a lab technician; that she had been in therapy for ten years with a psychiatrist who had just relocated to another city; that she was desperately alone; and that sooner or later, it was just a matter of time, she would kill herself. love's executioner two smiles summary - One is the belief in personal specialness; the other, the belief in an ultimate rescuer. One of the members asked him to share some more about feeling like a dirty old man. As he was flipping through a copy of Psychology Today in a dentists office, he was intrigued by an article suggesting that one attempt to construct a final, meaningful conversation with each of the important vanished people in ones life. Thus her descent from two hundred fifty pounds set her spinning backward in time through the emotionally charged events of her life: leaving Texas for New York (210 pounds), her college graduation (190 pounds), her decision to drop the pre-med curriculum (and to give up the dream of discovering the cure for the cancer that killed her father) (180 pounds), her loneliness at her high school graduationher envy of other daughters and fathers, her inability to get a date for the senior prom (170 pounds), her junior high graduation and how much she missed her father at that graduation (155 pounds). There was no doubt my comment struck home. Confiding to me that she and I had some of the same problems proved you had some respect for me., I was about to protest, to insist I have always had respect for her, but she intercepted me. Since I had them for only a few sessions, I had become adept at helping patients quickly formulate an appropriate and realistic agenda for their therapeutic goals and concentrate on fulfilling it efficiently. Moreover, eight years of Thelmas taped phone messages had to be getting to him, and I was confident that he, too, longed for release. No one could have guessed that she felt her life was over; that she was desperately lonely; that she wept every night; that in the seven years since her husband died, she had not once had a relationship, even a personal conversation, with a man. How many times have I yearned for the luxury of a carefree Wednesday afternoon walk through San Francisco? He still experienced fear as he recited it, and shook his head as though he were trying to get the dreams bad taste out of his mouth. There was a veiled but unmistakable rebuke in these words. This was the time I had been waiting for. Subscribe. Youre holding on to her, trying to keep her in this life when you know she belongs elsewhere. I like to donate books, not ever throw them away, but this one here.pfffffft. But all I can see, far away on the horizon, is my mothers face. During this discussion I recalled one of the first patients I had been assigned during my residencya red- faced, sandy-haired, psychotic farmer who insisted that he had started the Third World War. I keep looking for him when I walk down the street. Share to Twitter . I contained it better than he, and had long since learned to prevent it from dominating my life. After his fathers exile, it fell upon Marvin, the youngest son, to become his mothers constant companion: it was his job to escort her to all her social functions. Thats what I call crazythey should see a psychiatrist.. Penny remembered her childhood in Atlanta, Georgia, as relentlessly bleak and impoverished. All of this followed our session with Matthew. Now, some of my associates are killing themselves piling up enough money so they can live on their interests interest. The hardest part for me in our work together is the frustration I have at the amount of distance you put between us. Nonetheless, I can still see far into the distance. Why take everything so . Dave had responded well to this approach and made impressive attempts to share with his wife more of his life and internal experience. Indeed, he seemed so distant that I decided the first thing I had to do was tend to our relationship. Maybe I need a real expert. Another year? Inspiration came quickly in Bali. (parental loss) I couldnt help smiling: I was pleased that I and Me shared some secrets. Your call would drop my chances to zero, or less.. Although Elva responded to the purse snatching in ways that seemed irrational (for example, proclaiming that she wasnt fit to live on earth, being afraid to leave her house), it was clear that she was really suffering from the stripping away of irrationality. He said the words, but no feelings came with them. I dont think Ive ever said a crueler thing, but to make myself heard, I had to speak in words so strong and so stark that they could be neither twisted nor forgotten. . But I want you to be sure to take care of yourself. Elated at being close to a solution, the author hurries to the other museum only to discover that the competing parrot has the identical stamp on its perch. After Chrissies death, Penny was still unavailable to her sons: the rage she felt toward them, much of it only because they were alive instead of Chrissie, created a silence between them. She uttered all these things in a gay chatty tone, as though she were talking about someone else, or as though she and I were college sophomores swapping stories in a dorm some rainy Sunday afternoon. Thats goddamn good, isnt it to forget it, to be free of it, to be able to live a normal life for a while?. Actually, that was helpful. It occurred to me that I was performing a thankless task. Do you mean extramarital affairs?, My question shocked Marvin. He had no sense of familiarity with the dream and related to it as though it were some alien text. They might, if discovered, provide me some cover. Was I to be satisfied with offering sheer presence and support? These discussions released a flood of painful memories about a lifetime of rejection by males. So Sarahs account of Carlos in the group, shocking as it was, did not astonish me. But they didnt help. You saw his callousness. What do you mean Did I ever tell you? You know damn well you didnt tell me! But, having available only the rest of this session and the next, I had to ignore the way she made this revelation, and deal with the news itself. If Im not going to get what I want and need, why should I expose myself to the pain? She told my secretary that she was thirty-eight years old and divorced, that she had lost her daughter four years previously, and that it was urgent for her to be seen immediately. And that was the impasse: for any decision to be made, Saul had to tell Dr. K. what had happenedand that Saul could not bring himself to do. Perhaps, if she confronted this contradiction, she could start grieving again. I could see the look of relief on her face. She had never before talked openly about these issues: perhaps the sheer catharsis helped; perhaps it was useful for her to recognize the magical nature of her thinking; perhaps some of her horrifying thoughts were simply desensitized by talking about them in the daylight in a calm, rational manner. Within minutes Saul relaxed, his breathing slowed, his look of panic disappeared. Though I was chilled by the inhumaneness of my metaphor, I wondered: Might not the same principle hold here? Perhaps I should have. Over the last several months, I had constructed a visionor, rather, several alternative visionsof him: an irresponsible, sociopathic Matthew who exploited his patients; a callous and sexually confused Matthew who acted out his personal conflicts (with women in general or mother in particular); an errant, grandiose young therapist who mistook the love desired for the love required. When Im this depressed, eating is the only thing that keeps me going..