Willard is derived from the Old German willo (will, desire), combined with hart (hard, firm, brave). I know women with the surname of Erikson or Ericsson. Herein lies our family witch story. You are Poldi Breschfeld, a simple You live with your brother on your small farm which you inherited from your parents. In the horror movie The Conjuring, Bathsheba Sherman is an evil witch who torments the family who lived in her home. I can decipher it. Burroughs is a famous witch surname associated with George Burroughs the only religious leader executed for witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. A perfect surname for a future mage. I have only witnessed her being able to use her abilities when angered,not just angry Im talking blood boiling mad. In this list, I am including witches from the Scandinavian and Northern European countries. . Other famous last names for witches were born by victims of the Salem witch trials, like Proctor, Good, and Corey. Eastey originates from Kent at Eastry a parish and ancient Saxon village dating back to the 9th-century. Perhaps you will embrace the magic inside you, too. A sad name for witches everywhere. Peace and please always use your abilities to manifest positive energy never negative. Thanks, Polish Witchcraft - Black Witch Coven The name also has a dark side, associated with Maria Renata Singer a Bavarian nun accused of witchcraft after possessing several nuns in her convent. Its derived from the Old English niht (night) combined with galan (to sing). Gather as many of these last names as you can, then compare against the witch bloodline names listed here! Currently, the Bennett bloodline is the only known remaining bloodline of the coven, though it is known that descendants of the other witches in the coven still exist. In this database, well scratch the surface of other American witch surnames from elsewhere in the United States. The men practicing magic were called "sei-menn", while women were known as "vsendakona". In doing my genealogy all of them above with the exception of Caldwell were changed more than once. West German Shepherds are a popular working line choice, they also make great family pets if their owners invest enough time in them. The Icelandic word to describe witchcraft is "Seiur". According to The Scotsman, about 3,000 to 5,000 people in Scotland were publicly accused of witchcraft in 16th and 17th centuries, spurred on by the Scottish Witchcraft Act of 1563, which made witchcraft a crime punishable by death. John Shearer/Getty Images. I havent read any Putnam names burned at the stake in Salem. I offer a service where I look at your magical ancestors origins including if there are any witches or magical folks in your line. If not, what you'll do is write down your family's last names - your last name (which is typically your father's), your mothe. Henot is an uncommon surname, with most bearers living in Belgium and France. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Many Pendle witches were healers who used herbal remedies and charms to help others. But avoided embracing the ME me because I was trying to be a good Catholic. A word to the wise dont mess with someone with the surname Monvoisin! 50 German Baby Names: Meanings & Origins - Verywell Family She was found guilty and burned at the stake in Edinburgh, England. Her daughter was also charged, jailed and but she was found guilty. Perhaps it is the way they carry out their incantions or maybe just not enough people really know about them.My mothers family comes from decendants of the craft way back.My great, great grandfather was tasked to bring down the witches that would steal the cinnamon tree branches, so the ability to stop or allow the passage through the Cinnamon tree orchards was very important to the town as this was one of the major money makers for the town and the people that lived there.I know it might sound a little bit odd but the value of cinnamon back in those days is equivalent to the Vanilla Bean today.Witches were drawn to the tree groves and still to this day most witches utilize cinnamon for their incantations. Check out the names of the German and Swiss witch bloodlines below. Davidson Name Meaning & Davidson Family History at Ancestry.com Beliefs, techniques and practices are handed down from one generation to the next. Campbell.. porter.boyman. A famous bearer was Isobel Gowdie a Scottish woman accused of witchcraft in 1662. Do you know where your Martin family came from? Lady's Mantle - This herb would disperse storm clouds when thrown into a fire or hung into a window. He escaped from jail and later wrote a detailed recollection of his trials. I think youre confused Mr. Putnam; as Admin states, no accused witches were burned at the stake in Salem. I suggest researching everything you can about that particular witch ancestor. Some witch last names are rarer than others, with Wildblood, Zippel, and Zdunk being some of the strangest. Czarwonica is Czarownica (witch), Multiple traditions just might! Cabot is a classy name associated with the Cabot family, who were part of Bostons elite. Its derived from the Middle English wilde (wild) and blod (blood). Types of Witches, Different Kinds of Witchcraft and Magic - Cosmopolitan Hexerei, of course, is the art of black magic. List of people executed for witchcraft - Wikipedia Check your familial names on the witch bloodline names lists here. His last name is Langford, though. Bred to herd livestock the German shepherd had the drive and temperament to perform any task that the owner needed it to perform. The names associated with Janet Boyman, a witch who conjured spirits to help heal various illnesses. I believe his parents came to America at some point. It is up to you to determine if your ancestor was a witch or not. Until I can translate or find a legible source, here I will provide the other known Scottish witch bloodline names: Perhaps you had a German or Swiss ancestor who was accused and/or executed for witchcraft. But I believe you dont necessarily need outside help ,the answer lies within your ownself to unblocking your chakras look deeper within while concentrating on freeing your mind or opening your third eye or pineal glanddeeper meditation or trance state of being is what will allow you what you seek. While I would LOVE to provide you all with those names, the writing is in cursive and hard to decipher. german witch trials names - Babe-Bolyai University Some were witch doctors and midwives. We ,her and I reside in Florida although we are no longer together I still have contact with her. Hugh was Philippe's eldest child, Gallowglass's father and Fernando Goncalves's mate. Merry meet everyone, I say unfortunately because as cool as it is to find out why I am connected, it is sorrowful as well. They claimed Martha led an army of 300 witches and used her occult powers to curse her enemies. Nurse was originally an occupational surname. She and her brother, Hartger Henot, conflicted with Count Leonhard II von Taxis, who wanted to create a central post office. I have traced myself back all the way to not only Samuel Wardwell but also to William Griggs. Mills is derived from the Middle English mille. It was originally given to someone who worked or lived near a mill. Faulkner was originally an occupational name for falcon keepers. Lovely. Kosenc m Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology An old Croatian name of unknown meaning.. [ more] Kresnik m Slavic Mythology Delvaux is an elegant option among our witch last names, traditionally used as a surname for people from towns called La Vaux in Belgium and France. king Robert De Bruce is my 21st great grandfather. As in most of Western civilization, there has long existed and still exist among the Germanic Dutch people a belief in white and black magic. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. Fowler was initially an occupational name for a birdcatcher, derived from the Old English fugol (bird). Some witch surnames are common, while others are scarce. My mothers side went from Starling to Starlin. We won't send you spam. Parker was originally an occupational surname for someone who looked after a park. They were often documented as a young girl of nine, the prettiest woman in town, the rich woman, the reverend of So even if you dont see your ancestral names in the witch bloodline names, still doesnt mean you arent descended from witches. Guilladot is an unusual French name with few modern bearers. Her husband was a part of the Goud family, who had a feud with the Putmans some of the primary accusers during the Salem trials. Masuk. Bishop is derived from the Greek episkopos (overseer). Do you have a link or picture for your cursive literate readers? He was one of the last people executed during the Lyon witch trials in France. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified health provider. Privacy Statement Yet others believe a witch can be born while others believe there is a hereditary element but that it is passed down through the reincarnations of the witch rather . To German witcheshexenthe Harz highlands of northern Germany is home, a mountain range steeped in pagan lore. Curtens is an Anglicized form of the Gaelic surname Mac Cruitn (son of Cruitin). This surname is well-known in the witch community, associated with Janet Farrar a famous advocate of Wicca, neopaganism, and witchcraft throughout the U.S. and Europe. Im coming into more of my comfort zone using crystals, healing rocks, moon energy, ect , I just wish there was someone near my area to help me grasp my full potential.. So that said if your reside here also I could offer you an avenue for help. Merlin - legendary wizard of lore and literature. These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki 'Gods' - Stillness in the Now that Im growing up, Im getting ready to move to Scotland. In the Good Witch TV series, Cassie Nightingale is an enchantress who uses her power of magical touch to help others around her. Bien was originally an occupational name for a beekeeper or a nickname for a hardworking person (whose as busy as a bee.) For witches, the name has a dark past, associated with Merga Bien a German woman killed by fire after she was convicted of witchcraft at the Fulda witch trials. It is up to you to decide if your ancestors were witches by your definition or not. Doing ancestral research last year, I discovered that I am descended from a real witch. Crowley is among the most famous witch surnames associated with English occultist Aleister Crowley. Often Wikipedia pages with information on the Witch Trials have taken their information from books and other resources. My family was from Scotland mainly but I do have German and English as well. Then to his daughter Sarah and so on. Sherman was initially an occupational surname meaning shear man for a person who cut cloth. She is said to have foretold many events, such as the Great Plague of London, the execution of Mary Queen of Scots, and the internet. I am related to Bruce as well. I am the 11th great granddaughter of John Proctor. Cunningham is a powerful witch surname for a modern sorcerer. If your surname is Rasputin, you may have ancient magic in your bloodline. Jason Daley She later embraces her magical powers, becoming one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. During the Salem witch trials, Abigail Faulkner was accused of being a witch. Zdunk is an unusual Polish surname with few known bearers. Dorcas Hoar was a widow accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials. I come from a long line of witches. And obviously my curiosity with the craft has been on my mind and ive wondered about my family which lead me to this site. Bennetts use their good magic to help the world. Despite Samantha Stephens having strong magical powers, she gives them up for an ordinary mortal life. It shows how almost every single ruler of Germany was related to every other by marriages, and hence they can all be put into a single tree. Im confused. The following image is a family tree of every prince, king, queen, monarch, confederation president and emperor of Germany, from Charlemagne in 800 over Louis the German in 843 through to Wilhelm II in 1918. Hello Lisa, if youre the Blair i think you are, notice the name Weir! I had to break the articles up into pieces Europe is a large continent. She confessed to being a witch who joined the convent to wreak havoc among the other nuns. Next youll want to build your family tree online at ancestry or elsewhere and search for an ancestor to confirm. 10 Infamous Witch-Hunters From History - Listverse Juliet Diaz's Plant Witchery is perfect for aspiring plant witches, green witches, and hedge witches. Its also the masculine form of the Greek Cora the maiden name for Persephone, the goddess of spring, destruction, and the dead. Nurse >>>> > Marlin > Vargas . She and her sister, Brita Zippel, are considered the most famous witches in Swedish history. Laveau is an elegant surname for a well-respected witch. In 1840 there were 194 Davidson families living in Ohio. The names witchy association comes from Walpurga Hausmannin a German midwife executed for witchcraft and vampirism. Her 1959 supernatural horror, The Haunting of Hill House, is considered one of the best ghost stories ever written. If not, what you'll do is write down your family's last names - your last name (which is typically your father's), your mothe. Kiefer Sutherland has a super-long name. This is SO interesting to me! Ivm from the Nederlands and i know the name s are frome my moms site of the famly..i learnd to heale white plants and ather thinks from my grandmother quite often..sow now i know its in my dna.cool to know. Leslie.moon78@yahoo.com, My grandmother was a Porter(maiden) . German Witchcraft | Article about German Witchcraft by The Free Dictionary Its ultimately derived from the Irish word dubh (dark, black). During the Salem witch trials, Susannah Martin was accused of witchcraft, despite being a devoted Christian who could recite lines from the Bible (which witches supposedly couldnt do). The thing is if you go back far enough in time, everyone had pagan ancestors, some of whom were priests and priestesses. If so, finding your witch ancestors will be easy. If your last name is Willard, bravery and justice may be a part of your DNA. Ann Glover was Irish and Catholic, which set her apart from her Puritan neighbors and led to her conviction. But I dont see our family name Blair. But an approximately 350-year-old manuscript published online for the first time can reveal another fascinating detail about one's family history: whether any ancestors were accused of practicingwitchcraft. The origins of Tituba are uncertain, possibly derived from a Yoruba word meaning to atone or the Spanish titubear (to stammer). I think her step mother wanted to get rid of her. Just in time for Witch's Night (Halloween that is, not Walpurgisnacht),Londons Wellcome Library, which specializes in medical text and history, has digitizedManuscript 3658, Names of Witches in Scotland, 1658. My name isnt Bernauer, but my family has always lived in a village rather close to Bernau. A suitable surname for a witch with Spanish ancestry. I never was a believer nor disbeliever of this matter when we came together,I assure you and any others who may question the truth of this subject that i now am neither a believer or no believer , I now am a knower of this truth ,fact , existence reality . A Cunningham witch could have a way with magic (and with words). She was accused at Salem along with her sister, Mary Bridges. Id love to connect. Her last name was Ferguson from Scotland and I understood that she came from a line of witches, but I am not certain as the family do not want to talk about it do you know. Glover was initially an occupational surname for a glove maker, derived from the Middle English glovere (glove). Those in the Budrioli bloodline could inherit Gentiles magical healing touch. Her three husbands perished under suspicious circumstances, leading people to suspect her of using poison and sorcery against them. Because you know if you back up everything is one. Evil Witch Names Bellatrix It's difficult to compile a list of evil witches without adding the name Bellatrix. German Shepherd Bloodlines and Breeding: Expert Advice and Tips Abigail was a powerful woman controlling her husbands estate, which garnered resentment and led to the accusation. I have Walden, Andrews, Barker, Black, my aunts ex husband has Bradbury, one of my grandmas ex husband has Burroughs , my exs dad was married to a woman with the maiden name of Foster, my grandmas ex husband has Howe, and a Hutchins is married to a cousin, I have Hutchinson, and Jacobs, I have Martin, and a Parker married a cousin, and my fiancee has Jacobs, Rebecca Nurse is in my tree her son Benjamin had a daughter named Elizabeth she married Theophilus Phillips II she was his second wife I am not related to her but I am related to him, and I once dated a guy with the last name of Redd, I have Willard. She was one of the main characters in William Ainsworths gothic novel, The Lancashire Witches. Later, she established the Witches League for Public Awareness to show the benefits of witchcraft and remove negative stereotypes. A famous namesake was Gerald Gardner an influential magician and founder of the modern Wiccan religion. I also have Porter in my lines and a few others. Repond is a famous option among our witch surnames, associated with Catherine Repond one of the last women executed for witchcraft in Switzerland. If this generates enough interest, I will also write an article on witch ancestors from all over the world. Soon after, mass hysteria broke out among the Puritan population of New England. Can anyone tell me if I am from a witch bloodline? They provide insight into the life and beliefs of individuals who chose them, as well as a unique viewpoint on the history of witchcraft. Powers used to heal in the art of Braucherei are derived . Sanders is a famous witch last name, born by Alex Sanders an English occultist and High Priest in the modern Pagan religion of Wicca. Corey has many associations with witchcraft, sorcery, and death. Unfortunately, I have been dabbling in my lineage because I have always felt ties to the city of Salem and its history. It is possible that some of these people were witches at the most basic level because some were considered wise men or women who used herbs to heal and divination to help find lost objects, etc. A good way for gamers to come up with new clan names is to use a random name g. National</NOBR> Security Agency (NSA). Family members admitted they attended a meeting of 100 witches in Salem Village led by the devil. blessings, I did a bit of looking awhile back through my Italian side i believe i traced some of my family to Naples Italy. This is not the sort of platform I would have ever communicate on but when needs must !! Penczak is a mysterious choice among our witch last names, with little information on its origins. Alden is derived from the Old English given name Ealdawine from eald (old) and wine (friend). I have a niece who also seems to have the genes. And I truly believe our ancestors made due with what they had, so we should make due with [], [] you havent seen the first post in the Ancestral Witchcraft series, click here. East German vs. West German Shepherd Bloodlines. Le Fay is derived from the Middle English faie (fairy), ultimately from the Latin fata (the Fates). Junius, Johannes: of Bamberg, executed as a witch, on 6 August, 1628 Jung, (first name unknown): beheaded at Wurzburg, Germany, 1628-1629. Heir, Maximilian I, and one man was pressed witch cake is n't as appetising as it.. Laveau hails from Brittany, France, and was initially used for a family who resided in a valley. Learning about these witch last names will tell you whether or not you have witches in your bloodline. The most Davidson families were found in USA in 1880. Hunting for Witches in the Family Tree - thoughtco.com In this post, we keep brand new database regarding labels which have accused witches various other regions of the us, England, and you can Ireland. Today, the story of one of the state's most famous hauntings lives on through the work of Bell Witch historian and author Pat Fitzhugh. Halliwell is a charming option among our witch last names, derived from the Old English halig (holy) combined with well (well, spring). Flanagan is a spooky option among our witch last names, found in Ireland and several other English-speaking countries. Its also an English habitational name for people from places called Earley throughout England. Ive already planned everything, it remains for me to settle down to do my research. Between 1610 and 1840, it is estimated that over 26,000 accused witches were burned at the stake in Germany. But for the moment, I did not even try to find out if my name was related to a line of witches or not. Learning that I am descended directly from a witch who lived is inspiring. Earlys witch association comes from Biddy Early a talented Irish herbalist who healed people and animals. ALSO, I did not include the maiden names of the married women. A perfect surname for someone interested in all things dark, spooky, and strange. Toothaker is derived from the German Todtenacker a word for a burying ground or Churchyard. Leckrone, from grandma on dads side witch married a Darrow, Bangham from my great grandma from my moms side that married a Fultz? Do you have a family tree you can access? How ordinary people, outside the mainstream of science and medicine, tried to bring order and control to the world around them. The cinnamon being worth a lot makes sense to me! Robert De Bruce is my 21st great grandfather. This surname radiates power and authority. Does anyone recognize these as been associated with witches.? The first post includes witch bloodline names from Scotland, Salem MA, Germany, Switzerland, []. The names below are taken from Connecticut, Maryland, and New York witch trial documentation. Ive always been told since I was a little girl that my relative was burnt at the stake in Salem but then I read no one was burnt. Writing Jezda into the final installment of my Poland-inspired YA trilogy, Castle on the River Vistula, I decided to keep her fearsome, exulting in the delicious power of being monstrous. [] store-bought, etc. A great surname for comic book fans. Palles is derived from the ancient Latin personal name Paulus (small). She was accused by Francis Sandsbury, an indentured servant who worked on her and her husbands land. I know a woman whom is very educated in this topic,whom like yourself is a true by bloodline witch of Norwegian desent. If your surname is Morgan, you could have tremendous power over the sea. My father was the same. A witchy bearer was Helena Curtens a 14-year-old girl accused of witchcraft after seeing a ghostly apparition on a trip to Kevelaer, Germany. Dyer was first used in medieval times for people in the trade of dying cloth. They were often documented as "a young girl of nine", "the prettiest woman in town . She was the only member of the nobility executed for sorcery in Denmark. You have nothing on eastern European witches (as you all call them)? American Witch Bloodline Names (Apart from Salem) - Agrocentro Witchipedia: Ireland's most famous witches - The Irish Times Clearly was a confident witch. Be aware that there were thousands of German witches executed during the Medieval and Early Modern Era whose names were never recorded. Any help I can get on thoes names would be amazing. A future witch named Duncan may remove the names wicked reputation. Witch Bloodline Names from . If youre serious, you might want to check out the married Salem witches maiden names too! Hibbins is a badass surname derived from the ancient Germanic hild (battle) combined with brand (sword). Sometimes completely, usually just dropped or added a letter or two to make them more easily pronouncible. Wildes is a free-spirited option among our last names for witches, initially a nickname for someone wild or carefree. Birgitta is a mythical choice among our witch last names, associated with Lasses Birgitta an alleged Swedish witch during the 1500s who entered a church courtyard to awaken the dead. If you have any information about the bell witch will you please email me, hi do you live in TN, I live in TN and there is so so much information available. C) The original created Eves the first hybrid woman, was the mother of all black-skinned peoples of Africa. Natural, Cute Birgitta Birgitta is a mythical choice among our witch last names, associated with Lasses Birgitta - an alleged Swedish witch during the 1500s who entered a church courtyard to awaken the dead. Read on to discover 100 powerful last names for witches ripped straight from the history books. Her name means "witch, evil woman, fury", all things I value! Several Device family members were a part of the famous Pendle witch trials. About 65 percent of the accused were over the age of 40. I was always cudioys if the persecuted witches descendants had powers and abilities. Literally anyone can make up a poem using Blue Ivy's name to "prove" her Illuminati status. The German Witch Trials | The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early That said to get to that state of being is up to you to find, it could be one simple thing to achieve it or a combine of things. This list seems to me that the real witches may not be named.. She is one of my ancestors from Salem, along with Phobe Dane, Abigail Faulkner, Deliverance Dane, Mary Clement Osgood, Samuel Wardell, Elizabeth Sacherell Kendall, Lydia Ballet, and Mary Greene. I have not been able to prove this without a shadow of a doubt. There are now massive online archives that makeit easier than ever to hunt down obscure ancestors, not to mention mail-in DNA tests that can reachback centuries. Device is an excellent surname for a good witch with healing powers. If you have Italian or Mediterranean surnames in your family, check this list: So you found one of your familial names on the witch bloodline names listnow what? Gerald FitzGerald, the 8th Earl of Kildare, was a rumored shapeshifter and sorcerer of the dark arts. Some witch bearers were Joan, Margaret, and Philippa Flower, also known as the Witches of Belvoir. If your surname is Osborne, you may have magic in your bloodline. From the fifteenth to the eighteenth the centuries, many Europeans developed a heightened concern with the phenomenon of witchcraft, seeing a new sect hostile to humanity. Thank you. Young is a sprightly name for a young witch with her whole life ahead of her. Nice to meet you here. Illuminati Bloodline NamesClair) 12 Warburg (del Banco) 13 Windsor I am an Ayres, my last name has been changed repeatedly between Ayres and Ayers over the years. Chelsea Nelthropp previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. Witches are famous for living in cottages in the woods, making Foster suitable for a forest-dwelling witch. They were accused of witchcraft by city authorities and were later acquitted. However, the tides later turned when Roger was accused of witchcraft during the Salem witch trials, eventually dying in jail. Stephens is derived from the given name Stephen a Greek name from stephanos (crown, wreath). Flanagan is suitable for an evil witch who delves into dark magic. Susannah Goody North married George Martin, they are my so many times great grandparents. My grandfathers people were from Argyllshire, and I have the last name Dunlop in my ancestral line. Please can you help , Im interested in unlocking my inner self . Bennett Coven | The Vampire Diaries Wiki | Fandom There it was explained to me that this ability was in your bloodline very specific wording about bloodline.